Wednesday 26 February 2014

One Mystery Solved !!!

Uhhh wouldn't ya believe it!! There's a doco on TV about Mauritius!! Now how synchronistic is this!!! How often do they have docos on TV about Mauritius?? I can't remember the last time there were any such docos, but here we are tonight, and it is on before my favorite show The Originals !!!!! I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Synchronicities are the universe's favorite ways of trying to tell me things!!!

I wasn't planning on doing this blog tonight but I actually feel OK in spite of it being Mother's birthday, and I thought I would have to throw a sickie. Oh yes I do miss her badly, I still cannot believe she is no longer with us, I almost expect a phone call inviting me over to Mother's for her awesome cooking of dinner!!! Nevertheless I am doing reasonably OK. Indeed this Mercury's retrograde has been not so bad this time. Sure I have had my moments, but compared to past retrogrades, it has been reasonably OK. The planet is now near a standstill, and it turns direct again tomorrow, and I can certainly feel the energies easing up. But my apparent coping (for the most part) I put down to my awesome crystals!! There is a reason why I carry around my particular crystals. The Emeralds deals with emotional healing and love, the Flourite for calmness of chaos, the Tourmalinated Quartz protects against chaotic energies and harmonizes my chakras which are very much in need for repairs! LOL!... the Rose Quartz also heals the emotions, and the Agate helps in raising vibrations and spiritual growth. The Selenites amplifies all these energies. So all these together certainly does help things, and I am definitely feeling the effects of these. Hopefully at long last I have found the means to deal with the lunar and planetary energies!!! Well at least makes it easier to deal with anyway!! There is a New Moon coming up this holiday weekend, so potential for chaos is not over yet, but I am hopeful due to my crystals. It is no wonder us star seeds and other soul groups loves crystals so much, and why there are at least five crystal shops (and probably a lot more) even in isolated Perth!!! They are just so awesome, and they DO work!!!! Crystals consists of certain arrays of atoms, and we all know in science that atoms has specific vibrations. Ordered arrays of atoms, which is what crystals are, amplifies these vibrations. A normal piece of rock with random mixes of atoms tends to cancel out the vibrations. This is why crystals are so powerful, the vibrations are amplified. But what you won't see in any science books but is nevertheless the truth is that these specific vibrations works to benefit our souls, emotions, energies, etc in specific ways. The whole universe works on vibrations, even Quantum Theory acknowledges this with their "string theories", basically that the universe is made up of constantly vibrating "strings" all with specific vibrations which gives the various fundamental particles, and ultimately both matter and energy, their specific traits. So why would they not affect our emotions etc?? All seems logical to me.......

Now my Mauritian princess hehe.... a mystery has been solved!!! She was indeed married.... "was" being the operative word. This explains why she is currently in Italy, she married an Italian! duh!!! Well I kinda knew but it does raise a few more questions even if it answered others. It also explains why she didn't make any attempts to find me during the years of my Toronto Blessing and Blessed Bereans websites, all in my name, and with references to my marriage to Sally. Tina was too busy being a wife!! Probably explains why she didn't have a FaceBook account until now, probably didn't have much to do with computers, her hubby it seemed ran the whole show, and she was just a regimented wife cleaning house, cooking for him, and other wifely duties - not much time or opportunities for computers or the internet. However in more recent times the marriage ran into troubles, and he simply walked out on her some 16 months ago, which places it about six months before Sally's death.

So this raises an obvious question.... does she have children? Well she did say that she is "all alone" in Italy with all of her family back in Mauritius. This according to my Virgo analytics tells me that either she doesn't have children or they are elsewhere, either with the now ex-hubby or back in Mauritius. Now given that it was nearly 30 years ago when we lost contact, we can reasonably assume that the marriage took place not long after that, so maybe 25 years, and the children would have come along early in the marriage, so they be probably adults by now or at the very least in the late teens. I am sure I will find out in due course.

It also raises the question of how she managed to keep my photos and letters right under the nose of her hubby!! That was one of the reasons why I doubted if she was ever married as unlikely as it appears to be. Either she was really good at hiding things for over probably 20 years or her hubby was really understanding. Or he may have known of the items but banned her from contacting me. She told me again last night that she have been saying this prayer I sent her every day. That in itself is utterly amazing!! I didn't know I have had such an impact on her life, that even in her marriage she still kept such personal items of me so to remember me by!!!!

I also learned that she currently does not have a job, though she may have had a job previously. This makes me wonder how she is getting on in Italy especially given that she is all alone in Italy. Either she is living off the divorce settlement or she has a rich family back in Mauritius who is supporting her. The fact that she told me that she has a family, even mentioning her sister by name to me, is a major plus!!!! Scammers almost universally claim that they are estranged from their family hence depends on me for financial help. Another major plus is that although Tina is currently unemployed, she states that she is actually looking for a job in Italy. A scammer would never say such a thing.

Lastly in our chat last night/this morning, she asked me when am I coming over to see her?? Hmmmm..... I wish I knew.... well these days air fares tends to be more competitive, and there are more airlines to choose from.... also these days, we have a lot of Middle Eastern airlines who stops over in the Middle East, while years ago everyone who went to Europe from Australia had to firsts top over in London which makes for longer and more expensive flights. Just stopping over in the Middle East, such as Dubai, before directly connecting with whatever European country is the destination, would make for cheaper fares to begin with. So as long as she provides me with accommodation, namely her place, then such a trip would not be impossible if all I needed to do is purchase the air ticket. My passport is still current, I did renew it a while ago, ironically cos Sally and I expected a return trip to America. Furthermore, she says she may be going back to Mauritius later this year. That should make things even cheaper, for in the grand scheme of things, Mauritius is not terribly far from Perth, indeed Perth is closest to Mauritius of all Australian cities. I guess this is the one thing going for Perth, at least it is not far from Mauritius, I guessing about a 6 hour flight, not much longer than a flight to Singapore which I remember to be about 5 hours - my trip to America included stop-overs in Singapore mainly cos I went with Singapore Airlines.

She does send me romantic messages in Italian.... little does she know that I have access to a website that translates the msgs into English ;) ..... ummm.... me the Virgo....

Hmmmm..... I know my life is weird and rather exotic at times huh.... has all the intrigue of a sci fi fantasy story.... paranormal phenomena, contacts with ETs from the Pleiades, and now an incredibly beautiful and exotic princess from an exotic tropical island.... more like my past coming back to haunt me!! LOL!! But the synchronicities are amazing..... just have to see how things pans out...... oh to be a Virgo !!!!

Now to pick a vid..... beaches and tropical islands.... I think she would give more than just "good vibrations".... but enjoy anyway hehehe

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Chaos, Depression.... and Exotic Souls

I thought I do the blog tonight in spite of it being my rostered watering night so will have to duck out every 30 mins shifting sprinklers, etc..... tomorrow is a very depressive day, being Mother's birthday, she would have been a spritely young 72..... *sigh*..... it's going to be a tough day and will probably be emotionally exhausted by the evening..... so tonight is the night......

