Monday 23 April 2018

The Chiron Effect

At different times I have spoken of the Chiron Effect in its many different manifestations, all of them catastrophic, from football tipping results to financial challenges befalling me, all revolving around Chiron's transit of Pisces and now into Aries.

There was one in particular which I have made a prediction. I noted that Mother's death took place near the start of Chiron's entry into Pisces, and my wife's death took place on my Chiron return, when Chiron reached exactly its spot at 11 degrees Pisces as was in my birth chart. So I wondered if there be another death in the family near the end of Chiron's transit of Pisces. And so when "step-father", that is, from Mother's 2nd marriage in 1980, was diagnosed with Asbestosis of the lungs, I KNEW that would be the death that would occur near the end of Chiron's transit of Pisces. The diagnosis took place about two to three years ago, and once with such a diagnosis, your fate is sealed, with death taking place within about ten years or less. However when the death of another family member took place in December last year, I thought that would be the death being marked near Chiron's exit from Pisces, especially since at the funeral, and indeed last Xmas, the step-father seemed to be still going strong. True enough that lung cancer can suddenly take a turn for the worse, it still seemed likely he had a few years to go yet, well beyond Chiron's exit from Pisces.

However last Wednesday, literally hours after Chiron's exit from Pisces, my Aunty called me saying that indeed the lung cancer, the asbestosis, has taken a sudden turn for the worse, and he was expected to leave this planet within the next two weeks. And without going into all the gory details, the next few days seemed surreal, and then today, just four days after getting that call from my Aunty, I went down to the Hospice where he had been for the last couple of days, and found him in a rather comatose state though still very much breathing. I had word from the previous visitor who left just 30 minutes prior that he was still very much conscious even if he couldn't talk too much. So inbetween this 30 minutes he bloody lost consciousness, so by the time I got there, he fell into a coma. I know one is still aware of one's surroundings while in a coma, so he would have known I was there, but just couldn't communicate this on a conscious level. And so it was destined to be my last 90 minutes with him alive, with other family members arriving....... and we watched helplessly as he took his last breath....... This was the first time I watched someone passing from this planet. I was not there when Mother passed away, and I was just hours too late for even my wife who passed away without me......

But indeed my original prediction proved to be accurate, the Mother and step-father pair would pass away at either end of Chiron's transit of Pisces. And what is even more astounding..... Chiron first entered Pisces early in 2010, then it turned retrograde and went back into Aquarius later in 2010, and it was at 28 degrees Aquarius when Mother passed away in January 2011. Chiron re-entered Pisces in February 2011, and there it would spend the next seven years. Then last Wednesday Chiron entered Aries, and four days later the step father passed away. Later this year Chiron will turn retrograde and go back into Pisces, and early in 2019 Chiron will move back into Aries where it will spend the next 8 years. So Mother's death took place during Chiron's ingress into Aquarius (ie inbetween the transits of Pisces), and step-father's death took place during Chiron's ingress into Aries (inbetween the Pisces transits). As morbid as this sounds, these "coincidences" are rather amazing!!! Of course as we know, there is no such creature as "coincidence", and so this is evidence that the energies of these planets and indeed Astrology is real, it is not just superstitious nonesense!!!!! My whole life proves this over and over again to the point that I can often predict things based on Astrology - such as catastrophes during July at the height of the Saturn Chiron square, most likely involving my car. Mark my words, something catastrophic is going to happen in July this year!!!!!

Each time I go out from my apartment I always wear my hat cos I despise the fact that I am bald on top. It is one of the many things I hate about myself. We Virgos are very self critical creatures, we are experts at being self critical. And me with four planets in Virgo and no aspects in Leo, I am even more typically Virgo than even other Virgos. So I hate myself with a vengeance, and I hate my baldness. Indeed I hate the thought of getting old, so I hate all things associated with ageing. So I religiously wear a hat each time I go out. Then last night when I was at my Aunty and Uncle's place, I bloody left my hat there, so it was akin to being naked, I feel very naked without my hat. So to avoid a trip to the department store for another hat, especially since I wouldn't be seeing at least my cousin for another week, and I can't go for a week without my hat, well I looked to see if I can find my beanie...... and indeed I DID find my beanie..... my COLLINGWOOD beanie...... so now when I go out, I wear my Collingwood beanie, and for the first time in a long time I could actually proudly wear it....... be even more proud come ANZAC day.... hehe..... haha.......

This Thursday is my annual appointment at the Heart Specialist for the stress test. I would think the gap fee for the visit after Medicare very meagre contribution would be stress enough!!! But no, in addition to this economic stress, I will be put through a stress test, which involves going on a treadmill which will gradually increase in speed until I run out of energy. And I know I won't do as well this time as I did last year. I am not as fit and healthy as last year, due to the catastrophic year that was 2017, being marked by three Saturn Chiron squares. At least this year in 2018 there will only be just one such square, so won't be quite as catastrophic. But last year in 2017 it was a very catastrophic year, with the consequence of my health and fitness going down, and my weight going up. And due to the Saturn Complex in my chart it will take me ten years to lose the weight gained in just one year. It always takes longer to lose the weight than it does to gain the weight, especially with Saturn's influences. So I will be going into this test on Thursday knowing full well my results will be less favourable than last year.

Major planetary events for this week.......

Pluto turned retrograde in Capricorn, just after the passing of my step-father

Venus moves into Gemini on Wednesday

Mercury squares Saturn, and Mars conjunction with Pluto, both on Thursday, the day of the Stress Test at the Heart Specialist.

Full Moon in Scorpio takes place next Sunday.

The Australian Government......


Why those with a Saturn Complex in their charts should not gamble.......

Viable excuses......

It felt legit at the time......

Be careful of ETs during ball games.....

Here at work.......

Meanwhile in Perth.......

With strong Gemini aspects !!!

The life of a Virgo.......

Why Virgos are always stressed out.......

Is that a threat or a promise? It must be a threat cos promises are meant to be broken.
During the Saturn Chiron squares with Chiron in Aries......

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