Wednesday 28 March 2018

I'm baaaaaaack!!!!!

Here my first day in town since arriving back from Mexico yesterday.... and it was a bumpy 17 hour flight across the Pacific. There is always turbulence across the Pacific, it's a fact of life from travelling between the temperate and tropical zones, with tropical storms around, hot air convections, etc. But for some reason it was particularly bumpy coming back. Indeed in one instance just four hours before Sydney, it appeared we flew into the vicinity of tropical storms as the plane seemed to weave a squiggly path, we could see that from the flight path map that they have on our screens these days. It was at night so couldn't see anything, but it was quite bumpy, and it was the one occasion we were directed to keep seated with our seatbelts.

Turbulence are a bit freaky these days stemming from an incidence during my last Mexico trip, when coming out from Cancun we went through turbulence when the plane went into free-fall. It lasted probably only a second but it sure felt like eternity, and literally saw my life flash before me!!!! Of course it is true that planes are designed to deal with turbulence, such as even in free-fall the plane is designed to remain upright, and for the airlift to kick in eventually. Planes fly because of the air pressure differences on the wings, lower pressure on top with higher pressure underneath caused through the airflow - longer hence faster airflow over the top hence less pressure, so the higher pressure underneath keeps the plane in the air - why wings are flat underneath and curved on top. But free-fall in turbulence happens when there is a strong enough downdraft to cause this airflow mechanism to break down, hence the wings no longer keep the plane in the air so it literally falls..... but sooner or later the downdraft ceases, or the forward momentum of the plane eventually moves it out of the downdraft zone, so the air flow mechanism kicks in again, and the plane regains altitude, albeit with the now shocked and traumatized passengers onboard - alive but shocked and sometimes traumatized!! In relatively rare instances, the downdraft is so severe that anything in the plane that is not tied down flies around the cabin and smashes against the ceiling, including passengers who didn't obey the instructions to lock their seatbelts on!!!!! Thankfully I never experienced this, nor do I care to experience this, even if the chances of the plane crashing is close to zero - it is extremely rare for a plane to crash just through turbulence even severe ones. They crash typically because of mechanical faults or human error.

In any case I am actually not afraid of dying. I am just apprehensive of the actual process of dying.... will it be a slow and painful death, or be suffering prior to death, such as in drowning where it takes a while for death to occur, or even getting your head chopped off - death is not instant, you still remain aware for a while cos of the blood still in the brain, even if only for a few seconds watching the world go whizzing by as your head rolls down to the ground!!!! If I am going to die, I want to be an instant death with no suffering. In plane crashes death tends to be instant due to the sheer shock of the impact, or if the plane breaks up in the air, the low air pressure outside causes us to lose consciousness before anything else has a chance of happening, such as, hitting the ground below.

I for one am pretty sure what is going to happen after we die. There is a virtually universal realisation that a certain part of us lives on, or at least comes back to life after the death event so to live another life. And I know for CERTAIN what is NOT going to happen after death. None of us are going to spend an eternity of suffering in Hell. Such a concept is not even in the Bible, it is an invention of the Catholic church designed to keep us under control through fear. Such a concept is indeed derived from ancient Egyptian mythology many thousands of years before Christianity was even thought of. The story goes that when we die, we move through an underworld populated by all kinds of scary creatures, designed to purify us, before we finally meet up with Osiris and Isis - the Egyptian God and Goddess. There is a scale where our soul is placed. Depending on how the scale moves, the righteous soul is "light" and will therefore spend eternity in the realms of the Egyptian deities. However the wicked soul is "heavy" and so is destined for an eternity in the underworld being tormented by these creatures. Sounds familiar???

Plus I have studied the Bible and have proved from the Bible itself beyond doubt that there are absolutely no where that points to the destiny of wicked souls suffering eternity in Hell. If anything, the opposite is given, that wicked souls simply dies - cease to exist, no suffering, no consciousness, just nothing........ "The soul that sinneth will DIE"

In any case there are anecdotal evidence of reincarnation. Even the Jews believes in reincarnation, especially in Kaballah. And there are references to reincarnation in the Bible despite the efforts of the Nicene Council, a Catholic based group in the 4th century assigned to canonise the Scriptures by choosing only a small number of manuscripts from the hundreds that were available at the time, and altering many of these to suit their agendas. In reincarnation there is always another chance to make amends which empowers us. Under church doctrine there are no 2nd chances, you either get it right the first time or its all over red rover, hence best idea to submit to the church so to save your soul.