Firstly... update on "Tina" my "Mauritian princess" LOL... ummm yeah.... still trying to figure out what she had gotten up to in the intervening 30 years between our last contact as penfriends and our current contact as FaceBook friends. She doesn't give too much away on her FB profile except that she does apparently have a job, but then she had only set up her profile the day she first sent me an add request, so I was her only friend. So she must have Googled me and my name came up on my FaceBook page so she created hers so to contact me. Me the analytical Virgo thus figures that she probably doesn't have much to do with computers, not at least for recreational purposes, she more than likely uses computers as part as her job but little else. Of course it goes without saying that not everyone has a FaceBook account, I have known plenty of friends from other platforms who does not have FaceBook accounts, only that I don't use my real name on any other platform though three of them are linked - whatever I post on FaceBook is automatically sent to my Twitter account, and the pixs I take on my Instagram is automatically sent to both Twitter and FaceBook.

Anyway.... over the next few days she has managed to acquire additional friends on her FaceBook profile, about 15 in total at this stage, but seems to be mostly family and relatives, and no hint of any Hubby or even boyfriend past or present. It would utterly amaze me if she had gone for 30 years without ever getting married, especially of a woman from such a traditional background. I think it is more likely that she was married her current location in Italy, then somehow the marriage ended, but this theory still have holes in it. Indeed any of my theories has holes in it, nothing quite makes senses.

However I am 99.9% certain she is a genuine soul. She doesn't display the traits of a scammer, not back then, and not now. For example she never once asked me for money, not then, not now. Plenty of my other penfriends including the other Mauritians asked me for money, and even back then, those who asked for money were very quickly de-penfriended if you know what I mean. As I shared last year through my nightmarish experience with dating sites, I have figured out the common traits of scammers, that 100% of scammers displays at least 90% of these traits. Tina displays none of them. We have been penfriends for a number of years through the mid-1980s, up until Barbara came into my life. And well on this occasion it has been just a week since she sent me the add request on FaceBook, and at first I did think she was just a scammer as I didn't know her nor recognised her name, but it soon became obvious that she is no scammer but a long lost penfriend, only the 2nd to contact me!!!

But it just utterly amazes me that she has kept my photos and letters from our correspondences. It does make me think if she had attempted to look for me before. My FaceBook account is recent, well I had it for a while but it was only after Sally's death that I had it changed to my real name. However I did have a website in my name from the mid-1990s, mostly about a Christian spiritual phenomenon I was involved with at the time - "The Toronto Blessing" - and ironically it was how Sally found me. Well Sally was doing research on the Toronto Blessing, and when she searched for it online, my name came up only 2nd to the Toronto Church which the phenomena first manifested and that was why she invited me to her town during my America trip. And over the years the website grew, and it included accounts of my North America trip, and my marriage to Sally, indeed up until I took it offline last year, it had pixs and articles by Sally herself. I still have her articles, they are just not posted anywhere currently. I have thoughts of doing a tribute page for her but that is down the track a bit. So it does make me wonder if Tina attempted to find me before, and well if she saw that I was married, surely she would have given up on me then. She could never have predicted that I would lose Sally. Indeed ME have never predicted that I would lose Sally, for as bad as her health problems were, they were not terminal, and even the doctors expected her to eventually recover. They did warn that she needed to keep watch of her infections in case it turned septic which would kill her (and indeed that is what happened) but I never expected that to happen - I am still in shock at her death!! She simply should not have died!!! It was not like with Mother, we EXPECTED her to die cos her disease WAS terminal. But not Sally!!! We all fully expected her to recover. Uh well.... she didn't, she is no longer with us, and hence my current..... um.... predicament..... So... um.... I wonder if Tina had attempted to look for me previously.... again its not really making sense..... this is very sorely testing my Virgo analytics!!!!!!

And speaking of astrology.... it turns out Tine is the same age of me..... that I couldn't quite remember, I knew she was close to my age, but from her FaceBook profile she is indeed was born the same year as me, only a few months earlier!! Me and my older women!!! LOL!!! Even if she is only a few months older!!! LOL!!! So age has been VERY kind to her, I mean, you can certainly tell she is no longer the stunningly petite 20-something young lady, but she is still very much a stunner, she looked more in her 30s but then these ethnics types tends to hold their age very well, probably cos they eat more healthy, doesn't have so much western foods, and have generally healthier lifestyles. Another reason why I'd be amazed if she was never married!! Surely some other guy would have snapped her up well before now!!!! Mauritian women are stunningly beautiful to begin with, moreso in my opinion than even Philippinos or other Asian women, which is why me in my adrenalin charged youthful years, well the 1980s anyway, wrote to so many of them!!!!! OMG!!! I hope none of the others tracks me down!!!!! But even among other Mauritians, Tina was particularly stunning, its like my eyes popped out of my sockets when she sent me her photo oh those many years ago!!! I wish I kept it, like she apparently kept mine, nevertheless I do remember it like it was yesterday. It seemed she wanted me then, though I didn't quite realise it at the time, and well Barbara had put a stop to that...... but after 30 years she STILL wants me, she said I was her first boyfriend, and is wanting me to come over to see her..... seemingly indicating she is at least currently single..... but if she was married before how was she able to keep all of my photos and letters without her hubby knowing????? Again it is.... um..... not making sense..... well let's put it this way, it would be beyond utterly amazing if what she tells me is indeed true..... and well I have no reason to doubt her other than my Virgo cautiousness.... and as they say, Virgos are no good at relationships for this reason!!!!!!

Uhhhh what I was fixing to say..... She was born January 1963 just two days after what was destined to be the anniversary of Mother's death!!!! That in itself is a freaky coincidence, and as I say, there is no such creature as "coincidence"!!! This makes her a Sagittarius which according to conventional Astrology is INcompatible with Virgos!!!! However she is on the cusp with Aquarius while I am actually on the cusp with Libra.

My current feelings about her.... well I can't say there is anything particularly romantic as such in spite of our history. As stunningly beautiful as she is, I couldn't imagine her to be my wife. I am really looking for a more spiritual connection, a star seed or at the very least a similar soul group such as indigos or rainbows or even earth angel, since that I am apparently also an earth angel as well as a star seed. But then who am I to judge?? Ten years ago no one would have picked me to be a star seed. It is possible she could be such a soul, just not awakened yet, well not fully awake anyway. She does particularly love animals, even more so than humans, that is indicative of a higher vibrational soul. Animals are generally of higher vibrations than humans. And I am not sure how closely she follows my posts on my FaceBook profile, but significantly she did hit the "like" button on my posts about the unity of all religions - devout Christians simply doesn't believe in the unity of the religions, so it seems to indicate she has evolved spiritually since the day of her conversion - which as I shared was MY fault!!!! LOL!!!! In any case it has been only a week, so will just have to see how it all pans out....... I am open to anything really..... and well Sally started of as just an email buddy until that day I met her..... sooooo...... hmmmmmm....... maybe...........

