Sunday 26 February 2017

My Out Of Balance Heart Chakra

First this week's card draw and my summary as shared earlier on my FaceBook account......

My cards for this energetically intense new week beginning with tonight's Solar Eclipse

-XVIII - The Moon - Darkness - Searching for the right pathway in the darkness. Facing the shadows. Ability to face the inner and outer monsters with confidence, knowing their weakness. Accepting the shadow self. The shadows seems disorientating but we have the ability to find the path leading to liberation.

-28 - Collaborative Dreaming - Cooperating with conscious like minded souls to fulfil a dream or to fulfil my calling. Creating in a group. This often involves challenges not present in lone pursuits. The differing ideas and ways of doing things, the need for compromise, group dynamics.

SUMMARY - How appropriate for this New Moon and Solar Eclipse!!! Drawing the Moon in the Tarot!!! This is likely to be referring to the bond fiasco, which seems to indicate I will hear from the landlord this week, another letter from him may be waiting for me when I check my mailbox this afternoon. But it won't be to fulfil my requests, it will take time for him to contact the various tradespeople, etc, and as we all know, they will take their own sweet time. But the letter or any other contact will be to try wriggle himself out of this request. He represent the monster due to the perceived power and authority, but he does have weaknesses, and the analytical Virgo me will discern his weaknesses and exploit them. For example if he threatens legal action, the weakness will be that he will still have to provide the same information that I am requesting potentially exposing his attempts to hide things to maximize the monetary returns, so very likely to backfire on him. I DO have the ability to find my way out of this, being a Virgo does help!!

The Oracle is what I have drawn before, seems to be confirmation that my next trip will be with a group. Or in general, spending more times with groups in my spiritual pursuits rather than on my own.


Well it turned out there was no mail from the landlord when I checked my mailbox this afternoon, just a note for a parcel to be collected. A parcel!!??? Who's in Hell's name would send me a parcel?? I hadn't ordered anything recently. I'm trying to save money for my trip so no chance I ordered anything. I am due to receive a CD but a CD should have been able to fit into my mailbox, indeed when I receive CDs it had always fitted into my mailbox, so it won't be the CD. Dang I hate surprises like this, I will have to hang on for the whole day tomorrow until after work when I will have to make the trip to the PO before closing time to collect this mysterious package.

Anyway in regards to the bond fiasco, I hadn't heard from the landlord, there was no mail from him, and he made no attempt whatsoever to call or text me. My app which blocks calls from numbers not on my Contacts does inform me when someone attempts to call me. I know full well he is not going to comply with my request, at least not at first. He will do his best to wriggle himself out of this. But even if he resorts to legal action he will still have to provide the information to them the same information I am requesting. I have him over the racks and he knows it. He be trying to work out what to do next. Of course when I go to the PO to pick up my mysterious package tomorrow there could very well be mail from him in my box.

Meanwhile..... yet another challenge to my savings plans, though I knew this was coming, it was just a matter of when. That is, I knew that my yearly appointment with the Heart Specialist was due, and in fact last Friday I gotten a call from the clinic and left a message for me to contact them to arrange such an appointment. Me and my out of balance heart chakra that manifested as a heart attack back on that fateful day in July 2015!!!! My visits to the Heart Specialist are expensive being a private practice so it's a good thing it is only once per year, and I get about half of it back on Medicare. This time however they are wanting to do a "stress test" on me. I've heard about these before at the clinic but up until now had never had it done on me. But I do know it is expensive, and I am not sure how much of it I would get back on Medicare. I do have the funds for it, knowing approximately how much it will cost based on what I've heard on previous visits, but it would come out of my savings funds for my trip, so it will be down to how much of it I will get back on Medicare. And I still expect to reach my target by May, I was on track to reach it by April, but thanks to this, it will indeed be put back a month to May.

Anyway being of Virgoan energy I have a plan to deal with this expense. Tomorrow I will call back the clinic and make the appointment for next month, last week of March. This will give me a chance to plan for this while still remaining on track for my savings plan. We Virgos are very resourceful creatures. Hopefully they will also be able to tell me exactly how much it will be, and how much of it I will get back on Medicare. This will help me to better plan for this.

