Monday 25 April 2016

Car and Football Verdicts

Well it looks like the sealant substance did indeed do its job, that is, driving from the Airport back to home there it seemed was next to no leaks. It was it seemed purely coincidental that the problem with the thermostat did crop up at the same time, and the RAC guy made it clear it will need to be replaced and the system flushed out. But it seems hopefully what he did to it today did buy me a bit more time, so hopefully will make it down to Margaret River. But most importantly it seems the issue of the cracked head has it seemed been resolved in that the sealant did successfully sealed the cracks. So instead of $4500 for fixing the cracked head, it be $500 for cooling system flush and new thermostat.

The football..... oh the Maggies...... faithless me didn't pick them, and well it was a good win. I suppose there is hope yet, the Maggies DO win on occasions. So I did end up with a most reasonable six correct picks in the office competition which still kept me pretty well up there, the current rank being at 5, just outside the money range, I think you need to be in the top 4 for prize money. But so far its been a lot better than the previous years since the entry of Chiron into my Ascendant sign, the year of Mother's death. And in the Union comp I also gotten 6 correct picks although I picked some different teams, it just seemed that it has evened out, indeed I did actually pick the Maggies in that competition!! My rank there is 429 from 989 so still in the top half ;)

So yes it seems the day turned out better on both counts, the car and the football.........

Now back to work for just two days, tomorrow marks two weeks before I leave for America, I fly out 11:45pm Tuesday May 10. This Thursday begins my trip to Margaret River for four days yes am getting around a lot these days ;) ;) ;)

Blessed Be

Sunday 24 April 2016

Intense Weekend !!!!

Oh what an intense weekend it has been energetically, intense but good until today!!!

As I probably shared a while ago my car has a cracked head gasket, and consequently each time I go for a drive, it would lose water so I would have to top it up. However up until now it had never overheated. Then opportunity for a trip down to Margaret River came up for next weekend (more details later), and so since I would embark on this long 3 1/2 hours road trip I would need to do something about the cracked head. So I went to the auto shop and gotten this substance which is designed to seal the cracks in the head, so hopefully would solve the water loss. So I invested about $80 for this sealant substance, and I followed the instructions as to how to put it into the engine via the cooling system, so was hoping it would solve the problem.

So today I went for a drive to the Airport to scope it out and see how long it would take for me to get there for my America trip!! However I almost didn't get there. The engine started to overheat, and it reached a point where it went off the scale!!!! So I immediately pulled over, literally within sight of the Airport terminal, and waited for a while for it to cool down. Meanwhile my Virgo mind was working out contingency plans since it seemed that I would no longer have a car. With my America trip so near, spending $4500+ for repairs was out of the question - it was either that or America trip, and America trip easily won!!! Well actually the America trip I pay less for cos I got good deals on the air tickets and everything in America is cheaper than in Perth, and also got good deals on motels and etc. So the trip to America works out cheaper than fixing the car!!!!!

Then what about my planned Margaret River trip!!! Well I could hire a car, its only a 4-day trip, so would need the car for only 4 days. It be more expensive than in America, car hire for 4 weeks in America is about $900, and though it be more expensive in Perth, I figure just a 4-day hire would still not be terribly expensive.

So with my Virgo inspired contingency plans worked out, I decided to call the RAC to get them to check it out, afterall that is why I pay close to $200 per year for membership of the RAC and I rarely use it, the car is overall very reliable!!!! So they came, and after a while they figured that the thermostat was faulty. It seemed coincidental that the fault developed as soon as I added this substance, but I didn't tell them that I added the substance.

They replaced the thermostat. and well that seemed to have solved the problem, the temperature still did fluctuate a bit but it did not overheat. So I made it home without any issue. So later this afternoon after the engine cooled sufficiently I will check to see if it is still losing water. And my Virgo inspired plan will be, if it is losing water, I will still use the car to get around the city but I will hire a car for the Margaret River trip. I am due to leave for Margaret River this Thursday so hopefully should be able to hire a car from somewhere for just four days. So this is the test, did the substance work? If it didn't leak any water then the substance did work, however, if it still leaks water then I will need to save my pennies for repairs in the longer term. This I will know tonight.

Now back to how the weekend unfolded. I am now involved with three different groups for ecstatic dancing which I love so much. There is Dance Mandala on Wednesday night, then Freo Beats on Thursday night, and then the Dancing Dhevas which held a Full Moon dance last Friday. So I went to all three of these dance sessions. Ecstatic dancing is so much of a release, it is like a form of Yoga or Meditation, only that it is dancing.

Then on Saturday night I was at the Lemurian DNA Activation Ceremony, and it was energetically a most intense session. It felt like I was back on Taygeta, it was like tripping on Weed except there was no smoking of Weed nor any other drugs!! It was a most psychedelic experience, like what the hippies says. They gave us each two cards with symbols on them, and we meditated on those cards, the effects were very tangible!!! We took the cards back with us and were told to work with these cards each day for two weeks.

