Thursday 27 April 2017

Football - The Curse of Chiron and Demise of Magpies

Now the catastrophe that is football...... despite tipping correctly on the Bombers Magpies match, that is, predicting the win by the Bombers, the curse of Chiron is now starting to kick in. My total picks were only 6, as a consequence I dropped three spots down to a lowly 9th. So yes Chiron has finally kicked in, and my time near the top is at an end. But at least  my Weevils voodoo doll seems to be working, it apparently works better when they play interstate. Victorian umpires not so easy to bribe!! So may have to make another voodoo doll for home matches!! So new tipping rules - never pick the Magpies unless they play bottom two teams, and never pick Weevils when they play interstate.

So given those rules lets at least attempt to see how things may pan out this next round......

Tomorrow night, that is Friday night, the Giants on home territory should tower over the Doggies.

Saturday..... a coin toss between the Hawks and the Saints, depends how many Hail Mary's the Saints manages to get in. The Swanees should make the Blues feel even more in the blues, and the Lions will come under the influence of the Power. Another coin toss but perhaps home ground advantage will just be enough for that extra hop of the Skippies in the Sun.

Uhhhh the derby, would love for Freo to show those Weevils a thing or two, but since I probably won't have my Weevil voodoo doll for home matches ready just yet, well I hate to say but the Weevils will probably pay the umpires just enough to get them over the line.

Sunday.... The Bombers should still be full of energy from having Magpies for dinner so should be able to send those Demons back down into Hell.

Geelong is currently 2nd so the Magpies has no chance here, unless the puddy cats are abducted by aliens who sends down clones designed to implode on Magpie contact.

Last but not least the Crows should enjoy some Tiger meat for dinner.

Now more samples of my quirky ET-like sense of humor.......

Welcome to the brave new world...... um maybe.......

I guess even Moses needs a grocery list......

The meaning of "we".....

Reality check.....

No comment needed..... hehe......

Never trust navigation systems.... hehe....

Sunday 23 April 2017

Mercury's Retrograde and More Chaos

Chaos reigns with a retrograding Mercury, this cursed period of approximately three weeks that happens about three times each year, and is happening now. It is when Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky. Of course planets doesn't really move backwards, it is just when the Earth overtakes the speed of the planet, much like when you overtake a slower car the car appears to move "backwards" relative to your position within your car. However Astrology happens relative to the Earth, and so when Mercury goes retrograde chaos reigns. Mercury is the messenger planet, the Greek messenger god, so things to do with communications such as computers and the internet often malfunctions, and indeed almost everything else goes pear shaped as everything is to do with communication on one level or another. And so I had been having internet connectivity problems for the past two days. And since my chart shows a retrograding Mercury conjunct with the Sun in my sign, this is always a more difficult time for me.

With this in mind, here is this week's card readings........

My cards for another horror week of Mercury's retrograde....

-9 of Wands - Protection - Trying to quell nervousness and anxiety by creating safe and protected location. Shutting out the world, strictly controlling environment, and relying on set routines to avoid the unknown. Feeling threatened and attempting to protect one's self by all possible means.

-5 of Swords - Regret - Wishing things had turned out differently. Regretting the losses. Trying to learn as much as possible from the experiences. Fighting hard battle against ferocious adversary with losses on both sides.

-2 - Inner Trust - Trusting in one's self, to trust in one's intuition. Don't hold back out of fear. One does instinctively know what one is doing even if one is unsure consciously of the situation. Basically we just need to trust our instincts and go for it.

Summary - A very Mercury retrograde kind of draw!!!! The 9 of Wands is very Virgoan, it is what we Virgos do!!! And indeed even more so during Mercury's retrograde. For example I never do anything new nor go anywhere new for the first time during Mercury's retrograde cos past experiences shows this always ends up in catastrophic heartbreak. The next card is the story of my life, full of regrets!! Many things in the past I have tried during a Mercury's retrograde only to end in catastrophes, so learning not to repeat the same mistakes. I have fought many battles, I may have won some but always with heavy prices to pay, heavy losses.

The Oracle seem to suggest that we should rely on our inner instincts rather than trying to analyse the situations. We do often hold back out of fear, especially during Mercury's retrograde. I think the universe is trying to say, just go for it if it feels right regardless of external circumstances, such as, Mercury's retrograde.


