Sunday 12 March 2017

That Time Of Year...... Again !!!!!

Oh yeah.... that time of year, the time of losing Magpies, whingeing Weevils, and the curse of Chiron previously the curse of Mother's death...... here as I decided once again, probably much to my regret, to join the office footy tipping competition. The AFL season begins last weekend of March, this being two weekends away, so time to ponder on my fortunes or lack thereof. It's going to be another lean year for the Maggies, the Weevils as always going to whinge about their lot in life and make excuses each time they lose, while I will attempt to transmute the energies of the curse of Chiron. That is, up until Mother's death which happened near the time of Chiron's entry into my Ascendant sign Pisces, I had always won prize money. But since Chiron's entry into Pisces, I had never even gotten close to winning any prize money. And Chiron is still in Pisces my Ascendant sign, so looks like another year of the curse, unless I can somehow transmute these energies. Well will see how things pan out as I have a bit of time yet to submit my tips for the first round.

Let's see what the cards has to say..... well at least for this week anyway....... tonight being the Virgo Full Moon.

My cards for another intense new week...

-8 of Cups - Leaving - Moving on to a better future but still feeling tied to the old life. First few steps always the most difficult. Departure from the familiar to begin a new life.

-18 - Spirals of Manifestation - The goal that seems so far away actually turns out to be closer than expected. The goal that seems out of sight is only because it is just around the corner. Don't be anxious, all will manifest in due time.

Summary - My life has certainly been in a state of change since moving into my new abode, each relatively minor but all working towards what is basically a new lifestyle. The bond fiasco is holding me back, and how quickly it will be resolve depends on whether the landlord remains in his delusions or whether he finally sees the light and realises he has no grounds for much of his claims against me. Although things has been in a state of change these last few weeks, there is a reason why this particular card showed itself for this week. Tonight's Virgo Full Moon has brought a definite shift, it is just yet to be revealed how it will play out.

The Spirals of Manifestation, a goal that seems far away is actually just around the corner. It seems obviously referring to my plans for my trips. As yet I have no idea where I will be going or when I will be going. My savings plan is currently on track, but cost pressures in the next two months seems destined to slow things down. I just have to transmute my Virgoan energies and try not to be so anxious about the future, that all will turn out in due time exactly as it meant to be.


So does that mean the Maggies are going to start winning football matches!! That would be akin to a "better future" or "new life" according to the Tarot...... And the Oracle card, is that saying though a win by the Maggies seems so very far away, it may be a lot closer than one would think!!? ...... nah I don't think so somehow, I don't think the cards are referring to the fortunes or lack thereof of the Maggies..... I think it is something else entirely different..... !!!!!!

This past week..... well nothing major happening...... still working on the letter to the landlord, there's a lot to cover, and being of Virgoan energy I like to make sure I cover everything and got the details right. We Virgos like to do things properly. So he will just have to wait, that is all there is to it.

Meanwhile..... I still haven't heard from the Heart Specialist..... which suits me fine cos with budget pressures destined for the next two months, the costs associated with the Specialist will severely set back my savings plans. We Virgos are very determined creatures, once I set a goal I stick to it at all costs, we are stubborn creatures. My savings plan has been going well, and indeed I now have the funds for an air ticket to pretty well anywhere in the world. However things are destined to slow down for the next two months, with my annual PO box rental due this month, always expensive and it goes up each year, then there is Easter, and then my car license payment in May, very expensive in this very high tax country of Australia. So no room in my budget for any Heart Specialist. If I survived up until now I am sure another three months is not going to make much difference. We Virgos are very pragmatic creatures, and it is why we are so very self sufficient, it is how we get through in life. Virgos are very good survivors, we overcome almost insurmountable odds in order to achieve our goals.

Tonight is the Virgo Full Moon, that is, the Full Moon in the sign of Virgo. So the Virgoan energy will be very high, especially those of us whose Sun sign is Virgo, or other strong Virgo influence. And with my chart showing four planets in my Sun sign, I am very typically Virgo. So this Full Moon intensify my energies, and my determination to reach my goals.

