Saturday 6 August 2016

Magpies Feelings

My feelings are always correct. Just as I felt the Magpies would beat the Weevils last week, I also felt they would fail to beat the Tigers this time..... and I was correct. However reverting to my rule of never pick the Magpies won't do me any good being so close to the end of the season. My fate is already sealed thanks to the Telstra roaming rort fiasco when while in America I wasn't able to submit my tips for one week. One way or the other the curse of Chiron is destined to strike me, that while Chiron is in my Ascendant sign Pisces I will never win any prize money on my tipping. And with only three weeks to go I am already too far behind.

We're now into the 3rd week of The Three Weeks and so far my Mt Shasta protection items have proved effective, there has been no incidences of note during the past two weeks. However the 3rd week is energetically most intense, indeed known as The Nine Days of Av, this being the first nine days of the month of Av leading to Tisha B'Av which literally means the 9th day of Av, the day the Jewish Temples were destroyed, the end point of The Three Weeks. And with my boss being back next week from his vacation, there is likely to be changes in my workplace. During The Three Weeks there are usually changes at work, in the name of budget savings, which usually adversely affects me or leaves me unsettled. So I am bracing for the boss to call a meeting next week to announce changes.

Meanwhile I will continue to use my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand and sage stick and rattle stick to protect my bicycle, my car and generally around the house.

However my troubles won't be over once The Three Weeks ends next weekend. Soon after that, beginning the August Full Moon on the 18th there will be three eclipses, the next two being on September 1st and 16th. Eclipses are always chaotic times for me. And  Mercury's retrograde will begin August 30 and will continue for a little over three weeks into September including my Solar Return day otherwise known as birthday. Calamities usually befalls me during Mercury's retrograde, and this one happens in my Sun sign Virgo so will be more intense, it will be The Three Weeks all over again. So my Mt Shasta items will be getting a heavy workout up until near the end of September.

Hopefully Celestial energies will be more favorable in October when I will be on my Glastonbury trip. Last Thursday marked 10 weeks until my flight to London, the time is going quick. It will soon be time to arrange travel insurance and book my car spot at the secure airport parking for the duration of my trip, but at least I won't need a visa, that I already checked out on the UK govt website. We Virgos like to check things out well in advance.

And with my Glastonbury trip now fully funded I am looking to possible 2017 trips at least one to South America. Just last week on one of my spiritual community sites that I am subscribed with, possibility of a pilgrimage to Peru came up. No set dates nor details yet but is tentatively scheduled for either January or February 2017. If in February it will immediately count me out as this coincide with busy period at work so won't be able to get vacation time. But if in January well it will come down to cost and how soon the funds will be required. I do have extra funds available over and above that set aside for my Glastonbury trip. But with most pilgrimages prices being expressed in $US it will make it expensive for us Aussies with our 3rd world currency system and our very bad exchange rates. So it will be down to how much extra I will need to save and the deadline for the final payment. But good thing about pilgrimages is everything is included in the prices including lodgings, transport, meals, fees, etc. All I would need would be the air tickets, insurance and travel documents. Anyway will see how things pans out and what other pilgrimages opportunities comes up over the next few weeks.

I would really like to visit the Mayans sites with those pyramids, being 2nd only to Egypt in sizes. Would also like to visit Egypt but for some reason I am being strongly  drawn to South America in 2017, either the Mayans pyramids site, or the Incan sites in Peru.  There is a pilgrimage to there available this December but again it is busy period at work so will not be able to get vacation time. And as yet I haven't come across any other pilgrimages to that particular site. But still plenty of time yet, and ideal dates would be between mid-March and November December. Busy period usually kicks in during November to December before the Xmas holidays, and from February into the start of March.

I still haven't heard from the landlord in regards to my lease. My feeling is he will offer me a new lease but with increase in the rent. Any rent increases will see me decline the offer and move out, taking advantage of the current glut in the rental market to score a pretty decent apartment for significantly cheaper rent. Even if he doesn't increase the rent I may still move out anyway. I really don't need to be in this 3 bedroom house, I am single, all I need is a one bedroom apartment, especially since I am already renting a self storage unit where my surplus possessions mostly my wife's are being stored along with my trailer. And the rent for this house is by far my biggest expense, so any reduction in this expense will help me to accumulate more extra funds for my 2017 trips and beyond. My being Virgo am very pragmatic about these things, we think logically and are very analytical. Virgos also does not like change hence why I am still here at this house three years after the passing of my wife. But I now have goals, that is travel goals, so anything to help me save my pennies towards these goals even if it means moving out from this house are now considered viable.

Now to get through this final week of The Three Weeks. .......

One of the Mayans pyramids I feeling drawn to visit. ....

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