Sunday 5 March 2017

Figuring Out Which Planet The Landlord Is On !!!!

Here on this holiday weekend after an eventful week. Tomorrow is a public holiday in Western Australia, not sure if it is also on the east coast, it's like foreign countries on the east coast, they have different holidays at different times. But at least here tomorrow is a much needed public holiday!!! My cards as per usual are always right, so here is this week's cards for the coming week.......

My cards for this new week with the start of Venus retrograde.

-XIX - The Sun - Happiness - A time of joy from within. Celebrating everything including the small things. Inner connection to the light. Recognising blessing in everything. Positive light bursting in annihilating the negativity up to now.

-5 of Cups - Fear - Giving in to fear, obsessions, self sabotage, self harm. Lack of strength necessary to face one's fears. Unable to resist inner demons.

-Knight of Cups - Seeker - One who finds treasures in unlikely places, things that others may overlook. Longing for connection and intimacy. The Guardian, Spirit Guide, only the one who truly loves me truly understands me.

-28 - Collaborative Dreaming - The same card on two consecutive weeks, the 3rd time in just over a month. The universe definitely trying to send a message!!

Summary - What a contrast!!! Happiness, joy, victory over darkness.... and seemingly utter defeat, self sabotage, self harm, giving in to negativity!! That is the story of my life, things changes often from one day to the next. On a high one day, the next day in the utter depths of despair. Indeed almost manic in my emotional rollercoaster. Reminds me of the story of the Jewish prophet Elijah in ancient Judea who was one day at the height of his power, literally calling down the fire from heaven, changing the spiritual course of a whole nation, but just a while later, fleeing in utter fear from a woman into the wilderness just because of the mere words of the woman!!!

So what is the universe trying to tell me here!!??? The most perplexing of card draws. Well as it is said, forewarned is forearmed. Indeed the 3rd Tarot draw offers a clue. The Seeker. That is, the gift, even the miracle, will be found in the most unlikely places. So no looking to what seems the most likely places, or the places where manifestation of gifts had occurred before. The resources I need it seems will manifest from the most unexpected sources. Regardless of my feelings or emotional states which can change from one day to another, the universe always have my back, and will always provide.

The Oracle!! OK the same card within a short time, that is, 3 to 4 draws, is seen as a strong message from the universe!! But now, the same card on CONSECUTIVE draws, the universe definitely trying to tell me something!!!! It seems in spite of the obstacles, mainly economic, that is still swaying my decisions, I must definitely go with a group tour or pilgrimage on my next trip.


So when I went to the mailbox I had a feeling there be mail from the landlord, and my feelings were correct. I also had a feeling that extra walls were added to the paint job which he is trying to have me pay for, and again I was correct but also shocked at the same time!!! There was indeed a task list from the painter, and not only there are extra walls added, but THREE EXTRA ROOMS!!!!! These extra rooms had nothing to do with the mobility aids that were installed for my wife, the source of the original complaint regarding the walls.

But what really got me was that the landlord made no attempt to explain nor even justify including the three extra rooms in the bill. He it seems expected me to either not notice the three extra rooms or just to gloss over it and still pay him the money with no questions asked!!!! OK which planet is he on!!!!???? Must be a Reptilian planet!!!! Was he on some kind of weed??? If so, I want that weed!!!!!! I mean...... how incredulous a landlord can be!!!!!?????

Then the thorny matter of the mobility aids for my wife, the source of the original complaint. Aside from my wife's mobility aids, there were already mobility aids, bars, etc installed at the house by the PREVIOUS TENANTS who were an elderly couple. It was only that additional mobility aids were needed to be installed for the specific needs of my wife. Issue is, as asked by the landlord, the mobility aids for my wife were removed but the other mobility aids were left in place as they were already installed when we took the property!!!! It turned out the landlord also removed those mobility aids and is trying to make me pay for it!!!!! OK the landlord is definitely on another planet!!!!! Certainly NOT planet Earth!!!!! How in all seriousness the landlord be so incredulous as to ask me to pay for removal of fittings that were already installed on the property for the benefit of the PREVIOUS tenants!!!!!!

Then the issue of the aircon. His explanation for why the price of the aircon repairs was so high cos he claims the whole unit needed replacing!! I find that hard to believe. The only problem was the issue of temperature control, that is the thermostat. Otherwise the whole unit including the motor was working perfectly fine. It's like saying the whole car needed replacing when the only problem was with the thermostat attached to the cooling system!!!! Imagine going to a mechanic with my car experiencing overheating problems, then the mechanic turns around saying the thermostat is shat so the whole car needed replacing!!!! The landlord is basically asking me to believe this about the aircon. The unit was working perfectly fine except for the temperature controls. This is aside from the question of "use versus abuse". Tenants are not responsible for the malfunction of appliances unless there is a proven case of abuse. The onus is on the landlord to prove the instance of abuse.

More still, he failed to provide the documentations for the other issues, the kitchen sink and the carpet. I specifically also asked for this information, stating that the matter will not progress any further UNTIL I receive this information. All he can offer is some vague explanations, there were no documentations, not even any receipts.