So last night at about 5pm I was about to take those cards to work with them, my next memory was waking up in my bed five hours later!!!! Now I normally remember when I go in to take a nap, and when I do take a nap it is never more than about two hours!!!!! My normal night's sleep is four hours!!!! And yes I DO remember when I go to sleep or take a nap. But in this instance I have no memory whatsoever, indeed when I woke up I didn't know what day it was until I checked on the phone and was surprised that it was 11pm!!!! This is classic "missing time" phenomenon like those who have been abducted by ETs. I think it was just what I refer to as a dimensional shift, that I was transported into the higher dimensions where time does not exist, and then suddenly I was back in the 3rd dimension and five hours had passed in that dimension.

Meanwhile the Margaret River trip. Through my involvement with ecstatic dancing I am starting to make new friends, most of us being on FaceBook, so getting more Perth friends on FaceBook. And one of them send me an invite to a retreat in Margaret River, so I went to the site, and because all of the spots hadn't been filled with just a week to go, they offered the last spots for half price. And well I felt I needed to go!!!! Even with the America trip I could still afford half price. So now from Thursday until Sunday I will be down at Margaret River for the Creativity and Walking retreat, so there be walks, and also be times for making artwork and creative expressions which will include more ecstatic dancing. In some ways it is similar to the Sedona retreat I am attending in America. So less than two weeks before my America trip I will be in Margaret River.

So that was my weekend in a nutshell. I gotten some hiking boots for my Mt Shasta hike, and will use the Margaret River walks to "break in" the boots. So by the time I reach the wilds of Mt Shasta which will include SNOW!!!!!!.... this will be my first time I ever experienced snow..... my $400 pair of boots will have been "broken in".

Now the car verdict will come tonight when my football tipping results comes in, the final match being today with the Maggies and the Bombers, a race to the bottom ;)

Yes it almost seems this complicated when some sites asks to submit a password.......

It be even less for cockroaches!!!!!.... my "harm none" philosophy does not apply for cockroaches!!!!

Getting one's attention is so much more difficult these days.......

Life on a 3D planet like Earth.......

Monday 18 April 2016

Eight Ain't Bad

Sheeze the Jupiter effect is really kicking in at this time, well at least for the last couple of rounds anyway after a dismal Chiron-inspired 3. Since then, with 9 then 8 this week in my office comp, I raced up the chart to now in 4th spot which I think is prize money territory. Of course the trick is to try stay there, me being a Virgo I don't rest on my laurels, and there is still a long way to go. But I suppose as long as I continue to go by my instincts and not get too caught up with rankings, and to stick to my rule of never picking the Maggies, then I should be pretty well ok, at least better than the last few years!!!

In the other comp with the Union, well still got a reasonable 5 correct but then I did take the extremely foolish decision of picking the Maggies cos I thought by some extreme optimism that they had at least half a chance to beat the Demons, I mean if they were going to win a reasonable number of matches then one of them would be against the Demons..... but ohhhhhhh...... not to be..... its gonna be even worse than I thought....... well at least we're keeping them Bombers company, being together at the bottom on 15th and 16th spot with a win each!!!!!!

Of course having to swallow my pride and pick the Weevils...... oh the sacrifices one must make just to get good scores in the tipping comps...... *sigh*......

So what will next week bring.... uhhhh ANZAC day, that means the Maggies and the Bombers.... and indeed they do...... we get to meet for the race to the bottom..... hmmmmm....... yeah difficult choice here..... would like to think the Maggies would be able to at least win that one..... but..... I am not sure..... probably about time the Bombers had a win afterall the Maggies had always won these matches for the last few years...... yeah shall I trust the universe to bring a balance and have the Bombers to win for a change...... the universe does bring a balance eventually....... hmmmmm....... well pick the Bombers in one comp and the Maggies in the other comp.....

So ends another round of the black and white catastrophe that is football.........

Sunday 17 April 2016

More Ecstatic Dancing

My love for Ecstatic Dancing grows since my introduction to this art during my New Zealand trip, and so I decided to try a new group that has sessions on Wednesday evenings, knowing that each group is different with different emphasis.

So last Wednesday I headed up into the hills where this latest dance group is located, again into the great unknown, not knowing anyone else in the group, however my fear of attending events alone seems to be disappearing, having conquered this several times now, especially with the Tribal Fire Ceremony last weekend.

This particular group turned out to be far more cosy and intimate. The dance space located at the back of a store owned by the group was small, no bigger than the size of my living room, and there was just four of us - me and three ladies including the dance facilitator. She seemed surprised but delighted that I turned up, being of the male species, however it seemed not a big deal for me. There are plenty of guys represented at the other two dance groups I have been involved with. The dance session itself was far more meditative, mostly slower dancing, and ended up with a session of meditation. This made for a good variety of change from the other two groups where the dance tends to be very energetic with more upbeat music. I rather enjoyed the session.