Related to the above..... in a way.... well last weekend I noticed some intruders in my yard!!! I heard voices but at first I couldn't figure where they were coming from, so I thought it was just some of my neighbors though the voices seemed awefully close!!! Then I was shocked to see that there were some people sitting on my front porch!!! At first I thought they had mistaken my house for the one in the next street. We have two streets one block from each other with the same name, but one is a "Way" and the other is a "Place". This confuses the already easily confused postman, and I am forever getting mail that is meant for "Place", and on occasions I do get visitors who are looking for the "Place" house and mistaking my house for it!! However these people didn't attempt to contact me, that is, by knocking on the door or whatever, they were just sitting on the porch happily chatting away. A closer look revealed they were either of Indian or Islander descent, seem to be a family, hubby and wife, a baby and an older kid. So I thought perhaps they may have been Tina's relatives coming to see me!!!! Tine never made mention of relatives in Perth, but some of my other Mauritian penpals had relatives here in Perth - I guess makes sense cos Perth as very isolated as the city is, it is actually closest to Mauritius!!! However again they made no attempt to contact me, neither knocking on my door or anything else. And well I left them alone, they seemed harmless enough, I was just watching them through my window. A little while later a car came by, it pulled into my driveway, and the family gotten in....... Then just TODAY, when I came home for lunch, I was shocked to see this same family, this time sitting under my tree which is right next to one of my windows!!! This time they did see me pull into the driveway, and the man kinda smiled and waved at me..... I just pulled into the driveway to the side of the house, and went through my side door..... and a minute or two later they packed up and went across to the high density development across the road. Then it dawned on me!!!! They are the people who lived across the road!!! There is a complex of three units there, only the front one have a little lawn in front, the two at the back had next to no yard, and they lived in one of them. Hmmmmm I see..... the joys of multiculturalism.... these ethnics, especially Asians or Islanders, are far more social, and they probably think of nothing of treating one's front yard as communal property - just rather not so in Australia!!!! However, they appear to be harmless, and it's not like I spend my time sitting under the tree..... and if anything it would make my place even more secure, seeing a family sitting out the front would be more of a deterrent to any would-be burglar!! Therefore it is fine by me..... not sure if they realised this for they did rather hastily made an exit after they saw me arrive..... nevertheless it is really fine by me.....

OK.... now just have to get through tomorrow.........

Speaking of exotic women from exotic tropical islands..... hmmmmm....... here's a song of an island home.... which is actually Australia which seems an exotic place for Tina.... as they say, familiarity breeds contempt LOL.... anyway.... enjoy.....

Thursday 20 February 2014

Mystery Solved!!!!!

Ok this couldn't wait for my normal next week's blog..... but it finally dawned on me as to WHO was this penpal of mine who contacted me through FaceBook on Tuesday!!!

The reason I didn't recognise her nor remember her was because she is now using her Mauritian name. Back in the days when she was my penfriend she used her English name. The common denominator was her surname, she used the same surname, and something in me did feel that the surname was strangely familiar. Then it clicked!!! Light bulb time!!! The other thing which hit the nail on the head for me was this "prayer" that I apparently sent to her, and she still has this "prayer". Well our penfriendship happened during my Christian years when I was involved with the church, but even so, I was not normally in the habit of sending "prayers" to my penfriends..... unless they asked for it!!!! Then it all came together in a massive bright flash!!!!!

I know EXACTLY WHO SHE IS!!!!!!!!

She is indeed my one and only convert to Christianity, and the "prayer" is the salvation prayer that one utters to become a Christian. Now regular readers of my blog will know or SHOULD know my viewpoints on various aspects of Christianity including that of evangelism - that basically I don't believe in it!! I don't believe in street preaching, or the practice of trying to "win souls for Christ" or variation thereof. I often ran into problems, cos while the churches I attend often talked about "winning souls for Christ", evangelising, and seeking volunteers for evangelism, I was never been able to be enthused about this. It really didn't strike me as being correct or even ethical. Religion should be an individual's free choice, one should not be coerced into adopting a particular religion.

And it turns out that most religions holds this same viewpoint, most religions does not actively seek converts. Christianity and Islam are the only two religions to actively seek converts. Not even Jews seeks converts, indeed, a Rabbi is often instructed to reject a potential convert three times before finally accepting his request. And indeed most other religions does not encourage conversion to it. Some may give lectures or information sessions but these are purely for the purpose of giving information, perhaps a certain viewpoint on a current issue, but almost never for gaining converts. It is up to the individual to ask and seek out members of the religion if one wants to convert to it, and in most cases, the individual is often asked to take time to consider his choice, the implications of his choice is explained to him, and possibly asked to come back later after a period of consideration. Christianity however, as soon as someone even looks like he is wanting to convert to it, the poor unfortunate individual is jumped upon and practically forced into the conversion, the case of sooner the better, and hey presto, we have another "soul saved for Jesus"!!!

Of course the fact that I never really believed in Hell did have something to do with my reluctance to evangelism. I had always believed in reincarnation in one form or another, or at the very least, that the soul is resurrected to another Earthly life where he would be given another chance to learn about the religion - or as in the case of Kabbalah, if one doesn't fulfil his purpose in God, the soul splinters off into two after death, and is given another life on this planet to be given the chance to fulfil his purpose, and so one, until he finally succeeds several lifetimes later. These days I adopt more that of Eastern Mysticism, that is, we simply move into an endless cycle of reincarnations where the particular life depends on our karma from previous lives, until our souls finally evolves to divinity or nirvana.

Anyway back to my penpal in question..... how was it that I converted her to Christianity when I didn't believe in it?? Well she fulfiled one crucial qualification that I had not seen anyone else in any church or evangelistic crusade fulfil - she ASKED for it on her own accord.

This is how it happened...... in one of my letter writings I just happened to mention to her that I am a Christian and I attend church regularly. I said that to many of my penpals. Many of them were of other religions, Hindu, Buddhist, even Islam, so I just said that I was Christian. And so in passing I mentioned this to this particular penfriend.

I was quite shocked however when she wrote back to me, and she ASKED me how SHE could become a Christian. Now I did not say that she NEEDED to be a Christian, I did not say anything about Heaven or Hell, nor the need to be "saved". I simply just mentioned to her that I am a Christian, just like others tells me she is Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. Indeed I never "evangelised' her. She simply came back to me and ASKED me how she could become a Christian.

And well so I told her..... I sent her the "Prayer of Salvation", what some refers to as "The Sinners Prayer", because in Christianity we believed that to become a Christian was as simple as saying this particular prayer. Then I told her that if she did say this prayer, then she should find a church to attend.

Much to my utter shock, she wrote back to me telling me that she did indeed say this prayer, and that she was now attending a Roman Catholic church!!!! Well Mauritius being a former French colony where nearly everyone speaks French in addition to the native tongue, well it would be a mostly Catholic country, most Christian churches being  Roman Catholic. So it was odds on that she would pick a Roman Catholic church as her church of choice. Meanwhile I was into this Charismatic Renewal church, could not have been any more different to a Roman Catholic church if we tried - nevertheless, we did believe that most of the denominational churches including Roman Catholics are genuine Christian churches, so it didn't matter where she attended a Roman Catholic nor Baptist, Anglican, Lutheran, or whatever else, as long as it was a "recognised" "Christian" church - Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and other cults did not qualify and were not "recognised" "Christian" churches. Anyway..... I sorta was shocked and thinking.... OMG!!! What have I done!!!!! I had led to a soul being converted to Christianity!!!!! And while everyone at my church was absolutely ecstatic about this, I for some reason was not so sure..... but it happened..... she became a Christian, and well it was HER choice, it was HER who ASKED for it, I did not influence that decision.