Last week I was at Glory Camp, hence the lack of a blog last weekend. This was a very interesting time. I went as a day visitor mostly to save my pennies for my Peru trip, it works out cheaper to attend camp as a day visitor even allowing for the petrol used each day for the 50 minutes drive to Serpentine and back again. And I far more value my comfy little bed in my warm abode over being cramped in 8-bed dorms (4 double bunkers) with not much room to move nor keep our luggage. And getting my own meals also worked out cheaper, I never need three meals per day, I simply bought one main meal per day from the local delis or fast food joints plus a snack. However it did make for a full day. The program begins at 9:30 so I needed to be on the road by 8:30AM, and the day finishes usually around 10PM which gets me back home by 11PM, so not much time for anything else but go to bed and get ready for the next day.

Each day did include free time, so I used the time to go bush walking in the area and do my energy works. Serpentine is an energy vortex spot, the land of the Serpents. There are ley lines that passes through Serpentine. So aside from my times at Glory Camp where I danced and flowed with energies, I also did energy works within the forests of Serpentine. It was a very intense time in more ways than one. One of the ley lines the passes through Serpentine also passes through Peru, so there is a connection there. Peru is among the most intense of energy vortexes on this planet, the place of much ET activities.

This weekend is a 4-day weekend for me. With ANZAC Day being on Tuesday I booked myself the day off work tomorrow thus making it a 4-day weekend. This will be the last of my days off until my Peru trip intended for October. I need to conserve vacation time to enable me enough time for going to Peru which will have to be limited to two weeks. Travel time to and from Peru will be two days each, part of life being in the most isolated city on Earth, it takes a long time to get to most other places on Earth such as Europe or the Americas. Then I need recovery time from jetlag. So I have only three weeks vacation time available to me, so have to fit in the many things I want to do within just two weeks in Peru.

Next thing is my very expensive visit to the Heart Specialist in two weeks from now. First for the stress test where they basically hook you up to a treadmill and observe the stress factors on the heart as they step up the speed of the treadmill. Given that I walk nearly every day it be interesting what they come up with. On work days I walk about 90 minutes each day, 30 minutes from the train station to work in the morning, and a full hours walk all the way home from work. Then on weekends I walk up to two to three hours, up to around 20kms. I think the biggest stress will be the fees from the stress test!! I'll get some of it back on Medicare but it will still be expensive and a challenge to my Peru savings plan. Then two days later the followup appointment to the Heart Specialist where I guess they will discuss the results of the stress test. As part of the appointment, I will need to take a blood test about a week beforehand, so will do that tomorrow being my day off.

Meanwhile to get through this chaotic week with Mercury's retrograde happening and also a New Moon this Wednesday. New Moons are chaotic for me cos I am a New Moon baby, I was born during the New Moon. I was born during a Mercury's retrograde and a New Moon, so even more chaos this week.

More of my quirky sense of humor to get us through the week.......

Back in ancient historical times when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth..... well just a little bit after that anyway........

Meanwhile in Australia......

Back in my childhood days......

That be me...... hehe......

;) hehe

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Football - While The Cat's Away......

You know the saying, While the cat is away the mice plays...... and indeed I was away, in yet another parallel universe, where football does not exist at all. I was down at Serpentine on Glory Camp for the four days of Eostre aka Easter. The energies were very high, both at Glory Camp, and when I walked through the forests at Serpentine itself. Football was furthest from my mind, it didn't exist in this particular parallel universe.

Then now I come back to the original universe, and to make sure it was the original universe, I just checked the Magpies scores, and yes we're definitely back in the original universe!!!! The Weevils paid the umpires again, and I am back down to 6th spot on the tipping comp. Very much original universe.

So let's look into my not so trusty ole crystal ball and see what next round may bring, or in the Magpies' case, NOT bring......

Friday night blues, it will be a blues day for Carlton as the Power will be overwhelming for them.

Come Saturday the Bulldogs should make a meal out of Lions, while the Crows should fly over the Suns. The Giants should prevail over their cross town rivals. Probably lean towards the Dockers cos of home ground advantage over the Skippies.

The Saints and puddy Cats is a coin toss unless the Saints prays a little harder. But it's about time the Hawks has a win unless the Weevils pays the umpires again.

Monday another coin toss unless the Demons manages a better deal with the Devil for roasted Tigers.

Oh the ANZAC Day match, the Magpies have won most such matches in recent times so probably about time the Bombers has a win, it be their best chance yet to pull it off........

I'll share more about Glory Camp later...... I have a four-day weekend next weekend and am not going anywhere, well not unless I get abducted by ETs and get taken back to Taygeta, so will share then....