But there is one interesting story in the Gospels where there was a man who was born blind and the disciples asked Jesus whether it was the sin of the man or the sins of his parents who caused the man to be blind? Note that the man was BORN blind, so how could there possibly be his OWN sins (or "karma" as we like to call it) that caused him to go blind???...... unless it was in a PAST lifetime, read, reincarnation!!!! As with most Jews, the disciples clearly believed in reincarnation, and Jesus did not correct them of such a belief saying that reincarnation is false and from now on we are to believe in the Heaven and Hell doctrine. As the Nicene Council exclaims - Dang we forgot to remove THAT one!!!!!!!

Of course we cannot know for certain what happens after death as none of us has lived to tell the tale!!! When we die we don't come back to life again at least in our original forms!!!! But there are plenty of anecdotal evidence around that a part of us lives on after death, and none of us goes to "Hell" nor for that matter to "Heaven", indeed even the Bible says in the New Testament "no man ascends to Heaven". So we remain on planet Earth or another planet, we don't go outside of the universe, that is, to "Heaven".

Last but not least, there are at least anecdotal evidence that it is not my time to go just yet, that I am protected. So even if the plane goes into freefall, or some other shit happens, I will live to tell the tale, such as in these blogs!!!!! This stems from my heart event, when I suffered a heart attack. I was experiencing pains in my chest for about 24 hours, thinking it was just indigestion. I rode my bicycle 11 kilometers with such pains in my chest thinking it will go away eventually. It wasn't until the pains got more severe, when I was alone at home, that I decided it was a good idea to call for help, and even then I called the Health line thinking calling an ambulance would be a wee bit drastic. Needless to say I was in shock when after being taken to hospital under priority one, which I thought was overkill, they gave me these words which would forever change my life "you are experiencing a heart attack". When I told them of my exploits in the 24 hours preceding this, they were shocked!!!! They thought I was just joking with them. Indeed I should have died. I was dangerously close to a cardiac arrest which would have sealed my fate, especially being the blocked arteries that caused the heart attack. FOUR arteries were blocked!!!! I should have died!!!! Quite obviously I didn't!!!! They put it down to my fitness, but even elite athletes have known to have died from heart attacks!!!! It seems clear it wasn't my time to go just yet...... and it was after the heart attack that I decided I had better do something with my life....... fulfil my callings...... my trips around the world to re-balance the energies of these ancient sites on the energy vortexes.... among other things.

And now the shocking revelations about Kathy, my wiccan friend..... she had been in love with me from the days I was married!!!! I had experienced my spiritual awakening in 2005/6, my Uranus opposition years, and soon after that I experienced my "dark night of the soul" - the period that usually involves depression, suicidal tendencies, self harm, etc. One of the consequences of increased awareness, we become more aware of the shit in our lives. I hadn't self harmed since 2016 but I have the scars to show. I had joined an online forum to help those with depression, self harm, etc, and that is where I met Kathy. For some reason we struck up a friendship and soon began exchanging emails. I was still married, and I had no idea whatsoever that she had actually fallen in love with me. And despite not being able to have me, she still remained in love with me, it never ceased. I guess, love happens no matter what. Even if I knew I would not have left my wife. But I didn't even know.

Then of course my wife died...... and then my catastrophic journey into the dating sites. I wasn't even looking for romance. But it was catastrophic, most of them were simply looking to scam me or worst....... then of course the catastrophic trip to New Zealand where I thought there would be romance, even if I wasn't looking for it, but decided this would be my last chance at romance...... and when she dumped me, I decided this was it, I would never look for romance again, and I was as I thought destined to lament the lack of abilities of Virgos to enjoy any success at dating and romance....... all while there was a witch in America who was utterly in love with me. I was so blissfully unware of her love for me, I just thought she was a very good friend, we been through a lot of shit together, but thought at best she be my soul mate, certainly no suggestion of any romance or that she actually wanted me!!!!!! I guess that is typically Virgo!!!!!

