Monday 27 June 2016

More Happening Since America. ....

More things happening but thankfully not so catastrophic......

Ecstatic Dancing. I just love dancing so much and am currently involved with two groups - Dance Mandala which has a weekly session on Wednesday evenings, and Dancing Dhevas which meets twice each month usually Saturday evening but sometimes Friday evening. Each session is only $20 and $25 so it is not expensive. And you don't need a partner for ecstatic dancing, it is very much dancing in one's own space. I'm getting too old for all this shit of dating, romance and relationships. If you don't have anyone by age 50 then you're not going to get anyone. I know there are exceptions to this rule, akin to the fact that there are exceptions to the rule that people who plays lotto will not win 1st division prize. Some people DO win 1st division but for any one of us it is very unlikely for it to happen - but far more likely than me finding a partner. The New Zealand affair was my last chance and it didn't work out, so I now focus on my life callings and traveling the world, which is much easier and cheaper when on your own. So ecstatic dancing is perfect for me, you don't need a partner, in fact they discourage you from trying to pick up a date during ecstatic dancing. It is very much emphasis on dancing in your own space and respecting the space of others. And I just love it so much.

End of lease. My lease on this house ends this month but haven't yet had any news on the extension or otherwise of the lease. But there is a good reason. While I was in America the landlord has been keeping watch on the house. And Perth experienced a rare event - storms! !! And the house sustained storm damage, nothing structural abd didn't affect what was inside, just the front porch was lost. Indeed it was rather a shock when I came home from the airport and found some poles and steel sticking out from what used to be a front porch!!!!

So the landlord through his insurance has been dealing with replacing the front porch, but is doing a lot more than that, which analytical Virgo me concludes that he is preparing to sell the house. We Virgos are very good at analysis and working out what is going on. For starters he has pruned all of the trees. In past years he'd prune maybe the biggests of the trees, but this time he pruned ALL of them including the front tree which had never been pruned since moving in back in 2010. Also he is also replacing part of the back porch, which does need replacing,  but it wasn't damaged in the storm and could have been functional for a few more years yet.

Of course true enough I was for a while been wanting to downsize a bit into a smaller apartment, and there is no longer a housing crisis in Perth, indeed there is an oversupply of rental properties and landlords are having to drop the rents to attract potential tenants. So in some ways this is a good time to move out. But it is still expensive to move house, you need six weeks rent for the security bond and advance rent payment, and well we Virgos can budget and raise finances as needed but we do have limits. Even Virgos cannot work miracles. Uh well just have to trust the universe. My ultimate aim is a more nomadic lifestyle but some things has to happen first before this becomes a viable option.

The curse of The Three Weeks. Oh yes that dreaded time of year is coming up, the anniversary of the destruction of the Jewish Temples, the "Three Weeks" when calamities befalls the Jews - and those who were Jews in their past lives - ME!!!!! This year it falls the 2nd half of July and first weeks of August. Of course last year during this period I suffered my heart attack and almost died. So now "The Three Weeks" will be forever remembered as the time I nearly died!!!! Anyway I will be sharing more on this later as we get closer to this dreadful time......

Enough of my musings. .... as I upload more pixs to my America trip page on Facebook. ......

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