Meanwhile some Easter related cartoons..........

The ultimate Easter hunt ;)

That be me if I could lay eggs....... !!!!

My addiction to Easter candy.......

When a Virgo starts to ask questions........

The only special Easter treat I get is what I buy on my own........

My chocolate bunnies never lasts that long in the headless stage, it gets eaten whole first time!!!!!

Monday 10 April 2017

Football - Definitely slipped into a parallel universe !!

I think we definitely slipped into a parallel universe (for explanation of "parallel universes" see my blog from last weekend). In this parallel universe the Magpies beats teams like Sydney, the Weevils gets beaten, Freo also wins matches, and the Bombers gets beaten. And the curse of Chiron is not in effect for despite picking only 5 correct my rankings went UP by two spots into 4th spot in my office tipping comp!!!!

Question is..... am I still in this parallel universe?..... or have I slipped back into the original universe? Everything in my abode looks the same except I have more Eostre aka Easter chocolates. In my original universe no one ever buys me Easter chocolates so I am confined to getting them myself when I go to the mall....... but I quite clearly have more such chocolate treats now.......

So I wonder if I can submit my tips.... then slip back into an original universe and submit my tips again..... well.... um..... I suppose it's anyone's guess who will win this week, but let me at least try to look into my foggy multi-dimensional crystal ball and see what it comes up with.......

Weevils at home to Sydney. Well the Weevils being on their home ground will have access to the drugs - OK I know low blow, I can't help it - and the well paid umpires are biased, however, there is only so much even a well paid umpire could do, so rooting for the Sydney Swanees.....

Probably go with the Bulldogs against the Kangaroos. Um which universe are we in?.... probably bet on the Demons to send the Dockers to Hell. The Giants at home should be too powerful for the Port Power. I don't like the Bomber's chances in the city of churches against the Crows. A coin toss for Blues and the Suns.

Sunday the Saints probably won't need divine guidance to beat the Magpies unless we're still in a parallel universe, in which case it be toss of the coin. Meanwhile the Tigers will have a tough cat fight against the Lions but the striped felines slightly better chance at prevailing.

Finally on Monday.... the Cat's claws should be slightly longer and sharper than that of the Hawks.......

Ok even in a parallel universe my sense of humor is still quirky and off the wall........

Well we witches has to park them SOMEWHERE!!!!!!

My office computer system...... !!!!

Ancient prehistoric times....... aka my childhood !!!!

I can relate to this..... sad but true..... hehehe......

When Mercury goes into retrograde..... such as NOW !!!!!!

How I invent new spells..... hehe..... ;)

Must be a Virgo horoscope.....

Why I never use GPS to find direction !!!!

Enrolment period at work........

Sunday 9 April 2017

Parallel Universes

The concept of the parallel universes, that is being other universes aside from the one we presently occupy. This concept holds that each one of us exists also in these parallel universes but our lives in those universes are different to our life in this current universe. For example in this current universe my parents divorced near age 5 and I endured 8 years of poverty and abuse, however in one parallel universe, my parents never divorced and I led a much more privileged childhood free from abuse. It is said that there are an infinite number of parallel universes as there are an infinite number of possibilities of how our lives turns out.

These parallel universes are not in far off locations but are actually immediately adjacent. That is, if we can figure out how to do so, we could literally just step through the veil from our current universe to any one of the parallel universes from the comfort of our own homes. No need for space travel nor Star Trek style warp travel. Some speculate this is what happens during our dreams.

Some more exotic theories holds that indeed some people do spontaneously find themselves physically in a parallel universe. I wonder if that is what happened to me.

In a current universe the Magpies loses nearly every match, they may be able to beat Fremantle or some other low team, but for the most part they would get beaten, such us getting beaten by Sydney. However in a parallel universe, the Magpies does a lot better and they win a lot more matches, even beating teams like Sydney!!!!! Question is, did I spontaneously jump into a parallel universe on Friday? Where the Magpies manages to beat Sydney by a single point, a very unexpected victory, well unexpected in a previous universe anyway!!!!!!

OK more about football in the parallel universes when I get my tipping results.

Now I am on a very short vacation. I am off work all this week up to Eostre aka Easter, returning back to work a very short time later being next Tuesday. If not having to conserve vacation time for my Peru trip I would have taken longer. But being down to just three weeks of vacation time I have to be careful on conserving vacation time!!!!

