Sunday 29 April 2018

The Chiron Effect - Catastrophic Weekend

With Chiron into Aries my 2nd house, dealing with money, possessions, and pleasure, catastrophes continues to befall me affecting some or all of these. There was a reason why the 1968 transit of Chiron into Aries heralded the 8 years of poverty and abuse coinciding with the 8 year transit of Chiron through Aries. My cards says this will not happen again, that these catastrophes are temporary, its only a matter of how "temporary", with no end in sight..... and soon the Saturn Chiron square will kick in adding more to the catastrophes.

Catastrophes this weekend....... the first involved my efforts to find the appropriate attire for this week's funeral. Stemming from my poverty years I hate spending money on clothes or any clothes-related items. Back in my poverty we never got new clothes, it was always hand-me-downs from wealthier friends and relatives, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th hand clothes. Mother became an expert at clothes repairs and alterations to account for growing kids, so to make the clothes last that much longer. So despite having $1000's at my disposal and my spending on overseas trips, I absolutely loathe spending money on clothes. Even if I be a millionaire I'd still baulk at spending money on clothes.

As a result, my supply of formal clothes are very scant. I work in a warehouse so I wear only casual clothes, jeans and T-shirts, to work. I very rarely attend formal events. So come such events, funerals, etc, I find myself scant on appropriate attire.

So I had this shirt that I wore to the last funeral, and having since been washed, it was now full of creases and wrinkles. My iron had given up the ghost so I had to get rid of it, therefore, I did not have an iron. I tried a common trick, douse the shirt under a hot steamy shower and leave it to drip dry in the steamy bathroom. Once dried however the wrinkles came back with a vengeance!!! Virgo panic set in!! Anxiety is hard wired into the DNA of Virgos, it doesn't take much for us to go into panic mode and being anxious. I did not want to spend any money on an iron, especially after my data roaming charges from Mexico came back to haunt me and I had to meet that payment. Supply of funds were not a problem, I had more than ample, I just didn't want to spend it on an iron!!!

After spending the day in panic mode, just a normal day in the life of a Virgo, I finally gotten around to conceding that I just going to have to spend money on an iron. So I looked them up online and was pleasantly surprised to find some irons were quite inexpensive. We all know Perth is the most expensive city on the planet, so I think irons would be very expensive, but even for Perth many of them were cheap. There is the usual price range, from dirt cheap and nasty store brands, up to very expensive state of the art irons with more bells and whistles than a Mercedes. My general rule when looking to purchase an item is to go for the mid-price range, avoid the cheap and nasty models, it is very much you get what you pay for, but at the same time, not to spend too much money on features that you don't really need. Mid range balances things out nicely, with some useful features but nothing over the top. And was pleasantly surprised to find quite decent irons in the mid-range that were relatively reasonably priced. Still I hated the fact I would have to spend money on an iron, but at least I have one which is likely to last me a while, it even has a self cleaning feature, a major plus for me!!!!

So now my attire successfully iron and ready for that very intense day on Thursday. Planetary alignments for Thursday, well of course Chiron features in the alignments, being in Aries, and Saturn now in retrograde has moved within a 10 degrees arc of a square with Chiron, meaning, the start of the period when more catastrophes are likely. By July Saturn and Chiron will have moved to within one degree of an exact square, it won't ever be quite exact but close enough to count. Major catastrophes set for July, but with Chiron just moving into Aries and Saturn moving to within the 10-degree arc, the catastrophes has already begun.

The 2nd catastrophe so far this weekend...... I had my tablet on charge, and went to take it off charge when due to being very clumsy in my very old age, the tablet slipped out of my hands and onto the only 30cm portion of my tiled kitchen floor that was uncovered. Most of my apartment has carpet, and there are tiles on the kitchen floor but most of it covered in towels so that my feet doesn't get cold while doing my thing in the kitchen. However there was a small 30 cm gap inbetween the towels and the carpet, and the tablet headed straight for that 30cm gap, and it cracked the glass on my tablet!!! To be sure it was just a single crack running across the middle of the display, and the tablet was otherwise still working without any glitches. Indeed one can hardly see the crack when the display is activated. However me being a Virgo I despise any imperfections. I hated the fact that there was a crack across the screen!!!! Yeah we Virgos are very fussy creatures!!!! And so the incident left me in a distraught state, on top of the issue of the attire for the funeral. This was turning into a diabolical weekend!!!!

Fortunately I had a spare tablet. So I simply transferred my sim card and the apps and data across to the spare tablet, and so am now using the spare tablet. Nevertheless it didn't make me feel any better about the situation, especially since I am still paying off the now cracked tablet on my phone plan, and being my fault, I would have to pay for any repairs for the crack!!!!

On a slightly more promising note, my anxiety-ridden trip to the Heart Specialist last Thursday did turn out better than expected, though it was mostly my Virgo determination to push myself a bit more during the Stress Test. Last year I didn't push myself quite so much, was rather afraid my heart would give out, even though I was hooked up and constantly monitored during the treadmill test. You begin at a reasonably brisk walking pace, and every three minutes the treadmill increases in speed and the slope also increases, basically simulating walking faster up a steeper hill. Last year I quit during the 3rd stage. This year I was certain I would do worse, cos due to the catastrophic year that was 2017, I had put on weight, and is not as fit and healthy as I was last year. Nevertheless I decided I would push myself a bit more, afterall, they encourage you to do that and then they stop when you start running out of breath. This time I surprised myself, I made it to the end of the 4th stage, I did better than I did last year despite carrying a few extra kilos and not being as fit!!!! I am trying to get fitter and lose more weight in time for my visit to America early next year to see my Twin Flame, have been going for more walks, and starting to do exercises. And I have been checking out some Yoga places, which I intend to start attending once I am over this shit with the funeral, the Heart Specialist, etc. Once the funeral is over and done with on Thursday and everything goes back to normal with the family, that is me with scant contact with them, I have the followup appointment with the Heart Specialist on May 11, I will have to get blood samples taken before that, and the appointment is just to discuss the Stress Test result and the blood test, review my meds, and etc, for another 12 months. Then after that I can concentrate on checking out Yoga classes and finding the right one for me..... hopefully before the Saturn Chiron square becomes too close together, that is, before June.

Now the Chiron inspired catastrophe that is the football, being destined to remain in place 21 in our 21-person office tipping competition, having to jump three points to go higher, something that is simply not going to happen. There's a better chance of Carlton winning the premiership. However my feelings in regards to the Magpies did prove correct, that I would be in for a Virgo reality check, and so at least I gotten one of my tips correct..... and well also acknowledging the utter failure of my Weevils voodoo dolls from Mexico, I knew the Weevils would win the derby.

So on this note...... trying to match the universe's warped sense of humour, I would indeed win prize monie in the tipping competition after Chiron's exit from Pisces, you do get a boobie prize of a small amount of cash for finishing in last spot!!!!!..... my sense of humour not quite so warped but I come pretty close..... here's another sample........

Preparation for driving in Perth.....

As Chiron moves into Aries and forming a square with Saturn......

Relaxing music for me with my Pluto Chiron config in my chart......

Virgo dilemma in what to wear to the funeral......

When on my travels..... !!!!!

The life of a Virgo.......

True.... hehe.....
Um... yes..... that be right....... !!!!!

Meanwhile at the Heart Specialist.........

One with a lot of Gemini influence !!!!

When the Chiron effect is triggered......

Taking my car in for a long overdue service.......

Wishing my hair grew back that fast when during my teen years my old fashioned Mother would send me to the salon to get my hair cut short!!!!!

When the Chiron effect kicks in......

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