Friday 8 April 2016

The Curse of Chiron Strikes Again

I finally found a way around the problem of not being able to load my blog, cos Google does not believe in the saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it", they saw fit to make changes to the blogger site which meant I could no longer access my blogs. However I finally found a "back door" way to my blogs, so I can now access them again albeit in a more convoluted manner!!!!


One of the principles of Astrology holds that for the most part, the further out from the Sun a planet is located, the more powerful its energies are, or greater is the influence of that planet. A reason that is given for this phenomenon is that the planet moves more slowly through the Zodiac so spends longer in each star sign, so gives more energy in each sign. Chiron is further out from the Sun than Jupiter, so while Jupiter spends only a year in each star sign, Chiron spends several years. In fact while Jupiter entered Virgo back in August 2015 and remains in Virgo only until August 2016, Chiron first entered Pisces in 2010 the year of Mother's death, and is destined to remain in Pisces my Ascendant sign until 2019.

Why I am saying this? Because my football tipping last week went utterly pear shaped!!!! I had only 5 correct picks in the Union competition, and only a pitiful 3 picks in our office competition. In the Union comp we don't win prize money unless we pick all 9 with the closest points margin for the first match, and well that will never happen with me. The top four wins prize money in the office comp, but with a pitiful 3 picks last week, this will now never happen. And so the curse of Chiron prevails despite the presence of Jupiter. It is also why 2016 is set to be a year of heartbreak, so while I am embarking on great adventures in 2016, it will also be marked by heartbreak with Chiron moving ever so slowly through my Ascendant sign.

So now to see if I do any better this week in the Chiron-inspired catastrophic disaster area that is the football tipping competitions.......

Tonight I am getting ready for the campout down in the remote forests of Jarrahdale. I am participating in the Tribal Fire Ceremony, which basically celebrates the unity between the feminine and the masculine. We basically dance around the fire, the men doing some roles, and the women different roles, and then coming together as one. And this ceremony takes place this weekend as with the Aries New Moon last night this marks the start of the new Astrological year. There is a reason why the Astrological columns in the newspaper begins with Aries, it is the start of the Astrological year. So we participate in this ceremony. More info in the link below......


So I am basically on my way to Jarrahdale by noon tomorrow, the ceremony takes place after sunset, and then camping for the night, me trying out my new tent for the first time, and back home in civilization on Sunday. The ceremony and camping is on a remote farm among the forests a few miles up some dirt roads from Jarrahdale. There will probably be no cell phone signals out in this remote location, so won't know of my football tipping fate until I move back into range and civilisation sometimes on Sunday.

And this is just one more calendar month before I leave for America. I fly out the evening of May 10. More on this later.

Much more happening meanwhile, including more Ecstatic Dancing, will share more next time..... but busy times in this final month prior to my America trip......

Just some more of my weird sense of humor........

When I am at work wondering why time moves slower at work than when at home.......

Where I want to be buried.... hehe......

My football tipping luck.... or lack thereof...... !!!!

Now something deep to think about..... believe it or not I DO actually think about this......  hmmmmm........

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