This weekend, being Eostre aka Easter weekend I will be at Glory Camp down in Serpentine, an energy vortex spot. Afterall I am called to the energy vortex spots around the world. Not all of them are in far away places like America, England and Peru. There are some a lot closer to home base, such as Serpentine, Merredin, Margaret River and Mt Eliza.

I am attending the camp as a day visitor with no catering over the four days, that is, going back home to my warm bed each night, and not having any meals at the camp. Me with my Virgoan energies I work out the financial benefits of going as a day visitor as opposed to staying on site and having all my meals provided, aside from the physical benefits of not being cramped in 8-bed dormitories!!! Also I never need three meals per day, I get by with just one main meal with perhaps a smaller 2nd meal if particularly active. So even with the petrol used for the 45 minutes drive to the site each day, my total costs including takeout meals from nearby Byford or Jarrahdale, works out to be just under half of the full camp fees. This among other things would help with my Peru savings plan. However each day will be full, especially the Saturday and Sunday, where I would need to leave my abode around 8-ish in the morning, and with the evening session probably not finishing until 10-ish or so, it be near midnight by the time I get home. So my usual blog-writing time will be pushed back until after the camp, realising that I am due back at work immediately the next day!!!

Speaking of my Virgoan Peru savings plan, thanks to my Virgoan planning abilities, sacrifices, and a miracle or two, I now have the funds for the air ticket and the Lake Titcana tour. There are several tours that one can take in Peru. Of course given an absolute maximum of just three weeks due to vacation time constraints, my options are limited. However, Lake Titicana is a priority, being a very sacred lake to the natives, full of ancient legends, and being the only other place on this planet where the two Dragon Lines crosses over. Bali is the other spot where these two intense energy ley lines crosses. So my next target is the trek up to the famous Macchu Picchu. Oh yes we all know Macchu Picchu even if not aware of the name itself. It is perhaps one of the most famous of the ancient ruins, the mysterious ancient ruins high up in the mountains of Peru. If you ever seen or read a National Geographic article or documentary on South America, it's almost 100% guarantee you will have seen a picture of Macchu Picchu. Or just Google "Peru" and one of the first pixs on the first page will be of Macchu Picchu, it's as closely associated with Peru as the Sydney Harbour Bridge is with Australia!! It is another high energy vortex spot, being on one of the Dragon Lines. And being an intrepid soul that I am, I intend going on the famous hiking trek up to Macchu Picchu over four days. All of the creature comforts such as meals, tents, etc are supplied, plus someone to take my luggage, so all I need to do is for my very intrepid self to just turn up!! It's quite expensive but still within my budget and the reach of my savings plan.

This week is Passover week, one of the reasons why I am taking time off work. Passover usually coincides with Eostre aka Easter. A major aspect of Passover is our tradition to remove from our living space foods containing raising agents such as yeast, baking soda, etc, thus the breads, cakes, cookies, etc, and abstaining from such foods for the entire week of Passover. This tradition stems from the Jews escape from Egypt after being set free from slavery. They needed to get out of Egypt quickly so they didn't have time to properly bake their breads, they had to make do with flat cakes of "unleavened bread" that is being without the yeast that was used back then to make bread. Nowadays the closest equivalence to those pieces of unleavened bread are the matza slices that you always see in the Jewish aisles of supermarkets, so we eat matza instead of bread during Passover.

Now my weekly card readings........

My cards for this very intense new week with four planets in retrograde...

- XII - The Hanged Man - Time - Learning from the past while planning for the future. Setting aside worry and preconceived ideas. Experiencing the present moment without reference to the past or future. Letting go of ego and trusting the flow of the universe. Fully enjoying life in present time.

- 7 of Wands - Defense - An attack on reputation, ideas or actions that can be reputed by honest and open defense. Not backing down when right or being intimidated. Defending my viewpoints in the face of gossip.

- 40 - Sacred Fool - The rebel, thwarting convention and speaking the truth without restraint. Inspired and passionate about what one can share with the world. Moving beyond self imposed conventions. Staying on the path regardless of how radical or left field it is.

Summary - Card XII of the Tarot VERY appropriate for this week with four planets being in retrograde, being also Passover week. The themes very definitely learning from our past so to plan for the future. Needing to learn to live in the present. Letting go of ego, which is a Passover theme, the tradition of removing "leaven" from our homes which is symbolised as ego. Needing to trust in the flow of the universe despite four retrograding planets. All things work together for good to those who are fulfilling their calling.

