Sunday 19 March 2017

Fighting For What Is Worthwhile.....

The life of a Virgo especially with a Saturn Complex in his chart is a life of struggles, of having to fight every inch of the way for the smallest gains...........

And so with the Equinox happening tomorrow and Tuesday, here is my ever accurate cards for this week.......

My cards for this new week with the Equinox happening...

-6 of Swords - Journey - Time for a fresh start. Leaving bad situation for better one. Brave despite the unknown. Leap of faith. Leaving everything behind and heading into the unknown.

-23 - Defend To The End The Worthwhile - Staying strong and standing my ground, even if the matter appears trivial to others around me. Standing up for harmony in the universe. Standing up for my beliefs regardless of what others thinks.

Summary - The Tarot draw seems appropriate as Venus enters the Underworld getting ready to begin her new cycle in Aries. The Equinox this week also marks the Astrological New Year. Today is the Babylonian New Year. The New Moon early next week will mark the start of the Sacred New Year on the Jewish calendar. So many pointers to new beginnings. Changes in my life normally happens around this time, mostly April\May. Energies are definitely shifting, it just remains to be seen how it will manifest this particular week!!

The Oracle highlights my need to defend what is worthwhile in my reality. It may not be worthwhile in anyone's else realities but it is to mine so it is worth defending. May relate to the bond fiasco when I will finally post the letter to the landlord where I made clear that I intend standing up for my rights, something I usually don't do being of Virgoan energies!! I normally allow others to walk over me, but not this time!!


So afterwards I embarked on my weekly trip to my mailbox, and there was mail from the Heart Specialist...... OK no more hiding from it, time to face up to this. It's not the visit to the Heart Specialist that worries me, it's the economic impact of this visit and the implications for my savings plans. They're wanting to do the Stress Test on me, I guess designed to see how much stress my heart could take. This will be expensive, this I know from previous visits. So it will be down to how much of it I will get back on Medicare if anything. Worst case scenario is that the test is not covered by Medicare, and me being of Virgoan energies I prepare for worst case scenarios.

When I got back home I looked at my budget and projected expenses for the next two months, and like the Virgo that I am, I panicked!!!!!!...... then I calmed down and took stock of the situation. Then I sent the email to the clinic confirming for them to arrange the appointment for me, but to make it to be after Easter. This will give me the chance to prepare and save my pennies. I think this will work out anyway, I think the clinic tends to be busy so there is often a wait time of up to six weeks for appointments. Then when I get the confirmation email and appointment dates, they usually inform me how much it will cost for the test and whether I will get anything back on Medicare. If not then I will simply ask them.... duh!!!!

Bar any miracles or unforeseen circumstances, this will kill any chance of getting a fridge until at least after my Peru trip. I was thinking perhaps I could get a fridge around May, but with this appointment with the Heart Specialist, this simply will not happen. Currently planning for my Peru trip to be around October this year, so it looks like I will be without a fridge until near Xmas this year. My lease will expire then, but hopefully I will be able to renew my lease, I really like it here, and so I won't be moving house unless I have to.

My Peru trip..... I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get to Peru anytime soon, I hadn't been able to find many tours available, and the available tours I could find tended to be expensive due to their insistence of such luxuries as 5-star lodgings and etc, what I don't need and could do without. But now I came across this awesome site which lists a whole range of tours of Peru for pretty well all budgets, many of them now quite affordable, and you can arrange for several tours during one single trip.

So at first I went for three weeks tour options. Then I went to work and checked my available vacation time and was shocked to learn I won't have enough vacation time for three weeks!!!! Being in the most isolated city on Earth, it will take two days to fly to Peru, probably with three flight changes including one to the east coast, then perhaps two more to reach Peru. So two days to get there, and two days to get back. Then I will need two days recovery time after I get back to recover from jet lag and fatigue before getting back to work. So a three weeks stay in Peru translate to a total of four weeks vacation time...... and I don't have four weeks available to me!!!!! I've already arranged a week's vacation over Easter for Passover, spending some of the time down in Serpentine on a spiritual retreat - the Glory Camp albeit as a day visitor which works out much cheaper. Then I will need three days over the Xmas break when the office shuts down so we all take leave then. So in total this leaves me with just three weeks total vacation time, thus limiting any Peru trips to just two weeks!!!!!

Now planning for possible tours for two weeks in Peru. I won't make any final decision until May when I will have a better idea of my economic circumstances, but at this stage, even with the Heart Specialist expenses, I should still be able to raise the funds for a two week tour of Peru possibly around October. Or in the event of other unforeseen circumstances, I could at least have a week in Peru, the tour company has tours from as little as one day tours, but if I am going to go to Peru, well two weeks is what I am aiming for, but even a week would be better than nothing. My heart is set on Peru and one way or the other I am going to get there. We Virgos are stubbornly determined creatures!!!

The bond fiasco..... well I finally gotten my reply letter together. Now just have to print it out when I get to work tomorrow. I was meant to do it last Friday but I forgot. I have a printer here at home but it's out of ink and ink cartridges are too expensive when saving for my Peru trip, so I just make do with using the printer at work. So plan is to print out the letter at work, then post it off to the landlord, who will probably receive it by Wednesday and it will positively piss him off!!!! It remains to be seen whether he will continue to be in a state of delusion that he will actually get any money out of me even after I punched huge holes in his case against me, or whether he will finally wake up!!!

Now the football..... it begins this weekend, indeed Thursday night..... so remains to be seen if I can transmute the curse of Chiron, that I had never won any prize money in the office tipping competition since Chiron the Wounded one entered my Ascendant sign back in 2010. It's going to be another lean year for the Maggies. Not even the Maggies women team wins, they got beaten again this weekend!!! Not good omen for the men's team for this season. The Weevils didn't even have a women team, probably cos the men's team acts like sheilas, forever whinging about their lot in the life of the season, and making excuses when they get beaten. Any women team could probably beat them!!! Uhhhh OK that was below the belt, but I despise them Weevils, there is no team I despise more than the Weevils. I end up sending hexes against them, I despise them that much!!!!!

So who will win this weekend. The first round is always the most difficult to pick, you can't go on last year's forms - except for the Maggies, they won't win this year either. The rule is never pick the Maggies. Essendon will do better cos they got their team back now, they'll have something to prove. And the Weevils, well I celebrate when they lose, and send hexes when they actually manages to win!!!! So let's see who is likely to win this first round.... Carlton and Richmond on Thursday, toss the coin there, you can never tell with Richmond. Friday the Maggies and Western Bulldogs, well as I say, never pick the Maggies. Sydney will probably beat Port Power, The Saints and Melbourne another coin toss. Gold Coast at home probably has a better chance against Brissy. And I reckon the Bombers can beat the Hawks. And I hope the Kangaroos will kick Weevils arses who will complain they will have to travel all the way to Melbourne for their first up match!!!! Boo Hoo!! My sympathies..... NOT!!!!!!!! Crows and the Giants, the pressure will be on the Giants, they will have big expectations to live up to, so won't be surprised if the Crows can pull this one off in the city of churches. Last but not least, Freo at home against the puddy Cats, but despite being at home I think Freo is kinda vulnerable and is going to struggle this year.

Now a sample of my quirky sense of humor...... a bit more than usual cos I getting quite a collection here.......

I can relate to this..... I like vampire shows too.... the Pluto in my chart ;) hehe

;) hehe.....

No comment needed...... ;)

What I would say..... hehe.....

My motivation when going on my trips ;)

Should have gone with Windows based systems..... hehe.....

Not having a fridge at least means there is no parallel universes to contend with !!!!!

Definitely no comments needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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