Sunday 23 April 2017

Mercury's Retrograde and More Chaos

Chaos reigns with a retrograding Mercury, this cursed period of approximately three weeks that happens about three times each year, and is happening now. It is when Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky. Of course planets doesn't really move backwards, it is just when the Earth overtakes the speed of the planet, much like when you overtake a slower car the car appears to move "backwards" relative to your position within your car. However Astrology happens relative to the Earth, and so when Mercury goes retrograde chaos reigns. Mercury is the messenger planet, the Greek messenger god, so things to do with communications such as computers and the internet often malfunctions, and indeed almost everything else goes pear shaped as everything is to do with communication on one level or another. And so I had been having internet connectivity problems for the past two days. And since my chart shows a retrograding Mercury conjunct with the Sun in my sign, this is always a more difficult time for me.

With this in mind, here is this week's card readings........

My cards for another horror week of Mercury's retrograde....

-9 of Wands - Protection - Trying to quell nervousness and anxiety by creating safe and protected location. Shutting out the world, strictly controlling environment, and relying on set routines to avoid the unknown. Feeling threatened and attempting to protect one's self by all possible means.

-5 of Swords - Regret - Wishing things had turned out differently. Regretting the losses. Trying to learn as much as possible from the experiences. Fighting hard battle against ferocious adversary with losses on both sides.

-2 - Inner Trust - Trusting in one's self, to trust in one's intuition. Don't hold back out of fear. One does instinctively know what one is doing even if one is unsure consciously of the situation. Basically we just need to trust our instincts and go for it.

Summary - A very Mercury retrograde kind of draw!!!! The 9 of Wands is very Virgoan, it is what we Virgos do!!! And indeed even more so during Mercury's retrograde. For example I never do anything new nor go anywhere new for the first time during Mercury's retrograde cos past experiences shows this always ends up in catastrophic heartbreak. The next card is the story of my life, full of regrets!! Many things in the past I have tried during a Mercury's retrograde only to end in catastrophes, so learning not to repeat the same mistakes. I have fought many battles, I may have won some but always with heavy prices to pay, heavy losses.

The Oracle seem to suggest that we should rely on our inner instincts rather than trying to analyse the situations. We do often hold back out of fear, especially during Mercury's retrograde. I think the universe is trying to say, just go for it if it feels right regardless of external circumstances, such as, Mercury's retrograde.


Last week I was at Glory Camp, hence the lack of a blog last weekend. This was a very interesting time. I went as a day visitor mostly to save my pennies for my Peru trip, it works out cheaper to attend camp as a day visitor even allowing for the petrol used each day for the 50 minutes drive to Serpentine and back again. And I far more value my comfy little bed in my warm abode over being cramped in 8-bed dorms (4 double bunkers) with not much room to move nor keep our luggage. And getting my own meals also worked out cheaper, I never need three meals per day, I simply bought one main meal per day from the local delis or fast food joints plus a snack. However it did make for a full day. The program begins at 9:30 so I needed to be on the road by 8:30AM, and the day finishes usually around 10PM which gets me back home by 11PM, so not much time for anything else but go to bed and get ready for the next day.

Each day did include free time, so I used the time to go bush walking in the area and do my energy works. Serpentine is an energy vortex spot, the land of the Serpents. There are ley lines that passes through Serpentine. So aside from my times at Glory Camp where I danced and flowed with energies, I also did energy works within the forests of Serpentine. It was a very intense time in more ways than one. One of the ley lines the passes through Serpentine also passes through Peru, so there is a connection there. Peru is among the most intense of energy vortexes on this planet, the place of much ET activities.

This weekend is a 4-day weekend for me. With ANZAC Day being on Tuesday I booked myself the day off work tomorrow thus making it a 4-day weekend. This will be the last of my days off until my Peru trip intended for October. I need to conserve vacation time to enable me enough time for going to Peru which will have to be limited to two weeks. Travel time to and from Peru will be two days each, part of life being in the most isolated city on Earth, it takes a long time to get to most other places on Earth such as Europe or the Americas. Then I need recovery time from jetlag. So I have only three weeks vacation time available to me, so have to fit in the many things I want to do within just two weeks in Peru.

Next thing is my very expensive visit to the Heart Specialist in two weeks from now. First for the stress test where they basically hook you up to a treadmill and observe the stress factors on the heart as they step up the speed of the treadmill. Given that I walk nearly every day it be interesting what they come up with. On work days I walk about 90 minutes each day, 30 minutes from the train station to work in the morning, and a full hours walk all the way home from work. Then on weekends I walk up to two to three hours, up to around 20kms. I think the biggest stress will be the fees from the stress test!! I'll get some of it back on Medicare but it will still be expensive and a challenge to my Peru savings plan. Then two days later the followup appointment to the Heart Specialist where I guess they will discuss the results of the stress test. As part of the appointment, I will need to take a blood test about a week beforehand, so will do that tomorrow being my day off.

Meanwhile to get through this chaotic week with Mercury's retrograde happening and also a New Moon this Wednesday. New Moons are chaotic for me cos I am a New Moon baby, I was born during the New Moon. I was born during a Mercury's retrograde and a New Moon, so even more chaos this week.

More of my quirky sense of humor to get us through the week.......

Back in ancient historical times when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth..... well just a little bit after that anyway........

Meanwhile in Australia......

Back in my childhood days......

That be me...... hehe......

;) hehe

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