The second Tarot could be linked to the bond fiasco particularly if their is mail from the landlord waiting for me in my PO Box. In any case I won't be dealing with it until after Passover. The card could also be linked with the Oracle, the same card as was drawn last week!! The Sacred Fool. With planning to attend Glory Camp later this week, a Christian event, I may find myself in the position of needing to defend my viewpoints, not necessarily physically with others, but more of an inner challenge. Being weird, eccentric, totally left field. And this is exactly what I am. I am a Pagan, a Witch, I work with both light and darkness, I associate with Christian churches and I observe Jewish holidays. I don't fit into any one box. The message is, embrace my weirdness, to absolutely own it, and see what I can offer to this world.


Well it turned out there was no mail from the landlord which makes it two weeks since he would have received my letter. However being an 8-page letter where I had gone into details every point of issue, basically why I am refusing to pay up on these issues, it is going to take him a while to respond. Indeed I probably have him stumped, he now be realising that I am a lot more determined than he thought!! It makes me wonder what his response will be. Surely he be out of his delusion by now, and it should be obvious that he is not going to get any money out of me!!!! He has no leg to stand on for the vast majority of the issues. Anyway I am in no hurry, my life goes on and I prefer putting my energies into my other pursuits.

Even in this parallel universe where the Magpies wins more often, I still have my quirky sense of humor.......

My problem is I am often one of the oldest at most spiritual gatherings, my very old age besets me.....

Dietary requirements these days........ !!!!

When someone at work forgets to switch off the alarm in the morning....... ;)

Psychic readings often turns out in unexpected ways!!!!

That be me when it comes to pizza !!!!!!

The truth........ !!!!!

um.... yeah.... hehehe...... !!!!

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Football - The Curse Of Chiron Kicking In..... maybe?

Hmmmm...... not so good this week. I still managed to get 7 picks but my rank dropped 4 spots down to 6, still OK but a fair drop...... so is the curse of Chiron starting to kick in? Time will tell. One thing for sure the Maggies did once again live up to my expectations or NON-expectations as the case may be. So the rule be, never pick the Maggies unless they're playing Fremantle!! And they're not playing Fremantle this week, indeed it is Sydney, so Sydney will win that one. Still working on my Weevils voodoo doll, they may be doing OK now, but for how long..... they're already saying they're going to win a premiership!!!! Only after just two rounds!! How delusional can one be!!!! Definitely need to get cracking on my Weevil voodoo doll !!!!! I would like to think the Tigers could have Weevils for dinner, I reckon they're in for a chance, especially since them Weevils are so sure of themselves!!! I knew the Bombers would win, the big improvers for this year. They should beat Carlton.

So let me look into my ET crystal ball and see who else is playing this next week..... GWS should have a taste of some Kangaroo meat. Puddy cats fights with Demons, I think the Cat's claws are a little bit sharper, just have to apply scratches in the right places. The Crows flying over the Port, um how many will come back alive? Hmmmm...... maybe not quite as many as some may think..... Bulldogs should maul them Dockers. Unlike Daniel in the lion's den I don't think the Saints will need much divine help to account for them Lions. And those Hawks should mostly survive their flight to the Gold Coast without too many casualties.

Now just to see if I can transmute the curse of Chiron..........

Meanwhile more of my quirky sense of humor........

The govt dealing with the public sector.......

Typically Virgo......

Customer service in Perth.......

Public sector staff meeting......

no comment needed.... hehehe.....
Life on planet Earth.......

Sunday 2 April 2017

More Chaos.... and Typical Magpies.....

So the Maggies lived up to expectations once again, or non-expectations as the case may be. They can't even beat Richmond. My feelings, indeed my predictions, seems to be on track at this time. More on the catastrophe that is football when my full tipping results comes in this week.

Meanwhile more chaos ahead with more intense planetary alignments this week. Venus currently in retrograde, putting pressures on both my finances and issues with relationships, is about to move back into my Ascendant sign Pisces and inching closer and closer to Chiron the wounded healer, so wounds in regards to finances and relationships will be exposed. Meanwhile we have Saturn standing still at the Galactic Center, that is, Saturn is sitting inbetween planet Earth and our view of the Galaxy center. Some suggests that God resides at the center of the Galaxy. Actually it is where the black hole is situated, said to be the gateway to another dimension, hence indeed to Divinity. It is said that our souls are created in the center of galaxies. My soul was created at the center of the Andromeda Galaxy. Saturn is the planet of setting boundaries and limitations, imposing limits to our efforts to better our lives. This is manifesting in the slowdown to my savings plan, together with the retrograding Venus, and with Saturn and Mercury due to go into retrograde this month. Things are going to get worse before they get better. Indeed May is going to be worse than April. Hence is why I won't be deciding on any trips until after May, it will be if my budget survives these next two months of challenges. Due to these planetary alignments there won't be any miracles or other divine favors, it will only be sheer hard work and my Virgoan determination that will get me through these next two months, and seems destined to be at great personal cost.