And well from what I can gather, she is STILL a devout Christian, she was still referring to this "prayer" I sent her, and she msg me on FaceBook that the "prayer" would be "forever" in her heart - in other words, she is a devout Christian for ever!!

Now.... for the Geographically challenged among us, let me tell ya.... Mauritius is a little tropical island out in the midst of the Indian Ocean, closer to Africa than it is to Australia, indeed less than 1000 miles from the African coast and in the tropics but below the equator, just in the southern hemisphere. And it is only a little island, indeed it is less than the size of the area of metropolitan Perth!!! Well comparable to the size of the metropolitan area of Perth but a little smaller. So it is not a big island nevertheless remarkably diverse with high mountains in the middle and tropical beaches all around. It was formerly a French colony so still have a lot of French influence though it is now independent. Most people speak French in addition to the native tongue. A fascinating place, the people being a mix of Indian and African descent, thus are mostly brown skinned and quite exotic. Mauritian woman are really incredibly beautiful, often petite, with exotic long black hair, black eyes and brown skin. And well that was why I liked having Mauritian penpals back in my testosterone-charged younger years, well in the 80s and early 90s anyway, well before my trip to America and meeting Sally!! A lot of them just wanted to marry a rich Westerner to gain entry to a rich country - hence Australia - but not all of them. I wouldn't say Mauritius is a 3rd world country as such, it is indeed a tourist island, a lot of rich tourists from Europe especially France goes to Mauritius for vacation, there are a lot of exotic resorts on the island, and so due to the tourist dollar - or Franc as the case may be - actually I think the currency is Rupees the same as India - but whatever, there seems a reasonable amount of it thrown around by rich tourists, so it kinda filters down, and while native Mauritians are not rich, they are certainly for the most part not in abject poverty compared to, lets say, African countries. Nevertheless, there are still many who seeks to emigrate to richer countries such as Australia, hence a lot of them "fall in love" with me.

"Tina" however, that was the English name she used, was it appeared one of the genuine ones. She had told me that after over 20 years she still has all of my letters and photos that I sent to her as well as the "prayer". She was it turns out my penfriend from the early to mid 1980s, we lost contact probably near the time Barbara came into my life, it was well before I went to America and met Sally, so closer to 30 years rather than 20 years, but at least 20 years anyway. And I DID like her, she was my favorite penpal at the time, incredibly beautiful even more so than the average Mauritian who are beautiful to begin with, but Tina was really something else, utterly mesmerising, most gorgeous long dark hair, doll-like body, and mesmerizing eyes that just casts spells..... oh yes, she was like an exotic dark goddess!!!!!.... and I must say from her recent pixs on Facebook, age has been VERY kind to her, she is just as beautiful!!!!! Now I find that hard to believe that she kept all of my letters and photos, my usual Virgo analytics kicks in, what saved my arse during those nightmare months of  seeking a partner through online date sites only to be confronted with scammers!! I am very cautious about these things, being typically a Virgo. It is why we are no good at relationships, we are TOO "careful" and TOO analytical. And well if I had a girlfriend from somewhere and we lost contact, I would have given up on her well before the 20 years elapsed!! But the fact that she also mentioned the "prayer" is what sorta convinced me that she was telling the truth, in which case I find it.... um.... most flattering in a way..... and well she MUST have still remembered me, cos it was HER who searched for me on FaceBook and found me!!! I didn't remember her at first, indeed in all of 20 years I practically forgot about her!!!! But it seemed that she remembered me!!!!

Another thing is..... I haven't figured nor gotten around to asking her yet..... but she still uses the same surname. This means, she either was never married, or she gotten married then divorced and reverted to her maiden name. Mauritians being very traditional women and usually not wealthy, it seemed a stretch that she remained unmarried for this long!!!! Most marry for economical reasons aside from pure tradition. Single women in such cultures are virtually unheard of. However Tina seems to be doing very well for herself as she is actually currently living in Italy. I am yet to figure out or ask her HOW she came to be in Italy - maybe it was through marriage, but since rich Westerners often take advantage of such women and economically abuse them, that is, does not give them any financial independence, she would have to stay married or be virtually destitute in a foreign country. But it seems she is not currently married. She would not have tried to look for me if she was married, as Westerners are often very possessive and does not allow these women any friends especially male friends. Tina does not seem to fit any of these criteria, she seems quite independent and quite obviously not married, at least not currently married. So just HOW she managed to set up house in Italy, well watch this space. She is certainly an intelligent woman, not your typical dumb bimbo who wants a man simply for economic reason!!! And if she did want a man for such reason, she would not have waited 20 years for me, nor kept my letters or photos nevermind the prayer, nor search for me 20 years later!!! Indeed if anything she probably has more money that I have!!!! Uhhhh my Virgo analytics again..... *sigh*

Furthermore, she wants me to come visit her, to meet her!! Doesn't sound like what an already married woman would say. Well obviously I am not quite in a position to do so, still recovering financially from dealing with Sally's death, and saving my pennies in case I have to move out. But she seems keen to get back together with me. She had never asked me for money nor displayed any of the other signs of a scammer, and besides, scammers does not keep one's letters and photos for 20 years!!! So I am GUARDEDLY (typical Virgo!!!!) certain that she is genuine.

But just one sticking point...... I have moved on spiritually, and I am a star seed. So any "soul mate" or "twin flame" of mine will also have to be a star seed. Now star seeds are not a religion, it is not something that you can "become". You can't wake up one morning and decided that you want to be a star seed hence to become a star seed. You are either a star seed or not a star seed. It is akin to saying, you are either a woman or not a woman, or either a particular race, let's say, Negro or not a Negro. It is a matter of soul origin. If you were born in Australia then you are an Australian. So if your soul is incarnated from the other stars or planets as ET races then you are a star seed. That is what makes a star seed a star seed - soul origin. So this little matter will have to be cleared up. I will not be partner with anyone who is NOT a star seed or at the very least other related soul groups such as Indigos, Crystals, Earth Angels, etc......

Nevertheless I learned from a young age that there is no such creature as "coincidence". And Tina did come to me right in the middle of Mercury's retrograde. As well as communication issues, during Mercury's retrograde we are often confronted with our karmic consequences from the past, or issues from the past coming back to haunt us. And hence the matter of Tina's conversion to Christianity which was MY fault!!!! It's not that I would ever talk her out of it nor discourage her convictions of the Christian faith!! We are not into converting anyone. It is wholly HER choice as to what pathway she chooses to tread. Nevertheless it would be obvious to her from my FaceBook profile that I have definitely moved on spiritually, especially that she is now added as one of my friends on FaceBook. She will have come across the idea of "star seed", aware of my ET contacts, as well as my belief in Astrology and other forms of spirituality. So just how this will pan out in the next few days and weeks remains to be seen...... hmmmmmmm...... so many questions unanswered..... so many things that doesn't seem to make sense...... but be patient..... it will all be cleared up bit by bit.... it will all make sense eventually.......

