Sunday 8 April 2018

An Extremely Rare Occurrence

Here we are presiding over an extremely rare event...... Are we talking about politicians speaking the truth and keeping their promises? Or a Virgo not being fussy? Or snow in Perth? Or the government giving you money instead of asking for it?....... nah something even more rare!!!! An extremely rare event happening on a Friday night at a sporting venue in Melbourne..... The Magpies actually WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! We must be in a parallel universe....... but even in parallel universe the Magpies doesn't win, they just lose by varying margins!!! Hmmmmmm what to make of this extremely rare anomaly? Trying to use extremely complex quantum theory to make sense of such a dimensional shift....... do I need to change my tipping rules from never pick the Magpies? OK.....never pick the Magpies unless they're playing teams who have had less wins..... nah that won't work, cos both Carlton and the Magpies were without wins until last Friday..... hmmmmmm very complex multi-dimensional manipulations, not even Stephen Hawkins could have solved that one..........

Meanwhile..... those Weevils voodoo dolls have let me down again!!!! Frauds!!!! Been sold duds!!! Have to go back to Mexico to get my money back!!!! Arrrrrrgh!!!! Back to square one........ hmmmmm.........

As for the Bombers...... have to hex them now!!! They let me down..... again!!!! Grrrrrrrr........ Just wait until I get hold of Kathy, she's a witch too, we'll both send hexes to the Bombers, to teach them a lesson or two...... don't let me down again !!!!!!

OK let's forget about the catastrophe that is football..... when last week I went up one whole spot in the rankings, from 21 up to the dizzying heights of number 20..... there are 21 people in our office tipping comp. Haven't gotten results from this week's tipping yet, but between those Weevils with my voodoo doll fails, those infernal Bombers, and my Magpie theory being trashed, well things are NOT looking promising.............

SO what else has been happening in my amazing life that defies even the most vivid imagination...... not even Hollywood could dream up such twists and turns.........

My first week at my new job...... Yes number one rule, never allow a Virgo to take over the role of an retiring colleague!!! When I presided over the utter chaos that my colleague have left me, his chaotic ways of doing things, the chaotic mess at his work station...... even the thought of it was enough to send this Virgo into meltdown!!!! Here as my Scorpio Mars kicked in, totally and utterly rearranging his workplace, and giving a massive overhaul his ways of doing things!!!! We Virgos are very fussy creatures, and we can only work with order, with very particular ways of doing things, we do things down to a T. Like it is said, some people have OCD, others are just Virgos!!!! Oh yes there are going to be massive changes in the way things are done around here, now that I have been given the job of taking over!!!! Shockwaves sent throughout the workplace and beyond. They are going to wish they had never given the job takeover to a VIRGO!!!!!!!!

The synchs between Kathy and I continues to utterly amaze...... I think I already shared about the Mars Venus thing in Scorpio, that in our birth charts, my Mars is at 4 degrees Scorpio while her Venus is also at 4 degrees Scorpio, sitting virtually on top of each other. Astrologically Mars and Venus are like a twin flame pair, the male and female complimenting each other. And Kathy is my twin flame. Another synch between us...... when I am not on my trips, I do a lot of my energy works on the Merredin dragon line, which as the name implies, passes through Merredin which is a UFO hot spot. The Merredin rocks formation is an energy vortex with a lot of ET activity going on, I've been there a few times in the past. Well the Merredin dragon line also passes through Perth, or more in particular, it passes through Mt Eliza, that is, the high point of Kings Park where the war memorials are located, it passes through St Georges and St Mary's Cathedrals. Christians has a habit of building churches on top of Pagan sites or Indigenous sacred sites often the site of dragon lines. And the Merredin line continues on to Rottness Island, entering the Island at a rock formation that looks like a dragon, and exiting the island at the other end also near a rock formation that also looks like a dragon. Well I used the wonders of google maps to draw an extension of the dragon line, taking into account the curvature of the Earth....... dragon lines are generally straight with some local variations due to local anomalies, etc, such as at the Yucatan in Mexico..... but aside from these variations, dragon lines are generally straight. And so with google maps I extended the representation of the Merredin dragon line all the way to America on the other side of the world, indeed it does pass through the southern states of America....... and Kathy's home town!!!!!!! OK what is the chance of that happening????? There's a greater chance of winning 1st division prize in lotto than having a dragon line that I work on also passing through Kathy's home town, where she is living, where I will be travelling to soon!!!!!

Another twist that is working in my favour...... this past week my trailer got stolen from the secure parking lot at these apartments. Either it's an inside job, someone who has the means to access the security gates, or someone who had kept watch of the coming and goings of the residents, sneaking in behind someone coming in, then after hooking up the trailer, sneaking out behind someone else leaving the parking lot. Either way my trailer is now missing.

How this is working in my favour? Well from my recent trips to the storage unit prior the closing down my account with them, the trailer was filled with rubbish, mostly old furniture, too large for our skip bins. So my task after my Mexico trip was to take the contents to the recycle depot, which meant, organising a pass to the depot, and then paying for the privilege of delivering the rubbish to the site. Furthermore, after completing the task, I was going to get rid of the trailer since I would no longer be needing it. This is an old trailer that has very definitely seen better days. The lights are temperamental despite my efforts to fix them, I am forever having to adjust them and even then they don't always work, leading to risks on the road. It makes me wonder why someone would steal such a trailer given there were other far more modern trailers in the parking lot, all who were left untouched. Well perhaps the furniture rubbish in the trailer? Well even that is a mystery, cos most of it were incomplete furniture, such as, a wooden base to a bed with legs and other bits missing, and the iron skeleton of a mattress. Well whatever, whoever stole it is very most welcomed to it, this means I won't have to go to the bother of dealing with the trailer and contents, and it will save me a lot of trouble. Of course I had to report it to the cops for licensing purposes and to cover my arse in case it is found dumped somewhere, so to avoid being charged with illegal dumping or something as the license plates would be traced to me. Reporting it as stolen removes such risks as the record is now with the cops. Being so old, someone had probably taken it apart for scrap metal or something. Whatever the motive for the theft, it has unbeknown to them taken a large load off my mind....... assuming it is not found and returned to me!!!!!!!

Now to my warped sense of humour.......

Explained..... the Saturn Complex in one's birth chart!!!

Travel Experiences 1 - The Dreaded Middle Seat

Travel Experiences 2 - when in the USA

Travel Experiences 3 - Dealing with Budget Airlines
Travel Experiences 4 - The Curse Of The Middle Seat

Travel Experiences 5 - Replace "Cleveland, Ohio" with "Perth, Western Australia"

Travel Experiences 6 - Attempting to navigate tourist trails in foreign countries!!!!

Multidimensional manipulations involving time-space !!!!

In my childhood days, it was more akin to me as a Jew and my sister as a Palestinian with all of the sympathies and benefit of the doubt going to the Palestinians!!!!!

When Chiron enters Aries......

Nah..... we're practising witchcraft instead.... hehe.....

The truth......

Earning our keep at work !!!!

The perils of playing hide and seek with my girlfriend...... hehe......

At the end of Chiron's 8-year transit of Aries.......

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