Monday 18 April 2016

Eight Ain't Bad

Sheeze the Jupiter effect is really kicking in at this time, well at least for the last couple of rounds anyway after a dismal Chiron-inspired 3. Since then, with 9 then 8 this week in my office comp, I raced up the chart to now in 4th spot which I think is prize money territory. Of course the trick is to try stay there, me being a Virgo I don't rest on my laurels, and there is still a long way to go. But I suppose as long as I continue to go by my instincts and not get too caught up with rankings, and to stick to my rule of never picking the Maggies, then I should be pretty well ok, at least better than the last few years!!!

In the other comp with the Union, well still got a reasonable 5 correct but then I did take the extremely foolish decision of picking the Maggies cos I thought by some extreme optimism that they had at least half a chance to beat the Demons, I mean if they were going to win a reasonable number of matches then one of them would be against the Demons..... but ohhhhhhh...... not to be..... its gonna be even worse than I thought....... well at least we're keeping them Bombers company, being together at the bottom on 15th and 16th spot with a win each!!!!!!

Of course having to swallow my pride and pick the Weevils...... oh the sacrifices one must make just to get good scores in the tipping comps...... *sigh*......

So what will next week bring.... uhhhh ANZAC day, that means the Maggies and the Bombers.... and indeed they do...... we get to meet for the race to the bottom..... hmmmmm....... yeah difficult choice here..... would like to think the Maggies would be able to at least win that one..... but..... I am not sure..... probably about time the Bombers had a win afterall the Maggies had always won these matches for the last few years...... yeah shall I trust the universe to bring a balance and have the Bombers to win for a change...... the universe does bring a balance eventually....... hmmmmm....... well pick the Bombers in one comp and the Maggies in the other comp.....

So ends another round of the black and white catastrophe that is football.........

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