Sunday 17 April 2016

More Ecstatic Dancing

My love for Ecstatic Dancing grows since my introduction to this art during my New Zealand trip, and so I decided to try a new group that has sessions on Wednesday evenings, knowing that each group is different with different emphasis.

So last Wednesday I headed up into the hills where this latest dance group is located, again into the great unknown, not knowing anyone else in the group, however my fear of attending events alone seems to be disappearing, having conquered this several times now, especially with the Tribal Fire Ceremony last weekend.

This particular group turned out to be far more cosy and intimate. The dance space located at the back of a store owned by the group was small, no bigger than the size of my living room, and there was just four of us - me and three ladies including the dance facilitator. She seemed surprised but delighted that I turned up, being of the male species, however it seemed not a big deal for me. There are plenty of guys represented at the other two dance groups I have been involved with. The dance session itself was far more meditative, mostly slower dancing, and ended up with a session of meditation. This made for a good variety of change from the other two groups where the dance tends to be very energetic with more upbeat music. I rather enjoyed the session.

After the 90 minutes session the dance facilitator came to chat with me and she seemed rather pleased with my dance style and freedom of expression, but again it seemed not such a big deal for me, it is just a part of who I am. She seemed impressed of my "bravery" to turn up to the session, but again I don't really see any "bravery" in this, I just love ecstatic dancing so much and am already involved with two other groups. She was even more pleased when I said I would return the following week. And she ended up giving me a very Convergence-like hug, those long tight lingering hugs experienced at Convergence in New Zealand. I was rather surprised but very happy considering just 90 minutes prior we didn't know each other from bars of soap.

Anyway this new dance group is called Dance Mandala, and it is held at the back of the shop called "The Joy Sanctuary" which seemed a very appropriate name!!

So now involved with three dance groups for ecstatic dancing, and this week will be very busy with just three weeks before my America trip.

This Wednesday being Dance Mandala.

This Thursday being the FreoBeats ecstatic dance session

This Friday the Dancing Dhevas session, usually held on Saturday evenings twice each month, but in this instance it is being held on Friday. I missed them so much, the last two sessions I was not able to attend due to other commitments - my nephew's wedding, then the Tribal Fire Ceremony event. This Friday's event is called the White Full Moon event. The Full Moon falls this Friday, and well on this occasion we wear white to the event. Full Moons are my favorite time of the month.

Then on Saturday night is the Lemurian DNA Activation Ceremony. I have spent some of my past lives on the mystical continent of Lemuria located in present day Pacific Ocean, and suffered the same fate as Atlantis - it sunk beneath the waves via catastrophic earthquakes. Hawaii is in fact one of the remnants of Lemuria, hence my visit to Hawaii. And My Shasta in California, where I am also visiting, is said to be where many survivors of Lemuria went and are currently located in an underground city under the mountain. Mt Shasta is sacred to the Native Americans, and is where many UFO sightings are made. And we all have DNA which scientists refers to as "junk DNA" because there seemed to be no use for them, indeed they don't even know why such DNA exists in us. But it turned out that such DNA are remnant from our more enlightened past lives, and some of these are from the Lemurian era many thousands of years ago, before what most refers to as the history of civilization. Mainstream science contends that human civilization is only about 5-10 thousand years old, but in fact it is a lot older, and we were a lot more enlightened back then. Anyway, some of these DNA is set to be re-activated in me during this Ceremony next Saturday, and seems good timing for my America trip when I will visit Hawaii and Mt Shasta.

This weekend just past I have been busy, being the 4th weekend before I leave for America. I went to the crystals shop to replenish my supply of crystals and to get more crystals to assist me in my energy works during my America trip. Places such as Hawaii, Sedona and Mt Shasta are energy vortexes, often a hotspot for UFO and ET activity, and other energy events. A part of my calling is to facilitate healing of this planet via these energy hotspots, and so I perform rituals to connect with these energies. Hence the crystals. I also bought a new crystal pendant for my America trip, the pendant I wear around my neck and has a clear quartz crystal with various other items. I bought one prior to the New Zealand trip, and so it came to me that I would get a different pendant prior to each overseas trip, so I will get another one prior to the Glastonbury (England) trip.

