Sunday 31 July 2016

Cocky Weevils For Dinner

Oh there is nothing more I enjoy than seeing those cocky weevils being cut down to size, and even better when it is the MAGGIES who are doing the job on them. Oh yes I did pick the Maggies, my usually pessimistic feelings about them took a decidedly more positive turn and well I knew they would win, or at least a high chance of winning. True enough the weevils managed to win the previous five matches but they been so cocky, they think all they need to do is just show up and a win would be brought to them on a platter. And last week they almost blew it. But of course they make excuses, blame it on injuries, or certain players being not available, or the ground, the weather, or some other pitiful excuse. So they get their just desserts this time, it turned out to be a good win by the Maggies. Even then they still make excuses and they have the cheek to come on TV and say "Don't write us off". They still think they will win a premiership. No such luck weevils, you won't even make it past the first elimination finals let alone a Grand Final win.

So with Week 1 of "The Three Weeks" now behind us, it seems my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand, sage stick and rattle stick are working wonders. So far there has been no incidences of note, my bicycle and car behaving themselves, and just a minor incident with my tablet when it wouldn't charge up but it seems to have resolved itself. So now into week 2 with a New Moon happening this week, and Mercury returning to the scene of the crime, entering my Sun sign, where it was in my natal chart. Mercury usually causes me trouble especially when in retrograde as it was in my natal chart, and it will be in retrograde again in Virgo during much of September including my Solar Return day - the astrological term for birthday. So this week will be more intense, my Mt Shasta items will be more stringently tested.

And our colder than usual winter is not helping. I cannot tolerate the cold, even with heating and layers of clothing. I'd be dressed up like an Eskimo and I still be cold. I am certain I have Reptilian DNA in my blood. My energy goes down with the temperature and all I feel like doing is hibernating. It is better when it rains, it is more balmy, but Perth being Perth it doesn't rain often. And when there is no rain the temperature plummets during the night, and the Sun does not keep me warm in the day. Of course my heart medications doesn't help, that does affect one's tolerance of the cold. But even before being put on these meds I still never liked the cold, I had always found it hard to get up in the mornings during winter, and next to impossible to stay warm.

However tomorrow on August 1st is when we celebrate Imbolc, one of the 8 Pagan holidays of the year. Imbolc marks the promise that the worst of the winter is behind us, the days now becoming noticeable longer, and hopefully an increasing frequency of more balmy days ahead.

My altar for Imbolc. ......

Now my Glastonbury trip is less than 11 weeks away, I am due to once again depart the most isolated city on Earth on Thursday October 13 for yet another long flight. You know you're in the most isolated city on Earth when you travel overseas. Everywhere else is such a long way away. It's about 20 hours to London with a stopover in Dubai. With so much happening these 11 weeks will pass quickly, so am starting to make tentative plans for my 12 days in the region. More will be revealed when I set up my Glastonbury page on Facebook next month after the Full Moon.

Meanwhile am already getting thoughts for 2017. My first choice will be South America where there are all those ancient Mayan and Inca sites, these are high energy vortexes, and I feel past lives connections with them especially the Mayans who are said to be the descendants of the survivors of Atlantis. I will most likely join one of the pilgrimage tours where I will be with other like minded weird souls like me. Everything is included in the price of these pilgrimages including lodgings, food, entry to the sites, transport, and etc. And it will mean I won't get lost. While I was in America I was forever getting lost, and well I usually find my way out eventually with America being an English speaking country, and well I do understand American English. But in South America there are no English speaking countries, so I figure it's safer to be part of a tour, and a spiritual pilgrimage tour will be right up my alley. They won't think I am weird cos they be as weird as I am.

Now all of the storm damage at the house is repaired, now a new front porch and back area. So just waiting for the landlord to contact me in regards to the lease. I have a feeling I will be moving out, that will happen if either the landlord intends to sell the house, or if he increases the rent. I need to save my pennies for my 2017 trips and beyond so can't afford any more rent increases, and there are now cheaper abodes around with the housing crisis now ended. And well I no longer need a 3 bedroom abode, I can get by with just one or two.

So interesting times ahead.......

Watch this space for more twists and turns in my ever evolving story of the weirdness that is my life......

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