Saturday 16 July 2016

A Rare Rainy Night

Tonight is a rare event in Perth - rainy night!! I don't ever watch TV, I  usually listen to my weird star seeds vids online or music, but tonight am just listening to the soothing rhythmic sound of the rain.

Looks like my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand and sage stick are working wonders against the curse of Tammuz. Last Friday was the day the Babylonians breached the walls of Jerusalem leading to the destruction of the first Temple, and usually a day of calamities. But instead I received my tax refund into my bank account on that day, just a week after I submitted my taxes online. This allowed me to pay off a large portion of the debt from the Telstra roaming rort.

Then later that day I received more money, very unexpected. It's not from anyone I know personally though I am familiar with the source, but had no inkling whatsoever I would be getting any money though I did have a feeling that "something is in the air". Truth is however, I didn't even ask for it. I don't ask for money, I am not on any "Go Fund Me" websites, nor anything else like that. I just set my intentions, work towards my goals, put it out there in the universe, and the universe responds. So now am able to pay off the rest of the Telstra debt and now have ample funds for my Glastonbury trip.

So now I am setting savings goals for 2017. I will be going on more trips next year to more mystical spots, vortexes, etc, on this planet. I am not yet sure where I will be going, the universe will reveal to me in due time. But it is my calling to perform my energy works at the energy vortexes on this planet, usually the sites of ancient monuments or indigenous sacred sites.

My Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand and sage stick will shortly be put to the test as the dreaded "The Three Weeks" begins next Saturday, when the Romans lay siege of Jerusalem before the destruction of the 2nd Temple in AD70, on Tisha B'Av which falls August 13 this year - the end of The Three Weeks.

Likely issues during The Three Weeks. .....

My bicycle, usually a target of the curse of The Three Weeks. In past years I'd suffer problems with the gears, wheels, getting a flat despite the special thorn resistant tires and puncture resistant tubes!!!

My car, the thermostat. So far the thermostat has behaved itself, but the RAC guy who temporarily fixed it did say it's just a matter of time before it fails again. Also the cooling system needs a flush.

My car brake light. The right brake light not working. So far my " cloaking device" seems to be working as I hadn't had any coppers following me. If I get pulled over by the coppers there will likely be a yellow sticker - work order - slapped on which is likely to lead to more expensive issues.

My lease. My landlord said he will talk to me about "what is going to happen" after repairs to the front porch is completed. Work on replacing the roof is due to commence shortly, probably during The Three Weeks. Two possibilities. He could say he intends selling the house which will mean I would have to move out. Or he will offer me a new lease but will put up the rent, which also will mean I will have to move out. I need to save my pennies for my 2017 trips, and the housing crisis is over so there are now cheaper rents for apartments. It's probably about time I move out, it will be cheaper in an apartment on all counts, cheaper utilities, etc. But as is often said, no time is a good time to move out, especially for Virgos.

My health. This time last year during The Three Weeks was when I suffered my very unexpected heart attack. Now my numbers are a lot better. My blood pressure is almost perfect. My cholesterol is way down, not bad coming from a family where high cholesterol is genetic at least on Mother's side. And I lost about 10kg weight since this time last year. So not expecting any issues to arise, but then last year I wasn't expecting to get a heart attack.

My job. With the govt always looking to save money, there is likely to be some changes in the workplace affecting me  - as often happens during The Three Weeks.

So if I can survive The Three Weeks unscathed, well my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand and sage stick will have passed the test.....

Watch this space...... as always

All of my America trip pixs are now finished uploaded to my America Trip page on Facebook. I will shortly make a Glastonbury Trip page, I will announce it here when I've done it, likely near end of August  - after The Three Weeks.

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