Tuesday 8 May 2018

The Chiron Effect Continues.....

The Chiron Effect continues to take its toll as this little planetoid moves into the 2nd degree of Aries, with my savings plan taking tne 2nd hit in two fortnites. Chiron's last entry into Aries in 1968 marked the start of my 8 years of poverty. This time around I am far from any descent into poverty, but my savings plan has taken some catastrophic hits since Chiron's entry into Aries this past month. The first hit came through my Mexico data roaming charges coming back to haunt me together with my appointment to the Heart Specialist with very low insurance payouts and very high gap payments. This time the hit comes through my followup appointment at the Heart Specialist together with Australia's very high taxes - the car rego and insurance payment. This however is likely to be the last of the car rego payment. My car is on its last leg, and with the repair bill destined to be many times the value of the car, it will be written off and consigned to the wreckers once it gives up the ghost, likely around July during "The Three Weeks" and the peak of the Chiron Saturn square.

Then the other manifestation of the Chiron Effect..... the funeral last Thursday. I won't speak too much about it, only that I am glad it is all over, and well we can get on with life, though one never gets over the loss of a close family member. I am still not over the loss of my Mother, and ironically last Thursday's funeral brought back painful memories of Mother. And with Mother's Day coming up this week, the torment is set to continue. Funerals however seems to have the knack of bringing together long lost family members, some of them so long lost that I failed to recognise them at first glance until they identified themselves!!!

Last Monday, that is, the Monday prior to the funeral, I made a rare on the spur decision to get back into Ecstatic Dancing. I hadn't done any ecstatic dancing since the catastrophic year of 2017. For some time I had been keeping my eye on a particular dance modality, known as Chakra Dance. It is a 9-week programme, starting with the introductory session, followed by 7 weeks where on each week we focus on one of the seven chakras in our body, then the final session where we wrap it up, The chakras are the seven energy points in our bodies which affects our health and well being. For example, my very out of balance heart chakra led to the heart attack of July 2015. The idea of this particular dance modality is to heal and bring back into balance these chakras. These chakras becomes out of balance through life's torments, unfavourable planetary alignments such as the Chiron Effect, and other shit that happens to us in life.

For greatest benefits it is idea to commit to all 9 weeks of the programme, which requires an upfront payment for the 9 weeks, and not having any other commitments such as overseas trips. Past instances of these sessions being offered often coincided with my scheduled trips overseas!! This time however, there are no overseas trips scheduled, however, with the Chiron Effect impacting on my savings plan, the upfront payment which coincided with the Mexico data roaming charges coming back to haunt me, would have brought even more catastrophic impacts on my savings plan since it would have meant having to dip into my credit cards, what I want to avoid!!

Then last Monday, the night when these sessions were due to begin, they gave a limited offer for us to come to the first session just to try it out and see whether we would want to continue. Therefore one would need only to pay for this one session. Not only this was a more attractive offer for Virgos who does not like to make commitments unless he is certain of the benefits of such a commitment, it also meant there would be no further catastrophic impacts on my savings plan, each session in itself is very inexpensive, it is only when they add up to all 9 sessions that it becomes expensive to pay up front.

So I went really left field, and decided to enquire about the session. I gotten the reply in a timely manner, so I stuck my neck out and decided to attend the session.

It turns out the session would be held at someone's house, in an upstairs room, quite a spacious room in what is a reasonably large house, not quite like a mansion but larger than normal. There were just 11 of us - 10 ladies and me!! Oh yes it turns out I was the only guy there, but I didn't mind that at all, relishing the idea of dancing among all these Goddesses. What more could a guy want!!!!

The session began with sitting around a candle in a circle and meditating for a few minutes, we sit on the cushions on the ground for meditating. Then the cushions and the candle are cleared from the floor, and we begin the dance. We dance with our eyes closed, though it is OK to open them occasionally to keep track of where we are in the hall. As with ecstatic dancing, we don't dance with partners, we dance in our own space. On this occasion we were guided in the dancing, it is akin to guided meditation except it is in the dance. The dance itself is free form, there are no set moves, indeed no "correct" way to dance. We dance according to our feelings as guided through the music and the facilitator.

Afterwards the mandala drawings. We were provided with an A3 sheet of paper and a pack of pastels (akin to crayons, what artists uses), and we begin to draw according to the feelings invoked during the dance. We are given only five minutes to produce our master pieces, this is so the mind is not given time to analyse, we draw purely according to our gut feelings. For me personally, my hand is guided by unseen forces, the energies of ETs, as I draw. Similar to "automatic writing". I have done mandala drawings before, at other dance modalities and other spiritual workshops over the years. It is a common form of spiritual expression, and I am a creative soul to begin with. Even the Christians adopted this form of creative expression, some churches employ an artist who is set up on the stage with the musicians and begins to draw or paint on the canvas according to his/her spiritual inspiration during the duration of the "praise and worship" session with the singing and dancing.

This is my mandala drawing. I did not think about it while I was drawing, I was in some kind of trance. It is only afterwards when it became clear what the drawing meant to symbolise. Indeed I sent a copy of the drawing to my Twin Flame, Cathy, who helped me to interpret it. The markings in the top right corner are the ET Light Codes, these codes being given to me by ETs. It is similar to ET Light Languages or "speaking in tongues" except it is in written form. The drawing itself is a spiral that represents the seven dimensions of my previous lives until reaching the 8th dimension on Taygeta. There are seven distinct segments in the spiral, each one is a dimension, moving up to 7 dimensions. I did not design this, I didn't even count the segments while drawing. It just turned out that way. And the ET Light Codes speaks of my soul journey through my many lifetimes up until I reached 8D Taygeta. "Me" including Cathy because she is my Twin Flame, we were joined as one in the higher dimensions.

At the end of the dance session I enjoyed it so much that I decided to commit myself to the next 8 weeks. I was given the option to either pay up front or to pay for each session week by week. I decided to pay up front although this would impact on my savings plan when added to the expense of the Heart Specialist and the car rego and insurance. Last night was my 2nd session, I will share about it in the next blog which hopefully will be back to Sunday.

Next is Yoga and I do have a particular Yoga modality in mind. At this stage, this will be towards the end of May, when hopefully things will get better economically and there won't be any more catastrophic impacts on my savings plan. Also want to get started with the Yoga before the catastrophic Chiron Saturn square peaks in July/August. We are currently 5 degrees away from the Chiron Saturn square. At the end of May, the square will still be 5 degrees from exact, but by the last week of July it will move to within 1 degree of the square, as close as it will get, and will remain within 1 degree until the first week of September.

To be sure, despite these Chiron-related catastrophic hits on my savings plans, I still have ample funds for the air ticket to the USA, to meet my Twin Flame. So just have to save for the other expenses, motel, food, etc, which will be relatively easy since they are all cheaper in the USA than in Perth. That means, if I save according to Perth conditions, I will always end up with a surplus. 90% of worldwide destinations are cheaper than Perth.

And so that is my current state of affairs.......

Choosing one's destiny.....

When Virgo receives dating advice......

Me when dealing with the Chiron Effect

21st Century truths......

Something to ponder....... hmmmmm.......

Me during the past couple of weeks while dealing with the Chiron Effect....

Virgo happiness.....
At the GP office after my Saturn Complex fails.....

My Virgo fishing experiences......

The unfortunate truth.......
When a pragmatic Virgo on a budget goes out on a date.....

I can relate to this one!!!!

Facebook irony......

When she appreciates my gifts......
Chiron moments in Aries my 2nd House.....

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