Yet another weird twist in the weirdness that is my life..... *sigh*

Anyway.... let's have a song from the 1980s near the time I was corresponding with Tina..... this one I like and sorta fits the situation at the time..... NOT now!!!! haha!!!!... but AT THE TIME!!!!!!.... true..... honest..... hehehehe.......

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Interesting Times......

Well I did survive Valentine's Day though not unscathed, I have the scars to prove it, both physical and in my soul......

Once we gotten through Valentine's Day the weekend did improve markedly, especially Sunday. One of my colleagues at work told me about the markets at Morley which is only about 10 mins from my place cos apparently there's an organics shop there. My colleagues may think I am weird but they are helpful ;) And I am looking for other organics shops cos there's not many of them here, and the food range is often limited. So far I am on organics fruits and veges, and also organics free range eggs.

So in spite of Mercury's retrograde where I normally don't do anything new, I decided I'd visit the markets on Sunday..... well just getting over Valentine's Day I figure I needed something to take my mind off things.

It seems everyone likes to go shopping on Sundays, the markets were so busy, it took me a while to even find a parking spot, somewhere over yonder about a 3-day's hike from the complex. Then as soon as I walked in the door the first thing I saw was a CRYSTALS shop!!!! Oooohhhhh yes.... crystal shops to me is akin to candy shops for chocoholics.... and well I am a chocoholic but I still choose a crystal shop!!!! So of course I went inside for a look and saw an extensive range of different crystals, the small pebble-size specimens suitable for carrying around with me as I already do with my existing crystals, and well you know me, I am always needing more crystals. You can NEVER have enough crystals!! I just so love my crystals!!

Then I looked around for larger crystals, saw a large piece of quartz for about $40, about the size of one of my medium size rocks.... then my eye immediately was drawn to some large figurines of wolves, about 10 to 12 inches high!! Me and my wolves, I am indeed the wolf. If you see my avatar about the place, such as on Instagram and FaceBook, it is a wolf with a woman - the wolf is ME, the woman is my angel or guide. My spirit name is Wandering Wolf. So anything wolf I love, and there was this one particular statue of TWO wolves - as soon as I saw it, I KNEW that I just NEEDED to have it!!!! That one was about $70.

But me being the cautious Virgo..... I wandered away from the shop and walked around the place..... I saw a SECOND crystals shop!!!!!..... so there are TWO crystals shops at those markets..... and then came to the food section..... the organics shop was a disappointment, it was so tiny that it barely qualified as a "shop" and there were no veges, all they had were various herbs and nuts, not what I needed at this time.

So back to the crystal shop and I picked out three more crystals. The Rose Quartz known as the love stone, I don't know why I chose THAT one but I did - it is good for healing hurt emotions and to attract love, healing and calmness. So for whatever reason I chose that one. Then the blue Agate, blue being my fav color, and this one assists in speaking the truth, spiritual growth, and enhances perception, concentration, analytical abilities.... And then the Tourmalinated Quartz - a grounding stone, strengthens our energy fields against external environmental forces - hopefully including Mercury's retrograde!!!!! Harmonizes my chakras and dissolving destructive patterns - like self harm I suppose!!

Then those twin wolves..... I grabbed it!!!! And they gave me a 30% discount, it was apparently a clearance sale. That was a nice bonus. I still blew the budget but it was worth while!!! Now they take pride of place on my Pleiadean shrine. So I have both my kins on my shrine - the dolphins and the wolves.

So WHY did I choose the TWIN wolves rather than the single ones..... well I was immediately drawn to the twins, like some unseen force guiding me to them, it wasn't me who said I must have them, it was a voice inside me!!!! Souls from my star seeds groups on FaceBook said that it was because I am really looking for a soul mate or twin flame..... OK I will admit this much..... it would be nice to have a companion here in my city, a close friend, someone I can share with..... but no romance, no lover......

Well it must have been those new crystals..... with three extra crystals now in my little carry pouch, now very full, I could not fit another one in, so nine crystals in total..... But for the last three days my colleagues at work have been coming to me about questions on ETs, and spiritual topics, reincarnation, etc...... And usually they come to me only about once per month!!!! It was like I give them information, and it takes them a month to digest what I said, before they come to me with more questions. But the last three days, EVERY day of those three days, they came to me with questions!!! Hmmmmmmm........

And well yesterday was the half-way point of Mercury's retrograde when the planet is at its highest speed, and things has been very chaotic, but it hasn't affected me as much emotionally as it usually does...... there are other planetary things happening, I share a lot of Astrology stuff on FaceBook which automatically posts also to Twitter.... very interesting times energetically.......

Then something else very interesting happened this week..... the 2nd of my old penpals came across my FaceBook profile and added me. At first I didn't know who she was, and I thought that she was just another of the scammers that occasionally adds me - they add me then wants a date and she asks for my email addy, which I do NOT give out, and so at that point they get deleted. But I give everyone a chance,  and when I gotten a personal msg from this lady, I thought, here we go again, another scammer!!!! But I was pleasantly surprised. She instead told me that she was one of my old penfriends, and she did NOT ask me for an email addy!! I don't remember this one but then why else would she say she was an old penfriend if she wasn't so? I remember the first penpal to contact me cos she was one of the first four - those I DO remember, Mary, Tine, Tracy and Paula, and it was Mary from the east coast who contacted me!! But after the first four, I had upwards of 40 to 50 penpals at the same time, they kept me busy, and well it was in the days before the Internet and email, so was all snail mail. And I certainly don't remember them all, only a small few of them. But anyway, I now have TWO former penfriends. The 2nd penpal was originally from Mauritius and now lives in Italy. I know I did have quite a few penpals from Mauritius, these being from one of the penpal clubs I joined back in those days, this one for some reason had a lot of penpals in Mauritius so I wrote to lots of them - most of them just wanted to find a rich Westerner to marry so to gain entry to a rich country, but there were some genuine souls among these. I do use my real name on FaceBook with the aim of attracting childhood friends and long lost rellies - well neither have come to me, but now just the two old penfriends - and this 2nd one seem to remember a lot more about me than I do of her!!!! All of my other FaceBook friends are from my star seeds groups and other spiritual people who liked my profile.

This penpal was from 20 years ago which places her in the early 1990s - before I met Sally - well Sally made me get rid of my penpals when we got married, probably cos they were all females! LOL! But yeah, this one was in the years just before I went to America and met Sally. Also it was just when the Internet became available, and I had just gotten onto the Internet. But snail mail was still the communication medium of choice, especially since email was wholly text based, no pictures, no graphics, it was all very simple text and quite cumbersome. Oh those were the days........

Now these days one hardly hears of snail mail, and I highly doubt that penpal clubs even exists anyome. Everyone connects through FaceBook and other related mediums - Twitter, Instagram, etc - and if we see someone we like, we just send add requests and so instant friends. Of course all of my FaceBook friends shares things in common with me, most of them being as weird as I am! LOL! But yes, FaceBook is the new "penpal club" if ya wanna put it that way.

Technology often has this effect, it kills the former ways - and well the Internet have killed the snail mail, well not totally but it is in it's terminal phase hence is why Australia Post is wanting to cut back on mail delivery to just three days per week!!! It's cos no one writes letters any more, it is all email, FaceBook, etc.....

