Monday 28 March 2016

The Jupiter Effect

Back from an Easter weekend camp down at Jarrahdale it seems I finally may have broken the curse of Chiron with the help of Jupiter in my Sun sign. A very good start in my football tipping competition, with 7 correct picks for one competition, and a massive 8 correct tips for the other!!! Considering that one usually doesn't have many correct tips during the first round of the season due to the changes in the teams since last year, changes in forms, etc, this seems to be an excellent result on both counts. I did correctly pick against the Maggies cos I KNEW they would lose, my only surprise was that they lost by a lot more than expected. I thought they'd put up a better fight than they did!!! May have to review my slightly more optimistic prediction for the Maggies in 2016, that they MAY make the Finals. At this rate they'd be lucky to get out of the BOTTOM FOUR let alone the bloody finals!!!! True enough one can't read too much into the first round nevertheless all but the most optimistic (or deluded) Maggies fans will have to conceded that things are not looking good at all for 2016.

So 2016 may be a year of contrast on other counts. As I said before, 2016 will be a year of exciting high adventures with TWO overseas trips, to America and England, but also a year of heartbreak as it becomes clear I will be alone for the rest of my life. Well it seems perhaps a contrast in the football season, that is, while I may actually do better in the tipping comps, it will be a diabolical year for the Maggies. Of course considering this is just Round 1, I will not rest on my laurels, I will need to keep up with my improvements each week, but it becomes easier as we get a better idea of team forms for 2016, and having this good base of 7 and 8 correct tips for Round One will prove to be beneficial. I think my rule will be, never pick the Maggies unless they play Essendon and even then it will not necessarily be an automatic choice!!!!!

Anyway I spent an awesome Easter weekend at Glory Camp, the church camp hosted by the one and only church I still attend. It was down at Jarrahdale in lovely bush settings. I did have an awesome time, nevertheless, I am starting to be getting too old or Virgo-set in my ways for certain things, such as, sharing a small room with 7 other souls in four double-bunk beds so closely packed together that I could easily WALK (not jumping) from one bunk bed to another!!!! I ended up on the top bunk cos the four bottom bunks were already taken by the time I arrived at the camp. Also the meal choices, there was a grand total of ONE menu choice each meal, and it always involved meat which is contrary to my vegetarian ways. I think next year, if I do indeed attend, such as, if I am not overseas nor booked for another event, then I will take the Day Option, that is, attend the sessions at the campsite but either travel from home each day which is an hours drive each way, or just stay elsewhere which is possibly a more economical option. Those who take the Day Option also does not participate in the meals, they are left to fend for themselves for meals. That would suit me cos it means I can stick to my vegetarian regime.

The Glory Camp was indeed my first adventure for 2016. My next adventure in two weeks from now will also be in the Jarrahdale area, this being the Tribal Fire Ceremony which involves an overnight camp-out. This time we bring our own tents, and I have now a 3-man tent which means I will have plenty of room in my tent and most importantly for this Virgo - privacy!!!!!

And now another event that this very brave Virgo soul have booked myself for is the DNA Lightbody Activation Ceremony a couple of weeks later on April 23. There is no overnight camp-out for this one, it is located in the northern suburbs not far from my place. But without going into details at this stage, this is connected with my past lives on the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. And basically, according to conventional science, much of our DNA is regarded as "junk" DNA cos it is not currently being utilized in our current body. However, we spiritual people contend that these DNA were from our past lives when we were a lot more enlightened and also much more healthy, such as, those of us on Atlantis and Lemuria. So this ceremony is designed to re-activate these DNA. More information is in this link.....

DNA Lightbody Activation Ceremony

So a lot happening during April in the lead up to my America trip in May/June......

I am also continuing with my Ecstatic Dancing sessions, now involved with two groups - Dancing Dhevas two Saturday evenings per month (when I am not involved with something else, such as, Tribal Fire), and the Freobeats sessions on each Thursday evenings which usually does not clash with any other events!!!! So either way I have at least one Ecstatic Dancing session each week.

Now back to work for this short working week........

More of my dating experiences.......

Mother would always tell me, There is always someone worse of than myself.... but she never told me in regards to dating, There is always someone better than me within my potential date choices of dates.......

Paying taxes in Australia.....

The public hospital system in Australia....

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