Sunday 26 March 2017

Chaotic Times Ahead..... and Typical Magpies !!!!

Oh those Maggies setting the pace for the season vindicating my tipping rule, never pick the Maggies. I had a feeling the Bombers would win so I did pick them, they do have something to prove this year, and having something to prove is a very good motivator. As for those bloody Weevils, bloody drug cheats!! Haaaa...... yeah they were on drugs when they won the premiership in 2006, doesn't surprise me..... my hex must have worked then when it came on the news about their drug taking..... but unfortunately it didn't work in their match against the Kangaroos!!!! I might have to make Weevils voodoo dolls!!!! hehehe!!! I can't remember all of whom I picked, only that I DIDN'T pick the Maggies and I DID pick the Bombers but not the bloody Weevils, so at least two wins and a loss...... I guess my tipping results will come in by tomorrow and then I will know whether the curse of Chiron has kicked in again or not!!!!

Enough about the Maggie catastrophe..... now we have intense planetary alignments this week which will make for chaotic times, including a New Moon on Tuesday which will mark the start of the Jewish sacred year. Passover is about two weeks hence. And tomorrow (March 27) marks four years since my wife left this planet to enter the realms of the angels. Incidentally we have the Moon and Chiron conjunction tomorrow!! At the time of my wife's passing four years ago, this was on my Chiron return, that means, Chiron was in the same spot on the sky as it was in my natal chart, that is, when I came to this planet. Chiron returns happens around age 49 years, it takes 49 years for Chiron to make a full circuit of the Zodiac, generally the time it takes for it to revolve around the Sun. So the intense times that one often experiences at age 49 is not just because we're about to hit the big 50!!!!!

So let's see what my very accurate cards say for this intense new week........

My cards for this very intense new week...

-7 of Cups - Fantasy - Overpowering desire. Temptation. The wish to lose one's self in the experience. Ecstasy. An intense passion unexpectedly arrives and overwhelms, yearning to abandon one's self totally to it.

-3 - Inspiration - Idea or vision captures one's attention. As symbolised by the bees help from the universe will arrive to assist in the fulfilment of the vision. Synchronicities and miracles as things falls into place. The universe will provide.

Summary - With this week destined to be intense with so much celestial events happening, it is anyone's guess as to how these energies will pan out. We have an intense New Moon in Aries happening early this week, this will mark the start of the Hebrew Sacred Year, the start of the month of Nissan. Mercury enters the shadow of its upcoming retrograde. Venus continues its retrograde with the new Venus Aries cycle just commenced. The Moon Chiron conjunction in my Ascendant sign takes place tomorrow, the anniversary of my wife's death. It was on my Chiron return four years ago when my wife passed away. So understandable that these energies mixed together could manifest as intense desire or temptations, which in my instance, could be instances of self harm or some other dark pursuits due to the Pluto Uranus Chiron config in my chart. The Tarot deck I use represents the Pluto in my chart being in my Sun sign.

Meanwhile the Oracle, the Uranus in my chart, we have what is perhaps encouragement for my vision, the Peru trip. Due to Venus retrograde to be followed by Mercury's retrograde, intense pressures on my finances will be brought to bear. Venus deals with finances, and a retrograding Mercury always throws spanners, or in my instance, huge wrenches into the works!! This could be the case of the old saying paraphrased, all things works together for good to them in harmony with the universe and fulfilling the call. Despite these obstacles I will remain on track with my savings plan even if I need help from the HD realms to do so, either through 3D means or otherwise.


Last week was the Autumn Equinox which we celebrate as the Pagan holiday Mabon. There are 8 Pagan holidays during the Solar Year, these includes the two Equinox - Autumn and Spring, two Solstices - Summer and Winter, and the four midpoints between these Equinox and Solstice. So we have a Pagan holiday approximately once every six weeks. I also draw cards on these Pagan holidays using my Pagan deck. So I did a card draw on Mabon for the next six weeks until Samhain which falls May 1, and this is what this card has to say for these next six weeks......

My Mabon card for the next six weeks to Samhain

-16 - The Stars - 6 of Hearts - How appropriate!! Four souls looking up at the Pleiades!! The stars are indeed our guidance. Many indigenous cultures believes that we come from the Pleiades, and indeed seems a popular point of origin for star seeds. Taygeta where I am from is within the Pleiades star system. The card represents our guidance but also our perspective on where we came from and where we are on our life journey. Guidance in our calling in life, mapping out the journey towards our destiny. So with Samhain falling at the start of May here in the Southern Hemisphere, perhaps during these next six weeks it will become clear the details of my next trip to fulfil my calling for energy works at the various vortexes on Mother Gaia.