I had been wearing my New Zealand pendant up until last week at the Tribal Fire Ceremony where the quartz had spontaneous fallen off. The thread between the crystal and the rest of the items on the pendant, which seemed perfectly fine, just simply snapped off. I don't know how it happened, but I saw it as a sign that it was time to get a new pendant. I was going to wear the pendant during the Ceremony last week, but the incident happened just an hour prior to the Ceremony. And since the Ceremony was held exactly one calendar month before my America trip, I saw it as somehow connected to my trip, especially since elements of the Ceremony seemed very similar to that of Native Americans, with some people even wearing Native American costumes. Hence I was not meant to wear the New Zealand pendant. And so this weekend I needed to get the new pendant for my America trip, and interestingly, the pendant has a wolf on it among the items, very significant as the wolf is my totem creature and very much connected with Native Americans who considered the wolf to be a teacher of wisdom.

Also I was looking for some hiking boots for my Mt Shasta stay. I had booked an all-day hiking tour with Ashalyn up Mt Shasta, visiting the spiritual spots and vortexes in the mountain, and connecting with the Lemurians or perhaps some ETs. And she informed me that there would be SNOW up the mountain even though the tour is to take place in June (their summer). Me who have never experienced snow before in my whole entire life, it seems I will experience snow for the first time in the 52 years of my current life on this planet. There is no snow on Taygeta. So I needed suitable hiking boots. In other words, the normal walking shoes that I use for my walks around warm sunny Perth just will not do!!!!! Ashalyn did tell me that you can hire such boots at the Mt Shasta site, however, me being a fiercely independent Virgo I prefer to be prepared with my own boots!!!!

So this weekend I headed to a couple of department stores to try source such boots. However being in the part of the country that never experiences snow nor other intense climatic conditions, you just not going to find such boots in just any department stores. I would have to visit a specialised camping/outdoors store such as "Mountain Designs".

So I went online, using my Virgo capabilities, we are very good at researching and we get into details, indeed we are fussy creatures as well as budget conscious, so we seek the best for the price, realising that one gets what one pays for. So I went online checking out the many varieties of hiking boots available for various purposes from a stroll in the park through to mountain climbing in the Himalayas. Some boots were as much as $500-$600, a wee bit steep when trying to save pennies for America trip. However the cheap end of the scale, $100-$200, well there are good reasons why they are so cheap, such as, not suitable for 7-8 hours hikes up snowy mountains!!! So I come to the conclusion I would need to spend $300-$400 for a pair of boots that is comfortable and suitable for mountain hikes.

Next is actually purchasing the boots, which I was going to do online but thought better of it. The size assignment is different to the sizes given on normal department stores shoes, so though I take size 11 at a department store, the sizes given for these boots are on a completely different scale. So best thing to do is to actually visit the store and try on the boots. Another advantage is that I could ask the staff for advice as to the best boots for hiking up snow-bound mountains!!!! So this is my project for next weekend, after the Lemurian DNA Activation Ceremony, there being now only three weekends remaining before I leave for America.

So it seems I am spending lots of $$$$s for various items I need for my trip from extra suitcases to hiking boots, however, once I have them, these are mine forever, well at least for the forseeable future anyway. I will have them for the Glastonbury trip, and indeed for any other overseas trips I will take. I do intend on going on overseas trips regularly, especially since these days air tickets are relatively cheap especially when you know where to go online and take advantage of specials and good deals. So yes this is just the start of my adventures, and all these items I am needing to purchase I will have them for all these other trips.

Magpies lost as expected...... more football musings tomorrow when I get my tipping results in......

Meanwhile on this 3rd week prior to my America trip........

Very good advice !!!!!!

Meanwhile in Australia...... ;)

Had a great laugh at this..... !!!!!

Exploring the "real" America.... hehehe......

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