Sunday 1 April 2018

Weevil Voodoo Dolls Needs Work !!!!

Sheeze..... what a massive fail on my Weevils voodoo dolls!!! What did go wrong here?? Hmmmm...... need to analyse here, maybe change the incantation...... well at least the Magpies did as expected..... being beaten by genuine premiership contenders (clue: its NOT the Weevils!!), though the Bombers let me down badly, I picked them to win!!!! Arrrrrrrgh!! That curse of Chiron!!

Nothing much else happening really...... it seemed like yesterday I arrived back from Mexico, well it was this past Wednesday, and been trying to reset my body clock from Mexico time back to Perth time. Hopefully this has now been achieved. I return to work on Tuesday, here to begin my new jobs. Fair bit of trepidation here, we Virgos baulk at starting anything new, especially when our ruling planet Mercury is in retrograde. But at the same time, we Virgos are very organised creatures and very methodical in our approach to our tasks, so should be able to overcome the jitters to get into my new roles.

Meanwhile my health in my very old age, in particular, my very out of balance heart chakra. My visit to my GP just before my trip to renew my scripts, I was given the request note for my regular blood test which she said I could do after my trip. Well it is now after my trip so I suppose I will need to make time for the blood test. I normally go in the morning prior to starting work, just means I arrive at work a bit later, using my flexi-time to account for the hours. So whether I will do this will depend just how busy I will be as I begin my new roles. I am not sure how busy I will be this week. Otherwise I will go on Friday as I have the day off work on Friday to mark the end of Passover week. We are in Passover Week which began last Saturday, performing our traditions, namely abstaining from foods containing raising agents and eating matza slices instead of bread. The first and last days of Passover are holy days, so we abstain from work on those days, hence my day off this Friday. So will have to see how things will pan during my three days at work.

In any case I won't bother seeing my GP after the blood test, because I also have my annual appointments at the Heart Specialist which also involves a blood test, and he will discuss those results with me, so don't want to take any extra time off work nor spend any extra money for what will be basically duplicate results.

My Heart Specialist appointments are in two stages. The first stage is the Stress Test on the 26th this month. This is basically being hooked up to a heart monitor and going on a treadmill which slowly increases in speed until I get too tired. I had this test last year and did reasonably well for my age. However I won't do as well this time. Due to the catastrophic year of 2017 my health went down and I am not as fit. My diet suffered due to being without a fridge, and as consequence of the various catastrophes during 2017 I hadn't gone out as much, and I have put on weight. I am working on losing weight and getting my energy back, but it will take a year to get me back to where I was prior to 2017.

After the Stress Test I have the 2nd appointment booked two weeks later on May 11, with a blood test to be arranged about a week prior. That appointment will be to discuss the Stress Test result and the blood test results, and will probably be mildly rebuked due to my decreased fitness level and my putting on weight. The legacy of the catastrophic year of 2017 will continue to haunt me for some time yet.

Of course these appointments at the Heart Specialist will be expensive with high gap payments after Medicare, but at least with the appointments being two weeks apart the expense can be spread over two pay periods. And I already have the funds for the air tickets to my next destination - South Carolina - thanks to my Virgoan talents in budgeting and sticking to my savings plan which enabled me a surplus after my Mexico trip. My next lot of my leave credits are not expected to kick in until at least later in this year. This will give me plenty of time to save for the car rental and lodgings as well as spending money for food, etc, all which will be cheaper than in Perth. This is one benefit of travelling overseas, the majority of places are cheaper for living expenses than in Perth.

Chiron moves into Aries this month on April 17. The last time that happened, back in 1968, this marked the start of the 8 years of Hell, of poverty and abuse. Of course back then I didn't have Kathy in my life, indeed I wasn't allowed to have girlfriends back then, my Mother insisting I must not tell any girl that I "love" her, I was told to use the word "like" instead. Of course this didn't stop me, but on more than one occasion Mother took it upon herself to break up my budding relationships with girls on the premise that she was "not a nice girl". Mother probably would have said the same thing about Kathy because she is a witch, so that relationship would have been doomed at the hands of "well meaning" family members.

Nowadays of course I have no such problems, no Mother to judge on my relationships with girls, and I am in the position to not let anyone else break up our relationship. It appears she came at the right time, to help me through Chiron's transit of Aries. It doesn't mean catastrophes won't happen, but at least she will be there to help soothe the upcoming bumpy rides. My car is on its last legs with the engine running roughly, and the plan was to take it in for a service where they will give me a list of the work that will be needed on the car. From there I can determine whether it will be worth the expenses involved, and then take it from there. However with all these medical appointments running until into May, it won't be until at least June before I can book my car in for a service - so it is a race of time to see if the car will last that long or whether it will die an ugly death prior to this. With the Saturn Chiron square starting to come into effect during June, peaking during July, well it does not auger well for the fate of my car. I already have contingency plans to cope with life without a car, which will involve mainly public transport, being just around the corner from a train station, and occasionally supplemented with Uber rides and on occasions hiring a car for a weekend. Being without a car will save me at least $2000 in petrol, insurance and rego, and the servicing and maintenance, so plenty of extra money that can be used in public transport fares and Uber rides and occasional car hire.

So now one more day to prepare for my return to work..........

My hand very much raised!!!!!

The only weird one at my work place is..... ME !!!!!!

Meanwhile in Perth......

Grounds for being committed to the looney bins.......

Facebook addiction.....

Speaking of my efforts to lose weight........

Realistic robotics


Punishment for introverts

Meanwhile at a supermarket in Perth......

How to fly a kite.......


Futility of trying to outwit my girlfriend......
Kathy debunks the conventional wisdom that one must love one's self before one can love another..... or that rule does not apply for Virgos since self love and Virgos are mutually exclusive and we would otherwise be lonely for the rest of our lives!!!! The Virgo syndrome should be listed as a disability!!!!

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