Monday 16 April 2018

What A Busy Week

This past week has been a busy week, and a busy weekend, well relatively busy for me anyway. Going on just ONE evening outing counts as "relatively busy" for such a hermit like me, let alone TWO!!!

On Saturday I was going for my usual morning walk when at Elizabeth Quay in the CBD area I came across what looked like some kind of festival with statues all over the place with the largest statue situated behind the Portals sculptures which is on the ET Merredin dragon line. It turned out the festival wasn't open yet, due to open later that day, and someone came up to me inviting me to the festival which indeed was in honour of Buddha's birthday, giving me a programme of the events. I thought.... wayyyyyy awesome!!!!! The festival was over two days and I felt to come back at least sometime during the festival.

When I got home I looked at the programme and saw there was a dragon dance that evening. That sealed it for me. I just love dragons so much, and I thought it was significant that the dance was located right on the dragon line. So next thing for this Virgo who likes to plan ahead, the logistics of getting to the event. I could catch the train, however, the dragon dance was to take place just before the evening and its likely to be dark when I decide to make my way back, and I don't like taking public transport - train or bus - at night. I could Uber it, but probably a more cost effective approach would be to perhaps drive to South Perth and catch the ferry which stops at Elizabeth Quay where the event is being held, and with the likelihood of other people from the event catching the ferry, it should be relatively safe at night.

So when the time came, I drove into South Perth where there was a mix of paid and free parking, with the latter further away from the ferry terminal but still within reasonable walking distance. We Virgos are good at scoping out the most cost effective scenarios, weighing in the pros and cons. When I got there, I snagged the last free parking spot that was available, and it was reasonably close to the terminal, only about a 5 mins walk.

So I took the ferry across and got there in time to catch the dragon dance, and it was very much well worth the effort to get there. I just loved the dragon dance so much, and it was dancing along the dragon line. Then I stayed for the ceremonies, the various blessings and other traditional things that is done in Buddhism. There was the inter-faith prayer for peace via the local heads of the Christian church, I think it was Anglican, and also Islam, and Hinduism. But it lost me when the politicians started to speak, I don't care much for politicians, so I thought might as well head back home on the ferry but first check out the various stalls at the event, and food!!!! First thing, all of the food stalls runs on a token system, which when one thinks about it, is a good idea. There is a central location where you purchase the tokens, then go select the foods, all vegetarian of course...... so bought some fried rice and a fried potato twirl on a stick, basically potato made in a spiral and fried like chips. It was very tasty.

By the time I had finished eating, well it was close enough to the fire works, and most importantly, the politicians stopped speaking and there were now music being played with various performers. So I stuck around for the fireworks....... and after my very late night out in the city, well to 8:30pm anyway, I finally headed back home. I don't go out very often at night in the city, in fact, this was my first night out in the city for many many years, I can't remember the last time I was out in the city at night. I do lead a very sheltered life!!!!

Last Wednesday was a slightly more planned outing, well it was booked just prior to my Mexico trip. This was the "11:11 DNA Activation Ceremony" for 2018. The year 2018 is an "11" year, that is, the digits 2+0+1+8=11, which is a Twin Flame year. 11 relates to Twin Flames as well as a lot of other mystical things which I won't go into now. But those of us who are Star Seeds often experienced signs associated with 11. And my Twin Flame Cathy manifested herself to me in 2018.

The theory behind "DNA Activation".... well science tells us the human body has two strands of DNA in our cells. There are in fact 12 strands of DNA which science knows about but rarely talked about because these are regarded as "junk" DNA, meaning, they have no idea as to what these DNA are used for. The two strands they know about determines our physical traits, like height, eye colour, hair, skin, etc, etc. So what about the other 10 strands? Well we all must know that, whatever religion or faith one belongs to, we all surely agree that God doesn't create us with "junk". Every part of us has a purpose. The fact that science doesn't always know the purpose is irrelevant. And it turns out the other 10 strands has more mystical purposes. A lot of these relates to Star Seeds, and ET hybridisation. Indeed many of them are ET DNA from our contacts with ETs. And others relates to other past lives, and the mystical elements of our lives, such as, being linked to Astrology and Numerology, hence the thing about 2018 being an 11 year. And because we spent so long in our 3D reality with little or no spiritual connections, the 10 strands remains dormant, so must be "Activated" as part of our Ascension process towards a more spiritually connected life.