Ironically I faced a similar challenge back in 1999, the last time these Eclipses happened in my Ascendant sign as part of the 18-year lunar cycles. It was in 1999 I was also having to save my pennies by May, this time to pay for my wife's residency application, which ironically costed about as much as the air ticket to the Americas - what I am saving for this time!!! And back in 1999 I also came up with medical expenses, this time for my wife to take a medical test as part of the application process, that was also expensive especially since we had to pay full price, my wife wasn't on Medicare cos she was not yet an Australian resident!!! Her medical test came up with an issue which required further tests, hence further expenses, which impacted on my ability to save my pennies for the residency application fee. But I got there that time even if it was at the last minute, it was down to my last paycheck before the deadline, and if she missed the deadline she'd be on the first plane back to America!!! So this time I will succeed again, I will reach my target by May.

Meanwhile back to the cards..... the Tarot card is most likely referring to the bond fiasco. So now to explain about the Oracle card.......

The Oracle card is what I have drawn just recently about two to three weeks ago, and when the same card is drawn again within short time, it is the universe sending strong messages!!!! Let's put it this way. Randomly shuffling a 44-card deck what's the chance of drawing the same card more than once!???

Well this past week due to the economic challenges, the latest being the appointment with the Heart Specialist which is destined to be expensive even under Medicare, I was thinking perhaps I will go it alone on my next trip. But it seems I am not to do this. I would need to go with a group, a group pilgrimage. Up to now all of my trips I have been on my lonesome.

Going with a group will be more expensive than just going on my own. Although the group tour fees covers pretty well everything, such as lodging, transportation, entry fees, meals, etc, it usually involves staying in 5-star lodgings and other luxuries I be perfectly happy to make do without on my own. There of course would be group discounts, such as for lodgings, but it would still be more expensive to stay in 5-star lodgings than the budget lodgings I would normally book for when travelling on my own. Furthermore I would need the singles supplement which will be more expensive still. Although it be great to be with a group during the day, I am a sensitive soul, and the energies at these sites will be very intense especially being on the Dragon line, and it will affect me!!! So I will need my own space to retreat to each night rather than sharing with someone even if he is also spiritual or a HD soul. Plus I will have my Dragon Goddess and crystals, and will need space to set those up in my lodging during the trip.

Also the tour price is often in $US, so will make it even more expensive with our 3rd-world-like currency exchange rate here in Australia!!!!

Although I expect to reach my target for funds for the air ticket by May, it is going to be a challenge to save my pennies for the tour costs even if I book my spot for towards the end of the year, say, October onwards. As fiercely independent as we Virgos are, it's likely I won't be able to raise the funds for the tour on my own, even with my Virgoan skills of budgeting and keeping track of my day to day expenses. The universe is going to have to provide for me or help me with any shortfalls.

I must say I DO have a good track record with this. On all of my trips so far the universe has miraculously provided. For example on my America trip, due to the Telstra roaming fiasco, I was in serious danger of running out of funds to meet my lodging expenses for the last week or so of the trip. I was seriously contemplating the prospect of sleeping in my car at Mt Shasta. However almost at the last minute the universe did miraculously provide for me, and I had extra funds for my lodgings!!! Then for the Glastonbury trip, due once again to the Telstra roaming fiasco, the economic viability of the Glastonbury trip was in serious danger - until once again the universe provided, and for the first time ever, I went on the trip without running out of money!!!!!

So safe to say, if I am going to go with a group on my next trip, I will have provisions for funding such a trip.

What will help my cause is in May my two-year contract with Telstra ends, so paying out money to them each month, much of it wasted, will no longer occur. I will not be going into another contract. I will go with another telco and go prepaid on my phone, this will save me potentially a significant amount of money each month, this will add significantly to my savings plan for my next trip. Another advantage of going prepaid is I won't be in any danger of any bill shock due to the roaming charges, what had almost gotten me into trouble last year when I went to America.

Last but not least it was Mother's birthday today, the same day as the Solar Eclipse. Well it would have been her birthday if she was still on this planet. In the higher dimensions there are no birthday celebrations because we are eternal creatures. Indeed back on Taygeta there are no birthdays, Taygeta is a HD planet where everyone lives forever. I don't think Mother is on Taygeta but she is certainly somewhere in the higher realms. With so much happening today I almost "forgot" about her birthday, well I could NEVER forget it, but the focus was on other things not so much her birthday. And last night I was at my ecstatic dancing session. Mother was a dancer, so my love for ecstatic dancing comes partly from Mother. Dancing is in my DNA, not only the human DNA but also my ET or alien DNA. We dance a lot back on Taygeta.

Just another week in the life of an 8D soul from Taygeta...........

Blessed Be

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