Despite the current chaos there has been some good news, well better than expected news. I did finally make my booking for my visit to the Heart Specialist and the Stress Test, and it won't cost as much as I thought it would. Furthermore I will get a little under half of it back on Medicare.

So there is basically two appointments. The first being for the Stress Test on May 2nd - just after Samhain. The followup appointment is two days later on May 4th, and I will get a little under half back on Medicare for that as well. The gap amounts, what Medicare doesn't pay, will still be challenging for my Peru trip savings plan, but not as much of a challenge that I thought it would be. Indeed with my Virgoan energies and determination, I should still be able to remain on track for my savings plan, especially since the followup appointment is on my payday, so I effectively have two paydays to budget for the two visits.

And I also found out what the Stress Test involves, thus easing a little bit my Virgoan tendency to anxiety. We Virgos gets very anxious when we don't know what we're getting into. The Stress Test is basically being hooked up to a monitoring machine to monitor the heart vital statistics and then walking on the treadmill. The speed of the treadmill increases slightly every few minutes until the machine indicates the heart is under too much stress. Just how they determine what is "too much" is well not known, but me being fit, walking 20+kms on my walks and my ecstatic dancing, I expect to do better than 90% of other heart patients. I tend to set records here, whether with blood test results or other heart stats, I always do better than the normal heart patient. They say it was my fitness that saved me from an early return journey to Taygeta on that fateful day in July 2015 when I had the heart attack!!!

But I have to say, it's a wee bit disconcerting when I read the consent form for the Stress Test that I need to sign prior to the test. They give a list of possible side effects which includes DEATH!!! Ummm.... OK..... I realise they are just covering their arses..... well a return trip to Taygeta would be nice, but I want to go to Peru first, so don't want to go back just yet!!!!! However they also point out that there is just a chance in 10000 of this occurring..... which still makes it more dangerous than flying in an aeroplane to Peru and back again!!!! But maybe not as dangerous as driving in the car to the clinic, especially on Perth roads!!!! Though I probably take the train instead, cos I live just around the corner from the station, and the station at the other end is just a short stroll to the clinic, it will mean I won't have to try find parking and pay the exorbitant parking fees!!!! And if I don't become that 10000th patient I will celebrate by going to the nearby mall and buy myself an icecream!! hehe!! But if I ask them how many patients survived since the last death and they tell me 9999 then.... um..... uhhhh.......!!!!!!!

The bond saga..... I finally gotten that reply letter finished, I think it ended up being 8 pages or so!! So right now there is going to be one very pissed off landlord!! Question is, will he still be in delusion about actually getting any money out of me, or whether he will finally wake up and concede that he is not going to get a single penny out of me, well not without a damned good fight anyway!!!! Now just waiting for his reply to arrive in my mailbox. Although my case is pretty well solid in at least the vast majority of the issues I am still a little anxious about what his replies will involve, this is so contrary to my Virgoan nature. This is more like an Aries or Capricorn, and I have no strong influences in either signs in my chart!! Virgos are anxious creatures to begin with!! This is just a matter of being backed into a corner, that is, if I paid the full amount he was asking for, it will mean no trip to Peru until at least the following year!!! And just to think for a little while I actually thought about just going ahead and paying the full amount over some weeks, until I realised the implications for my Peru trip!!!! So more like a lion being backed into a corner thus having no option but to strike back, though I have no Leo whatsoever in my chart!!!!!! Nevertheless this matter is going to drag on over several months unless he wakes up from his delusions!!!!! We Virgos are patient creatures when we have to be, so the potential length of time is not much concern for me, I am prepared for the long haul if need be. He may try to wear me down and have me to just back down for a quicker solution in his favour - NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!! We Virgos are very determined creatures when we have to be!!!!!

I think that is all for this past week...... now more samples of my quirky sense of humor..... been getting quite a collection of comics now, so will post a few here..... then when I get my football tipping results in a day or so, or a couple of days, do another blog, a short one with just my results..... and a few more comics....... hehehe......


This one is the kind of thing I'd probably do with my often distracted mind...... !!!!

Um..... yeah.... hehe ;)

They must be from the Dog Star hehehe.....

Meanwhile at a church near to you.....

He must be a Virgo.... though I am not quite THAT bad when it comes to getting to the airport early to catch my flights!!!!

The VIRGO zone !!!!!!

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