I originally wasn't going to attend this ceremony due to the reference to Twin Flames, and I had thought I was destined to be alone for the rest of my life, that I would never even find another woman to be in a relationship with, let alone Twin Flame. We all through our lives have had romantic relationships, perhaps one or more marriages, and etc, mostly ending catastrophically, but there can ever be only one Twin Flame. Most other relationships are with "soul mates", that is, people from the same soul group. There are various soul groups, such as, Star Seeds, Indigos, Earth Angels, Elementals, etc, etc. We gravitate towards those of the same soul group.

Twin Flames however stems from the belief that prior to our incarnation to planet Earth, at least some of us are separated into two, and the two souls are placed at different points in both time and place on planet Earth. So at least some of us have a "twin" who was once a part of us prior to the split, and then whether we know it or not, we spend out lives searching for our "twin", often going through several doomed relationships in the process.

And so thinking I was destined to be alone for the rest of my life, up came Cathy, a friend whom I had known for the past ten years. It turned out she fell in love with me ten years ago but was afraid to tell me. We had lost contact for a while, and December last year she found me again online and got back in contact with me...... and it was this year, 2018, the Twin Flame year, when she finally told me about her love for me, the love she had for me for ten years without the love being returned - well I didn't know, I thought she was just a good friend!!!!! Now that's a long time to be in love with someone without it being acknowledged nor returned. These days most relationships doesn't even last ten years even when the "love" was mutual in the first place!!!! A lesser person would have given up on me long before the ten years was over!!! That means from 2008, soon after we met online!!!! This still amazes me, that she had never given up on me, even while I was married, and subsequently pursued other doomed relationships after my wife's death!!!!

How do I know she is my Twin Flame...... well it is in our charts. The synchronicity between our two birth charts. We have a better chance of winning first division Lotto than to just by sheer chance come up with so many synchronicities between our two charts. This has never happened with any of my previous partners.

And so that is what made me decided to book myself a spot in this DNA Activation Ceremony, needing to have the Twin Flame parts of my DNA activated as well as the other things being covered in the ceremony.

During the ceremony I had many experiences and manifestations, astral journeys to the stars and beyond, and experienced other visions, even a Goddess appearing to me. Everyone in the group has different experiences, not many as vivid as mine with my very vivid imagination!!!

Anyway this week, indeed tomorrow night, Chiron moves into Aries. The last time this happened back in 1968, this heralded the 8 years of Hell and childhood poverty, the 8 years coinciding almost exactly with Chiron's 8-year transit of Aries. My cards tells me this will not happen again, and my cards are always right, so I will run with that. Also I am participating in a LightBody Activation ceremony for Chiron's entry into Aries, that I did not have available back in 1968.

Now the catastrophic football tipping, well at least the tipping competition is catastrophic. I am still in position 21 despite 7 correct picks. There are only 21 people in our competition. This shows that you never recover from a bad start. So I am pretty well destined to remain at or near position 21 for the whole season, there is no chance of me getting much higher. I did pick the Weevils acknowledging the failure of those Weevils voodoo dolls from Mexico, they were all duds, I will have to go back to square one. But I must confess my sins, I did not pick the Magpies. However I will atone for my sins, I will pick the Maggies next time, they always seem to play better on ANZAC Day even during the bad years - sorry Bombers!!!!! hehe!!!!

And so on this note.............

Explained - the Saturn influence in your chart !!!

Meanwhile back in my workplace......

Experiencing a Chiron moment......

The need to read the fine print when an offer from a travel agency seems too good to be true!!!!

The owner of my pizza parlour probably owns one of the islands of the Bahamas !!!!!

That Saturn influence....... again !!!!!!

I can relate...... !!!!!

You know you're in Australia when.......

A legitimate need...... hehe!!

A legitimate concern !!!!!!!!

Being shy..... hehe......

During Saturn's last transit of Capricorn 30 years ago before I learned my Virgo lessons!!!!!

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