Well back in the 1980s, other technological changes have killed the old ways. Up until then one of the medium of choice was the radio, and we'd listen to songs on the radio, and many of the radio disc jockeys became stars in their own right. Then the VCR came out in the late 1970s and became popular through the 80's, and so everyone had video recorders, Video Hits started to appear on TV, and we were all watching videos in preference to the radio...... and so hence this song of choice...... Video Killed The Radio Star...... ENJOY!!!!!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Chaotic Energies

Now with Mercury's retrograde in full swing and the 2nd most depressive holiday coming up on Friday - Valentine's Day - energies will be very chaotic. The only saving grace is that the Full Moon falls on Valentines Day, well actually early the next morning here in Australia, but elsewhere in the world due to time zones it falls on Valentines Day, so hopefully it will help nullify the energies at least a little bit. Full Moons are normally good time for me when all other energies are equal. Only that Mercury's retrograde is 2nd only to "The Three Weeks" to the worst periods of time for me, and that is because there are never a Full Moon during "The Three Weeks".

Anyway here waffling on while I wait for "The Originals" to come on, my fav show about vampires ;).... I was so devastated last Monday, my top fav show "American Horror Story" is no longer on!!! whaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!..... but a saving grace is that "Supernatural" came back on, a show about all these dark angels..... hahaha.... you can blame the Pluto in my natal sign ;)

I am at present trying out my new computer configuration. Since acquiring my new 22" TV for my computer room I had been using it as a 2nd monitor for my computer when not using it as a TV. This is achieved by connecting the HDMI cable between my vid card and the TV. And since the image quality on the TV is much better than on my old monitor, I had been using it as my primary monitor.

Then in one of my brilliant flashes of inspiration that sometimes comes literally out of nowhere in the deepest depths of depression, an idea came to me..... what about my 50" flatscreen TV in the living room!!? It's relatively speaking an older TV, we've bought it with Sally's share of her father's estate after his death, which I think places it about 7 or 8 years ago. Nevertheless it IS a flatscreen, so I wondered if THAT can be connected to my computer? Way back in the dim dark past when I gotten my first computer back in the 1980s, my Commodore 64, I was able to connect that to our TV albeit with the now archaic video cables with I think four or five different plugs, nevertheless, it did work.

So I took a peek behind this 50" TV and indeed it also has a HDMI port! Awesome! So I started to imaging how awesome my weird star seeds vids on YouTube would look on the 50" screen, not to mention my vid games!!!

To cut a long story short, I brought my PC into the living room last night, and it is working wonders. Despite it's age the picture quality on the 50" is way better than my old monitor, even comparable to the new TV. Obviously it seems TVs are built to last longer than monitors. Only snag is my vid card which is pretty old by now has only one HDMI port, and for a minimum of $500 for a reasonable new vid card it will be a little while before I get a new one, until at least after I move house anyway cos of needing to save my pennies for moving expenses. But the larger size and better pix quality more than makes up for this shortcoming. And yes those weird star seeds vids that I watch does look way better on this 50" as well as my FaceBook pages.

But also this 50" TV also has a USB port so it seems I could record TV shows on here too. So indeed I can watch vids on either TVs. TV shows recorded onto my USB flash drive I can watch on my PC, and any vids I have on my PC I could copy onto the flash drive and watch it on either TVs, I probably watch it on the 50" TV which simply means just plugging the HDMI cable into the 22" TV if I want to go on FaceBook at the same time. Haaaaa sorry if I confused you! LOL! But I know what I am doing, one of the few things in life that I do know what I am doing in!! LOL!!

So what else is happening..... the other major news is my cousin, I may have shared a while ago that she now attends the same church group that I attended ten years ago. It seems hard to believe that she is all of 40 years of age now!! I still remember her as the pesky little girl who'd follow me around like a puppy dog when Mother invites her to spend our Augusta vacations with us. Anyway she is now as involved with this particular church group as I was ten years ago before Sally got sick. She said she was going to send me an invite to the group, and well that was a few weeks ago, so I thought she had given up on it, probably cos she might have seen my FaceBook page! LOL!

However just last week she txt me a msg inviting me to the home group meeting last Sunday, it was at someone's house and just 5 mins from my place. The snag was that with Mercury beginning it's retrograde I was so utterly depressed that I suffered my first upset tummy since starting on the pro-biotics. My tummy upsets are energy-related, that is, caused by emotions and energies. I hadn't eaten anything different to what I have been eating for the last six weeks, which tends to confirm this idea. And well, with Mercury the planet of communications starting its retrograde motion, it was not a good time to be meeting new people or even old acquaintances. So I sent my apologies but indicate my interest in attending in the future.

It turns out that the home group meets only once per month which places the next meeting to be AFTER the end of Mercury's retrograde as the planet retrogrades for "only" three weeks at a time. However she did inform me of other meetings hinting she would like to see me there. Seems pretty similar to ten years ago when Sally and I went - Friday night meetings each week, and Sunday meetings at the hall each fortnite. This is a unique group, their regular meetings seems to be Friday nights rather than Sundays, the Sunday meetings only twice per month. And after the Friday night meetings they adjourn to the Cafe in Northbridge that the group owns, Sally and I used to love our chips and gravy when we went there.

I did continue to go to church for a while AFTER my awakening, and it was really only because of Sally's health problems that we stopped attending. This particular group was the last church group we went to. Of course after the Awakening one takes a totally different perspective on things. Religion is a 3rd dimensional phenomenon, and rather being immersed in it, the awakened soul becomes more of a spectator, taking the good bits while ignoring the bits that doesn't resonate. It is no longer a total commitment, indeed, I don't even plan on any regular attendances, just more occasional, though it does depend on the vibes. I'd be just as well be at a Buddhist temple except I don't know any Buddhists! LOL! It just seems "coincidental" that my own cousin goes to the same place that I went to 10 years ago, and well as I say, there is no such creature as "coincidence".

Firstly however I have to survive Mercury's retrograde before making any decisions.

SO on this note I will share two vids. The first one is a humorous look at the terminology that we star seeds says and probably see some of them in my blogs. Me and my quirky sense of humor, I gotten a great laugh out of this video..... ENJOY.... hehehehe.....

The 2nd video is an awesome new music I discovered from one of my star seeds kins and I just utterly fell in love with this..... and well I do adore Joan of Arc, she was a Light Worker..... this is a Dutch group but the song is in English ;)..... anyway..... ENJOY!!!!

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Lonely Are The Star Seeds

Here tonight my more or less weekly blog while I wait for one of my fav TV shows to come on, aside from American Horror Story, I also love The Originals - a show about vampires ;) - OK it's the Pluto in my natal sign! LOL! - but I just so LOVE this show which comes on Wednesday nights - ie tonight!!

Anyway I got more stuff from DonateLife in regards to Sally's organ donations. Each year they do an honour board dedicated to organ donors within the past year, so was invited to have Sally's name on the board. Of course I am going to do this, just have to make sure I get the form back by the 28th this month, so I will make a point to do it this week. From what I can see it doesn't cost anything, but I'd have it done anyway.... Oh apparently the board is at Lake Monger.... hmmmm..... I have to find where it is, afterall, I go for my walks there.... perhaps it is indoors at one of the nearby buildings....