Then he has the nerve to tell me about his financial problems, that he is short of money due to these repairs, and he hasn't been able to attract new tenants even in the three months since I vacated the property!!! OK Mr Landlord, there is a reason for this!!! It's called KARMA!!!!! Furthermore, this is WITCH KARMA!!!! I am a witch, and whoever is foolish enough to mess with a witch gets turned into a toad. We live by the "law of three", that is basically, whoever harms us or attempts to harm us or put any shit on us will have THREE TIMES the magnitude of the harm returned to them!!!! That is why even after three months he hasn't been able to attract new tenants and is thus deprived of the extra income from the rent. For seven years he has enjoyed the extra income from the rent I have been paying for him. Now it is gone, and due to the law of three which comes with messing with witches, he is not going to get new tenants anytime soon. Or if he does eventually get new tenants, they will be the tenants from Hell who will cause three times the damages that he is trying to make me responsible for!!!!! Either way, one who messes with a witch pays for it dearly, indeed gets turned into a toad!!!!!! He is practically begging me to start paying him!!!! I may be a Virgo, and we Virgos don't like to put people out, we seek to avoid conflicts and bend over backwards to help other people even at our own expense. However he hasn't counted on the Pluto Uranus Chiron config in my chart, that is without going into details, when I am pushed then I will fight and FIERCELY SO!!!!! It's basically TOUGH NOODLES about his financial problems. It's what happens when one messes with a witch!!!!!!

However instead of payments, the landlord is going to get a reply with even more questions!! And being the Virgo that I am, we Virgos are good with details and we have analytical skills. So every part of his letter is going to be scrutinised, and specific questions asked. Furthermore I am keeping records of the details of our correspondence. We Virgos are legends at record keeping, such as the dates, questions he hasn't answered, requests not complied with, and other details that the legal profession is going to be needing. Because unless the landlord snaps out of his delusions and get back to planet Earth, the legal profession is going to be involved.

So my task for this week is to compose a reply letter with specific questions being asked.

What else is happening..... well, I went for my walk yesterday, and plan on going for another walk tomorrow. The weather has been hot and unusually humid due to the recent rains, it feels more like Bali than Perth which usually has dry heat. It is very tropical here! And there is a cyclone up north. The Magpies got beaten...... again!!!!!!!! And we have the state elections next week.....

Oh yes with the elections next week, here is my view of politics...... basically it is all part of the Reptilian\cabal order. Reptilians (a species of ETs from some other planets) are ruling this planet for the enslavement of mankind. Money being a part of the enslavement. Most other civilisations on other planets does not use money, only those enslaved by Reptilians, such as planet Earth. The jobs we go to five days or more per week in order to get paid a salary is nothing more than enslavement. In the past the slaves may not have been paid with money, such as the Negro slaves in America, but for their troubles there were provided with housing, food, water, clothing, etc. The only difference now is we receive the money for the housing, food, water, clothing, etc. We are still slaves. And the Reptilians rules us through religion and politics. Every major religious leader and every political ruler are Reptilians.

So basically it doesn't matter whether we vote for Liberals, Labor, Greens, One Nation, Australian Christians, or Stand On Your Head Party, they are all nothing more than puppets of the Reptilian\cabal order.

Well since voting is compulsory in Australia, well we still have to vote..... right?? Well no. Voting itself is not compulsory. It is only compulsory to turn up at the polling place, have our names crossed off, and receive the ballot papers. Since the ballot papers are not identified to particular voters, there is no compulsion to actually voting. We can do as we please with the ballot papers. We can even draw pictures of ETs, UFOs, and channel alien writings if we wanted to - and I DO have the ability to tune into alien or ET energies and channel alien writings - akin to secret codes that humans does not understand but carries a lot of power, like the spells of witches!!!! Sometimes I just do reverse voting, that is, put first preferences on the minor parties who are least likely to win enough votes, and placing the last preferences on the major parties thus effectively nullifying my votes for them. Then I channel ET writings as a hex to bind the actions of the major parties that will harm us, such as, breaking promises and raising taxes as they ALL do once they win power - doesn't matter whether it's Liberals, Labor or whoever else, they will all raise taxes and charges once they win power!!!! It's proof they are part of the Reptilian order. Raising taxes being a means of keeping us enslaved to the system, paying more taxes means less money for other things, keeping us in order - like the slaves that we are.

However it is the Senate paper that we can potentially yield at least some resemblance of power. Not all of the minor parties are of the Reptilian order. A case in point being the "Fluoride Free Party", basically a group that advocates to end the fluoridation of our water supplies. The adding of fluoride to our water supply is a Reptilian method of keeping us enslaved. It is what Adolf Hitler did to the inmates of the concentration camps, he added fluoride to their water supplies. This has nothing to do with preventing tooth decay. Fluoride is a toxic agent that affects our brains making us more compliant with the govt of the day, the laws, regulations, etc, like zombies. Never trust the government, never trust the education system, never trust the media, never trust religion - they are all part of the same Reptilian\cabal agenda. It is why those of us in the "alternative" lifestyle who tends to resist the governmental agendas are usually ones who drinks little or no tap water, they instead use bottled water which normally doesn't contain fluoride, or certain filtered water, or rain water. It is why rainwater tanks are illegal in America, the authorities can't fluoridate rainwater tanks, so just ban them instead. It has nothing to do with safety issues or water quality. The Reptilian agenda is very much alive and well in America..... and elsewhere on this planet.

OK enough of my weird ramblings..... I know.... I'm weird with outlandish weird views...... blame it on the Piscean influence in my chart being my Rising Sign, or the Uranus in my Sun sign!!!!!

Here some cartoons as promised.......

He must be a Virgo!! LOL

What they probably say about ME !!!! hehe!!!!

Speaking of the elections next week...... hehe......

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