Last night was my fortnitely ecstatic dance session, and it is always a journey of facing my Virgoan demons. Ecstatic dancing is more than just two hours of dancing. The practice is designed for us to deal with our issues in our journeys on planet Earth that is our lives. And my demons stems from my self image which is a consequence of being a Virgo. We Virgos are our own worst critics, we judge ourselves more than we judge anyone else. And being such perfectionists, we are very hard on ourselves, so we end up with very low image of ourselves.

I always loved dancing since my childhood, and despite the Hell that was my childhood, I was nevertheless more innocent, and when doing folk dancing at primary school, I was a lot more self confident and mixed freely with the girls. And even during my teen years at high school, when I grown to be painfully shy and introverted, I still had a lot more confidence during our ballroom dancing sessions. Unbelievably despite my introverted Virgoan nature, I still was able to approach the girls and ask them to dance with me, as was the practice at the start of the ballroom dancing sessions in high school. Nowadays however you couldn't pay me to ask a female out or to even dance with me, my self image being through the floor thanks to the years of life's bitter experiences. Ecstatic dancing is mostly dancing in one's own space, we don't dance with partners, we each dance on our own, which is one reason why I enjoy it. But at times the facilitator asks us to take a partner, and that I dread cos of my Virgoan traits. I have never been rejected, nevertheless, I hate approaching anyone to be my partner due to my ingrained Virgoan belief and low opinion of myself.

The elections in Western Australia, and we have a new government, or more accurately, a new puppet of the Reptilian\cabal order. The same Reptilian\cabal methods of mass public control still remains in force, such as the fluoridation of our water supplies, the same tactic Hitler used on the inmates of the concentration camps, And as sure as the sun will rise, our taxes and charges will still go up. It doesn't matter which party wins power, our taxes and charges will still go up, another Reptilian tactic of keeping us enslaved. The differences between the parties are only superficial and designed to fool us into believing that we do actually have a choice. In reality we have no choice.

Easter is just a month away, what I call Eostre referring to the German Goddess Eostre which we get our Easter traditions from, the eggs and the bunny rabbit. I am a Pagan at heart. Well with my eclectic spirituality I still have some involvement in the church. A witch involved with a Christian church!! Times have changed!! Well not really. Wiccan protocol is respect for all religions and faiths, so we don't try to convert anyone, so no need to tell anyone at church about any of my other beliefs. Well to cut a long story short, they have Glory Camp each year over the Easter break, and last year I went. But I wasn't going to go this year, well for lifestyle reasons such as my mostly vegetarian eating regime, the menu choices at camp mealtimes does not cater for vegetarianism. And to save my pennies for my trip, camp fees these days are expensive.

However I been invited to the camp and they practically begging me to go. I kinda have been roped in as being a flag bearer during the Friday night meetings, it's part of their means of conducting the services. As with everything else, I put a lot of energy into the task, and I am good at flowing with particular energies, and well they love me for this...... and they need a flag bearer at the camp. Well being of Virgoan energy I always like to please others and not put them out. So I decided to attend the camp. However this time I go as a day visitor, so no sleeping overnight and no meals. This makes it a lot cheaper, and it solves the vegetarian dilemma. Also I get to go home to my warm bed each night rather than bunking in with seven other restless souls in the dorms, I'm getting too old for that!! LOL!! The campsite is down at Serpentine which is an energy vortex and ET hotspot, so inbetween meetings I just go meditate in the bush and connect with my ET kins.

I think that is it for now...... enough of my ramblings...... just some comics to highlight my quirky sense of humor......

Speaking of Reptilian influence over elections.....

More on ETs..... some are friendly, some are not so friendly.......

The recent discovery of the seven planets around one of the nearby stars......

Now a more Earthly hazards of bush walking.......

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