Now with the new names for the year there is some kind of ceremony on 13 April which I would soon get an invite. Not sure if I be going or not given last year's debacle of the dedication of a star when none of my earth family bothered to accept my invite to accompany me - only one acknowledged the invite, the rest of them just utterly ignored them. So regardless of whether I be going or not, I certainly will not bother sending invites to my earth family. They have made it quite clear by their actions that they want nothing to do with such things with me so I will not be wasting any more of my energies on them. I seem destined to be on my own if I do go, that I will have to be prepared for. Lonely indeed are the star seeds.

Speaking of things on my own.... this Galactic Goddess I was referring to previously who are holding courses and a workshop here in isolated city of Perth. Well they have a venue for the 3-day workshop in March, it will be in East Perth, not far from where I am. The places for the workshop are already half full, and I already have the money in the bank in my savings. So I just have to decide if I am up for going somewhere new on my own where I won't know any souls. With Mercury set to being it's retrograde tomorrow I will leave the decision until AFTER the end of Mercury's retrograde in about three weeks. Mercury deals with communication issues so things get muddled during it's retrograde and I don't always think clearly. Also it will give me a sign, if there are still spots available after Mercury's retrograde then perhaps it could be that I am meant to attend. It would be somewhat of a miracle given that it is already half full after being announced only a week ago. It must mean there are more spiritual people in Perth than I thought! LOL! Not necessarily star seeds, but these spiritual kind of stuff all tends to be inter-related, and though this IS a star-seed orientated thingy, one does not have to be a star seed to benefit from this. So basically if after three weeks there is still a spot for me, that may be taken as a sign that I am meant to be there. I shall see how things pans out three weeks from now when Mercury turns direct again.

On the jobs front, today it was announced that the print operations, who prints the booklets keeping my shelves stocked so to send out to students, are going to be privatised. Hence more staff that we come to know and love (LOL) will be gone from us. A few years ago when Barnett first got in, they tried to privatise my particular area, the warehouse, but it turned out to be too expensive, it worked out cheaper to keep us employed, hence is why I am still here today! But it won't stop them from trying again, especially since things has changed a bit. Last year the English dept went online leaving us with no books or materials to send out. This year the S&E dept (Geog, Economics, History) have gone online so nothing to send out there. But we still have the Maths, Science, and Arts plus a couple of minor courses that we still have stock for. And with school just started, I am still being kept very busy. But with more and more courses going online over the next few years, my days at my particular job are numbered. It is just a matter whether Barnett manages to pass laws allowing us to be sacked when our positions becomes redundant rather than simply redeployed elsewhere. In spite of having the numbers to pass these laws, the union and others managed to convince enough of them to "hold an enquiry" first, basically to determine if this is such a good idea. To me this is only delaying the inevitable especially with at least two more years of Barnett to survive, however, it shows there is still some hope.

If I do lose my job somewhere down the track, my plan to use the payout to travel the country and move to the east coast stands. One thing for certain is that I will have to move out for my rent is more than the dole check, so there is simply no way I will be able to stay in this house. And with the housing crisis here in Perth there are not many places that are any cheaper, and even at the cheapest it will be virtually the same as the dole check leaving me with nothing. Furthermore there is at least a 5-year waiting list for public housing in Perth, so that is also out of the question, I simply don't have 5 years to wait!!! So having even a flat on my own is out of the question on the dole check. Moving to a cheaper city will be a must, well since the dole check is the same rate regardless of where in the country I am so the only way to survive is to move to a cheaper city or larger country town, and even Sydney is cheaper than Perth, that is according to official data. Sydney is now only 2nd to Perth as being the most expensive city. When I last checked, its a choice between Brisbane and Hobart as being the cheapest cities, and well Brisbane has better weather, it doesn't get too cold, so Brisbane wins. I will truly be a nomad, and probably end up in a hippie commune which will suit me spiritually as well as being the only affordable option on the dole. And there are more spiritual people, indeed more star seeds, on the east coast. I would have to sell off my belongings in the storage space, for renting a storage space will be unsustainable on the dole, especially if I end up on the other side of the country, cos once I leave Perth I will never return again - and such a thought does not make me unhappy at all.

Anyway as they say I will cross the bridge when i come to it. Meanwhile I still have a job and likely to be in this job for quite a while yet, even if it seems all of the other sections around us are being sold off to private enterprise or abolished altogether!!!!

Now trying to figure out what vid to share here.... uhhhh something random..... one of my fav songs from the 70's cos it's one that Christians hated so therefore I liked it.... hehe... haha.....

Saturday 1 February 2014


I didn't do my usual blog last Wednesday cos I was busy compiling an Energy Report to cover the New Moon and other important planetary events. Me and New Moons often does not get on together, I often suffer the worse of my depression during New Moons, and this time it has been worse cos of several other factors such as the fact that the Moon was also closest to Earth at this time thus intensifying the energies, and Mercury's impending retrograde next week. Mercury's retrograde which lasts for about three weeks and happens about three times each year are also times of chaotic energies and depression for me. And to make things worse, Mother's birthday falls towards the end of this upcoming retrograde. Mother would have been just 72.... *sigh*

Also it didn't help that on the day the first shark was shot under Barnett's cull policy, I suffered the worst toothache since the Exmouth trip in 2009 when the high energy beams from the "UFO towers", the communications towers near Exmouth, affected my fillings. Also suffered blocked ear on that day, and was indeed the first day of my bout of depression.

Anyway with Lammas happening this weekend, or more specifically, Sunday 2 Feb, I suppose this is a good time for a blog.

SO let's recap from my last blog.... just after my wonderful excursion into Fremantle. My crystals has been working wonders in spite of the chaotic energies. While some are placed on my Pleiadean shrine, there are some that I carry around with me and take to work much to the amusement of my colleagues! LOL! Two of the crystals are Emeralds which among other things are good for depression, and well I hadn't self harmed myself during this current episode. Of course with Mercury's retrograde coming up I am far from out of the woods.

My ever evolving eating habits, it has been changing with virtually no effort from me. Certainly no will power involved here, just going with the flow with the increasing vibrations. I am now at the point where I eat only steamed vegies for my dinner, and I don't even miss the pizza that I used to have. It's not to say I will never have pizza again, indeed I do not ever use the word "never" when it comes to what I eat or don't eat. But at this time, it is veges only, usually a choice between potatoes, pumpkin, broccoli, squash, carrot, cauliflower, etc. And of course all organics. And with pumpkins I eat the seeds, that was after one of my star kins on FaceBook posted info on pumpkin seeds giving an impressive list of nutrients and benefits contained in the seeds. Of course most people throw out the seeds when preparing pumpkin. Even my health conscious Mother threw out the seeds, probably because she figured none of us would eat the seeds, but then Mother was never on FaceBook LOL. Mother was a bit of a Luddite when it comes to computers, it took us years to convince her to get a cell phone and I think the only reason why she ended up with a cell phone was to help with her part time job cooking at camps at the request of Marlene. I for a long time did eat the skin with the pumpkin for I knew that has a lot of nutrients in them. So now I eat everything in a pumpkin, seeds and skin and all. Another thing I discovered with organics is that the potatoes are unwashed. I think this is because chemicals are used in the washing of potatoes, and well "organic" means just that - "organic" meaning free from any chemical treatments whatsoever. But they taste better anyway, indeed organics in general tastes better. Soon I will be evolving to other organic products aside from veges, I just have to source other organics shops and seeing what else is available.

