Tuesday 5 July 2016

The Deep Freeze

Here experiencing one of the coldest winters on record. Of course as per typical of Perth it never rains, well it might rain a little on one day then a week without rain when the temperature plummets. It is warmer when it rains. For me with a very low tolerance of the cold, this winter has been very difficult for me, and find it almost impossible to keep warm even with heaters. I find myself getting into bed soon after I eat and go into hibernation mode, though I still sleep only 4 hours in total, I just spend the whole night drifting in and out of sleep, until it's time to get up for work which seem to take every ounce of my energy. I am wide awake, not tired, but very sluggish like a reptile due to the cold. And my heart meds does not help, though I had always had trouble coping with winter even before being being put on these meds. So nothing gets done at night. Today I am off work so better get this blog out while I can before I go back into hibernation mode.

It's been almost 12 months since the heart attack event so I was back at the hospital this morning for the checkup and blood test. My blood pressure was as close to perfect, and have lost about 8kg since this time last year. At least physically I am feeling great. But I just always get depressed during winter.

However in spite of the winter deep freeze I still do attend the ecstatic dancing sessions. We Virgos are very determined creatures, and we don't easily give up. It takes all of my energy at times to get ready to go out and attend the dance sessions but once I am on the dance floor I turn into a different person, my energy levels goes up, and lose all sense of time while dancing. It's like being back on Taygeta where it is a lot warmer and does not experience winter.

I currently attend dance sessions with two groups. Dance Mandala on Wednesday nights, and Dancing Dhevas which is held twice monthly usually on a Saturday night but sometimes on a Friday night, such as this week.

Soon the dreaded The Three Weeks which commemorate the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of both Temples some 6 centuries apart, and when I typically suffer calamities. Since the phenomenon affects only Jews, and there is no Jewish blood in me, and does not affect the rest of my blood family, I conclude it is due to my past life as a Jewish priest working in the 2nd Temple at the time of the Maccabean revolt which led to the Chanukah festival.

Of course my heart attack last year happened during The Three Weeks. This year, this dreadful period begins on July 23. In the past I have tried various methods to protect myself but to no avail. This year I have my Tourmaline Wand and sage stick both from Mt Shasta, I  bought these at Mt Shasta during my recent America trip. I am hopeful these may protect me against the influence of The Three Weeks. We shall see how it pans out this time.

And of course tax time in this very high tax country. In past years we used to be able to claim out of pocket medical expenses on our taxes, I did it all the time while my wife was still alive so we always ended up with a bigger refund payment. However this has since been abolished so with all my expenses on my heart meds, about $50 to $60 per month, that is, the out of pocket expense after Medicare, and my occasional visit to the Cardiologist which is approx $100 after Medicare, I can no longer claim these on my taxes. So not only we are one of the most high tax country on Earth, we get less of it back. Well at least I can still claim my Union dues on my taxes, I wonder how long that will last before the govt decides to take that away.

This whole trading debt "problem" the excuse the govt uses to raise taxes, cut services and take away refund entitlements, is a big lie designed to  enslave us. This can be proving by adding up the so-called debts and surpluses of each country on Earth. More countries are in debt than in surplus. However logically it all should add up to a net amount of 0, that is, the debts or surplus of each country should all even out. But it does not do that!!!!! In fact we end up with a net debt of trillions of dollars!!!! Quite clearly something is not right. This is proof that this is all just a con designed to keep us in slavery, to accept the govt cutbacks and paying more tax. Another interesting fact, there was a time when there was no income tax in America, no one paid taxes on anything in America and the country remained in surplus. However soon after income tax was introduced to America, the country began to go allegedly into debt, and we all know of their so-called debt problems today.

Rant over.... back to my taxes.... I normally wait until after The Three Weeks before doing my taxes as I never do it during The Three Weeks and I don't usually get all of my tax statements before then. However this year The Three Weeks starts relatively late in the Roman calendar, on July 23, so I may get all my statements before then so will be able to do my taxes then.

Then another potential problem. The year usually consists of 26 fortnites which the tax calculations is based. However this financial year just gone consisted of 27 fortnites. This is akin to having three fortnitely pays in a month, which occasionally happens, giving us an extra pay period where we don't have the monthly bills coming out. In other words, our refund checks are much reduced during 27-fortnite years, indeed the last time this happened I ended up with a tax bill rather than a refund check!!!! Uh well will have to see how it pans out when I do my taxes.

In regards to the lawnmower catastrophe, well I did finally acquired a new lawnmower, and though less than half the price of my previous now dead lawnmower, it is a lot better. This lawnmower runs off the mains via a long cord, while my old mower was battery operated. This new mower has a lot more grunt, it does not cut out when I go through long grasses, and there is no four hours wait for the battery to recharge as with the old mower when the battery gets spent half way through doing the lawns in one yard. Most of the price difference lays in the battery and recharge unit which came with the old mower, that alone costs near $250 while my new mower with a cord I got for $180.

Now waiting for the carrier pigeons to deliver my order for a new tail light for my bicycle, which like everything else ordered online, it always comes from the east coast. Meanwhile ever resourceful Virgo me managed to rig up a flashlight with red cellophane over it on the back of my bicycle which will do the job until those carrier pigeons finally deliver my new light. It is always dark when I leave for work during the winter months hence needing lights. My resourcefulness, aside from being a Virgo trait, also stems from my childhood poverty years when I often had to resort to scraps and leftover junk to improvise any repairs etc needed on my basic old bike that I had back then.

However I hope for no more calamities so I can pay off the Telstra debt before the start of The Three Weeks!!!!!

The football tipping.... had a setback during the first week of my America trip due to the roaming rort fiasco, I could not get online so could not submit my tips. This really brought me down the scale to somewhere in the middle. During the other three weeks of my trip I was able to access free wi fi at the motels I stayed in so could submit my tips. But it looks like I won't be able to catch up to my previous heights of success. It seems the curse of Chiron strikes again, that I never won any prize money since Chiron entered my Ascendant sign Pisces about the time of Mother's death, and Chiron is still in Pisces this year, it is a slow moving object being located past the orbit of Saturn in the Solar System.

Anyway.... enough of my ramblings for now.... hope to upload more pixs to my America Trip Facebook page before I go back into hibernation. .....

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