Indeed we had lost contact for a couple of years and I thought I'd never hear from her again...... until December last year when she msg me on FaceBook....... and it was only this year that she revealed her love for me!!!!! And she hadn't told me before because she was afraid I would reject her!!!! But I guess she decided she had to tell me sooner or later, she took the risk...... and well here we are.

If only I knew back then...... I would not have wasted time with dating sites nor go to the bother of going to New Zealand!!!!!!

The obvious question...... where to now?? Well I suppose the next step is to meetup with her, indeed this is next on my agenda, though I will be far more circumspect this time, not like the catastrophic New Zealand experience. Though there are major difference. The New Zealand woman came in contact through a dating site, we had not known each other prior to this, so it was a matter whether we would "work out" when we meet, and as they say, its history, a catastrophic one at that!!!!! But with Kathy we already known each other for years, since BEFORE the death of my wife, and we had been through so much shit together, she knows of my suicidal events and self harm, we'd share the most intimate details of such things. She knows my dark secrets. She knows about the Hell I had been through with my life. There is nothing more to hide. She knows me warts and all........ so for her to actually be in love with me, well............ as I say, next step is the meetup....... no details yet, not likely until next year due to having used up my vacation credits for this year...... nevertheless a next step.........

Last but not least...... the catastrophe that is football and the football tipping...... not a good start on any count....... of course the Magpies bombed out, that I expected, and the tipping result was catastrophic, I am in 21st place..... there are only 21 participants in the competition. Well Chiron is still in Pisces!! Firstly I missed out on the first match which was on a Thursday, and due to the time differences with Mexico, I was too late. So that was one down already, I had only 8 more chances, and well I gotten 5 of them but everyone else gotten more than that. So as far as football goes, this is not going to be my year. It will be impossible to win from here. This will be another year without prize money...... Chiron enters Aries next month, but due to its retrograde, it will go back into Pisces for a while..... so the curse of Chiron will have its sting in the tail.

The macabre bright spot..... the loss of the Weevils!!!! Looks like my weevil voodoo dolls from the depth of the Mexican jungle seemed to have worked..... well having to go up crocodile infested rivers and through unexplored jungles to get to the Mayan ruins...... and weevils voodoo dolls..... and the guy at customs was a Dockers supporter....... "no worries mate, bring them in, as many as you like"...... So yeah, the Weevils playing at their brand new stadium, they thought they should win..... well being in a spanking new stadium, they thought a win was in the bag....... well they were brought down to a thudding reality check..... and I could not have been happier.

So this time I won't forget about the Thursday night match, that is TONIGHT!!!!!! Hard to pick at this early stage...... but the Magpies not expected to beat the Giants...... and those little Weevils, I will have to bring out those voodoo dolls again, so the Bulldogs will have Weevils for dinner. Well they have to travel this time, they won't be in their spanking new stadium.

Now for my grocery shopping...... and Eostre candy for the upcoming Eostre festival this weekend celebrated in honour of the central European Goddess Eostre..... um..... otherwise known as Easter.

Meanwhile I celebrate Passover, which falls on Friday, and the holiday continues for the week until the following Friday, these are known as the days of unleavened bread. The tradition is we remove leavened foods (yeast, bicarb soda, other raising agents), and we eat matza the "unleavened bread" instead of normal bread. This stems from back in the days of the Exodus when the Jews escaped from Egyptian slavery, they didn't have time to properly bake their breads, so they ended up with flat kind of bread without any yeast, hence, "unleavened bread".

Now for some lighter entertainment.........

Me on a work day.......

When back in my childhood a group of us who were teasing me about my many girlfriends and they ask me which one I love the most...... Mother overheard this, and she said, "Mum of course!!!"..... uhhh believe me that was as far from my mind as that possibly can be!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of Egyptians.......

Virgo logic......

Now THIS is Heaven!!!!!!!

Virgo logic in dating......

The Chiron effect.........

Why Virgos should not date......

My lament.......

Preferably Taygeta but any place will do........

The message during Saturn Chiron squares.......

When Chiron enters Aries.......

What it felt like when I was in Mexico......

After being deprived of Pizza in Mexico it is on my menu tonight....... hehe......

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