So anyway, my dinner these days consists of steamed veggies, and with a serve of chocolate icecream for dessert. It is full cream icecream. My goal is not to lose weight, so I am not going for "low fat" or anything like that, though I am also leaning towards low salt items and I no longer add salt to any of my foods. But the key is "high vibrations" rather than "low fat" or "low" anything else. Veges are high vibration foods, and organic veges are even higher vibrations as they are produced only by natural forces with no chemical help.

The other meals.... just a banana for breakfast, and that is after my walks on weekends. But meat is not totally off the menu. During the week it is a piece of grilled chicken, still with the skin as again it is not about "low fat" and the skin does have nutrients in them. Sometimes the chicken is replaced by fish. Also I am finishing off my last batch of lasagne that I had baked for myself during my September vacation intending it to be used for my lunches at work. But I am finding that I can only eat half of the quantity that I used to eat, my body simply doesn't crave it any more, I just don't want to waste it. So it is taking me a while to finish it off. So my complete lunch diet is a choice between a small piece of lasagne, a piece of grilled chicken, or a piece of fish usually Baramundi cos I just LOVE Baramundi.

And I still do allow myself treats but even then I usually don't need as much, just a couple of small candy bars - Kit Kat, those koala caramellos, Mars bars, or something similar. I am down to one or two cans of soda and occasionally a beer at dinner time. Usually one can of soda, but sometimes two when it is hot and I finish doing yard work. This is down from three cans of soda during winter and up to 5 or 6 cans of soda during the hot days.

During my walk this morning my shoes gave up the ghost, one of them losing it's sole, this happened just into my return leg so had to walk a fair distance with sole-less shoes, rather painful but at least I made it back. So today I went to the mall for new shoes. I never get shoes with laces cos the laces would be forever coming undone and I'd be tripping over them. My old pair had velcro straps. My new pair well I thought I try out the new elastic strap thingy, which effectively holds the shoes in place on the foot. It felt comfortable enough in the store, but of course the big test will come during my next walk which is a wee bit further than just up and down an aisle in a dept store.

Now we have Lammas upon us, and rather than me trying to explain in detail about the holiday, I give a link....

Paganism and Wicca being rather interchangeable. The theme for Lammas is the fruits of the harvest, mostly wheat, barley, corn, etc. Hence I bought some corn and bread products for dressing up my Pleiadean shrine in time for Lammas. Also a good excuse for drinking beer since it is a barley product, the website above even says so. Most religions does not forbid alcohol consumption, only Christianity and Islam. Even Jews are allowed alcohol. Though I do understand that monks of eastern faiths such as Buddhism also abstain from alcohol. These holidays follows the seasons and solar cycles, therefore, we celebrate them at opposite times in the Southern Hemisphere. It would be Imbolc in the Northern Hemisphere, the same as Ground Hog Day in the USA - all these holidays are related. Imbolc marks the end of winter, while Lammas marks the end of summer. Paganism is the only faith that celebrates holidays at opposite times of the year in opposite hemispheres, these holidays evolving out of the seasonal and sun cycles rather than given by decree. The holidays of other religions are given by decree and/or important anniversaries. For example the Jewish holidays were given by decree in the Torah or marked by important anniversaries in Jewish history, and Christian holidays were given by decree by the Catholic church and in all but one occasion replaces the Pagan holidays, however, all tied to the Vatican in the Northern Hemisphere which is why we all celebrate Xmas in December worldwide.

Last but not least.... my wonderful star seeds groups and soul kins on my FaceBook account. I did lament that I was the only star seed in this isolated little city of Perth. Not so any longer. Last week I received an add request from a lady also in Perth, my first local friend on FaceBook. It turns out she is also a star seed!!! Awesome!!!! Only that she is already married..... dang!!!!! Uhhhh only joking!! I was never looking for a partner, not since getting out of the catastrophe that was the dating scene. I have since decided that I am called to be single, as given by my spirit name Wandering Wolf, forever a wanderer, never to find a place to settle, therefore never finding a partner. I feel I will be better able to fulfill my calling on planet Earth by remaining single. But it is awesome to finally find another star seed here in Perth. Being married she is not so free so probably unlikely I would ever meet her, well you know what married life does to ya! LOL! Nevertheless to have a star kin so close by is a bonus.

Unrelated to the above but also on FaceBook I came across a site on one of my star seeds groups. This being "The Galactic Goddess Sacred Symbols of the Stars", and soon found she was based in Australia, on the east coast like everyone else! LOL! But was rather surprised that this woman is actually coming all the way to this little isolated city of Perth for some workshops!! I must admit I do balk at attending any groups on my own which is the main reason why I hadn't attended any spiritual groups though I do know of others being held around Perth. But this particular group is the first star-seed or ET orientated group that I came across that is going to be held in Perth, and am not even sure whether this will be an one-off meeting or will become a regular meeting (though it is billed as a "weekly" meeting), afterall this woman is only just visiting Perth, she lives on the east coast like everyone else of spirituality in Australia! LOL! Nevertheless the case for me to attend this group is somewhat stronger in spite of the prospect of being on my lonesome, and I am not at all good at meeting new people nor making new friends. The first meeting is set for 13 February and is at Woodlands which is just up the road from my place so no excuse there. And being on a Thursday night it doesn't clash with "American Horror Story" on Monday nights and "The Originals" on Wednesday nights (sheeze I am hopeless aren't I LOL). However it falls within Mercury's retrograde which is often the worst time for me, when I get most depressed, and won't be in the mood for meeting new people. Being a planet for communications, the retrograde of Mercury hilights communication problems and upsets, so seems likely to throw a spanner into the works when it comes to being with new people. If these meetings do become weekly then I don't have to come to the first one, I will simply wait until Mercury turns direct again. I know not everyone is affected by these planetary energies but I am a very energy sensitive souls, these energies affects me more than most other people, even other star seeds. And yes it is only $15 to attend, not expensive at all. Some people charges an arm and a leg for these events!! Furthermore she is apparently holding a 3-day workshop also here in sunny Perth from March 21. This one a bit more pricey, about $400 for the full 3-day course, probably beyond my budget when I am trying to save my pennies for moving house, however, I DO have the money in my savings even if it is allocated for future house moving expenses, so it's not an object really. I will just have to see how I feel about this. Considering the lack of star-seed orientated events in Perth this could be almost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They're after a $100 deposit to secure a spot..... well if I am meant to go then the universe will nudge me to make the commitment while there are still spots available..... also I still have not heard from the landlord as to whether I will be evicted or not.... so will have to wait and see what happens there..... but all things happens in the universe in due time.....

Now tonight's video.... dedicated to one of my home star systems and the origins of my ET contacts, The Pleiades, often known as The Seven Sisters..... This is called "Dance Of The Seven Sisters" by Deya Dova.