So let's see what my cards has to say for this intense chaotic week.........

My cards for this very intense new week...

-7 of Cups - Fantasy - Overpowering desire. Temptation. The wish to lose one's self in the experience. Ecstasy. An intense passion unexpectedly arrives and overwhelms, yearning to abandon one's self totally to it.

- 40 - Sacred Fool - The rebel, thwarting convention and speaking the truth without restraint. Inspired and passionate about what one can share with the world. Moving beyond self imposed conventions. Staying on the path regardless of how radical or left field it is.

Summary - OK when the same card is drawn in consecutive weeks it's time to really take notice!! Once again the Fantasy card was drawn from the Tarot, another week of intense celestial energies. Venus retrograding back into Pisces and Saturn standing still at the Galactic Center about to go retrograde. Energies are intense. Once again the intense energies could manifest as intense desires and temptations which in my instance would be the darker pursuits.

The Oracle in this instance seems to add potency to the Tarot. The Sacred Fool. We often view temptation in a negative light, that what we are "tempted" to do is something judge to be wrong. However there is no right or wrong, only our perceptions of such. It is more what is considered to be unconventional by this 3D societies standards. Being weird, eccentric, totally left field. And this is exactly what I am. I am a Pagan, a Witch, I work with both light and darkness, I associate with Christian churches and I observe Jewish holidays. I don't fit into any one box. The message is, embrace my weirdness and see what I can offer to this world.


Updates with ongoing issues....... The bond fiasco. No word from the landlord yet. My last letter contained so many points raised that it is going to take him time to address these, so probably won't hear from him for a while. It just remains to be seen how he will handle this, and whether he has finally come to his senses and figure that he is not going to get any money out of me.

Upcoming vacation time for Eostre aka Easter. I refer to Easter as Eostre because the holiday is originally derived from the Pagan traditions surrounding the Germainic Goddess Eostre!! Anyway this week is my last week of work before my very short vacation, taking only four days, the four days next week up to Eostre. I need to be careful about my vacation time because I used up my surplus vacation time last year so have only four weeks to work with this year. So in order for me to have enough vacation time to enable my Peru trip later this year, I have to be budgeting on vacation time!!! So just taking time off for Passover which begins the Monday prior to Eostre.

Over the Eostre break I will be attending Glory Camp with the church but just as a day visitor so to save on costs. Being a day visitor will mean I won't need to pay for the accommodation nor meals. So instead of spending nights in 8-bed dormitories, I will enjoy the warmth and privacy of my own bed each night!! And being of Virgoan energies I figured that even with the petrol from travelling to the camp site each day and getting my own meals, the total cost would be less than half of the full camp fees.

The camp site is down at Serpentine, which turned out to be a 45 minutes drive from here in my abode. Yesterday I went to Serpentine, as being of Virgoan energies, I like to work out exactly how long the trip will be and how much petrol it uses up each day. And so it turned out to be a 45 minutes trip, and the round trip uses just under half a tank of petrol. So for the 4-day camp, I would need two tanks of petrol, a very expensive substance in Perth but still cheaper than the full camp fees!! During yesterday's trip to Serpentine, after scoping out the logistics of the daily trip, I then went for my walks through the forests of Serpentine to the Falls, I ended up going on two walk trails, making it a total of just over 20 kms. Good practice for my Peru trip, because I would like to go on the hiking tour up to Macchu Picchu, I think about a 3 to 4 day hike with tents and food provided. I do enjoy my walks and hikes. So I figure I need to get into practice for such a hike, albeit that the mountains of Peru are much higher than our little hills of Perth!!!! 

Now more of my quirky sense of humor.......

Why ETs has so much interest in us humans, they can't work us out !!!!!

Why it's a good thing my colleagues doesn't have superpowers !!!!!

21st Century Maths homework ;)

Beware my dark side..... hehehe......

hehe...... !!

I get this feeling often...... !!!!