After the 90 minutes session the dance facilitator came to chat with me and she seemed rather pleased with my dance style and freedom of expression, but again it seemed not such a big deal for me, it is just a part of who I am. She seemed impressed of my "bravery" to turn up to the session, but again I don't really see any "bravery" in this, I just love ecstatic dancing so much and am already involved with two other groups. She was even more pleased when I said I would return the following week. And she ended up giving me a very Convergence-like hug, those long tight lingering hugs experienced at Convergence in New Zealand. I was rather surprised but very happy considering just 90 minutes prior we didn't know each other from bars of soap.

Anyway this new dance group is called Dance Mandala, and it is held at the back of the shop called "The Joy Sanctuary" which seemed a very appropriate name!!

So now involved with three dance groups for ecstatic dancing, and this week will be very busy with just three weeks before my America trip.

This Wednesday being Dance Mandala.

This Thursday being the FreoBeats ecstatic dance session

This Friday the Dancing Dhevas session, usually held on Saturday evenings twice each month, but in this instance it is being held on Friday. I missed them so much, the last two sessions I was not able to attend due to other commitments - my nephew's wedding, then the Tribal Fire Ceremony event. This Friday's event is called the White Full Moon event. The Full Moon falls this Friday, and well on this occasion we wear white to the event. Full Moons are my favorite time of the month.

Then on Saturday night is the Lemurian DNA Activation Ceremony. I have spent some of my past lives on the mystical continent of Lemuria located in present day Pacific Ocean, and suffered the same fate as Atlantis - it sunk beneath the waves via catastrophic earthquakes. Hawaii is in fact one of the remnants of Lemuria, hence my visit to Hawaii. And My Shasta in California, where I am also visiting, is said to be where many survivors of Lemuria went and are currently located in an underground city under the mountain. Mt Shasta is sacred to the Native Americans, and is where many UFO sightings are made. And we all have DNA which scientists refers to as "junk DNA" because there seemed to be no use for them, indeed they don't even know why such DNA exists in us. But it turned out that such DNA are remnant from our more enlightened past lives, and some of these are from the Lemurian era many thousands of years ago, before what most refers to as the history of civilization. Mainstream science contends that human civilization is only about 5-10 thousand years old, but in fact it is a lot older, and we were a lot more enlightened back then. Anyway, some of these DNA is set to be re-activated in me during this Ceremony next Saturday, and seems good timing for my America trip when I will visit Hawaii and Mt Shasta.

This weekend just past I have been busy, being the 4th weekend before I leave for America. I went to the crystals shop to replenish my supply of crystals and to get more crystals to assist me in my energy works during my America trip. Places such as Hawaii, Sedona and Mt Shasta are energy vortexes, often a hotspot for UFO and ET activity, and other energy events. A part of my calling is to facilitate healing of this planet via these energy hotspots, and so I perform rituals to connect with these energies. Hence the crystals. I also bought a new crystal pendant for my America trip, the pendant I wear around my neck and has a clear quartz crystal with various other items. I bought one prior to the New Zealand trip, and so it came to me that I would get a different pendant prior to each overseas trip, so I will get another one prior to the Glastonbury (England) trip.

I had been wearing my New Zealand pendant up until last week at the Tribal Fire Ceremony where the quartz had spontaneous fallen off. The thread between the crystal and the rest of the items on the pendant, which seemed perfectly fine, just simply snapped off. I don't know how it happened, but I saw it as a sign that it was time to get a new pendant. I was going to wear the pendant during the Ceremony last week, but the incident happened just an hour prior to the Ceremony. And since the Ceremony was held exactly one calendar month before my America trip, I saw it as somehow connected to my trip, especially since elements of the Ceremony seemed very similar to that of Native Americans, with some people even wearing Native American costumes. Hence I was not meant to wear the New Zealand pendant. And so this weekend I needed to get the new pendant for my America trip, and interestingly, the pendant has a wolf on it among the items, very significant as the wolf is my totem creature and very much connected with Native Americans who considered the wolf to be a teacher of wisdom.

Also I was looking for some hiking boots for my Mt Shasta stay. I had booked an all-day hiking tour with Ashalyn up Mt Shasta, visiting the spiritual spots and vortexes in the mountain, and connecting with the Lemurians or perhaps some ETs. And she informed me that there would be SNOW up the mountain even though the tour is to take place in June (their summer). Me who have never experienced snow before in my whole entire life, it seems I will experience snow for the first time in the 52 years of my current life on this planet. There is no snow on Taygeta. So I needed suitable hiking boots. In other words, the normal walking shoes that I use for my walks around warm sunny Perth just will not do!!!!! Ashalyn did tell me that you can hire such boots at the Mt Shasta site, however, me being a fiercely independent Virgo I prefer to be prepared with my own boots!!!!

So this weekend I headed to a couple of department stores to try source such boots. However being in the part of the country that never experiences snow nor other intense climatic conditions, you just not going to find such boots in just any department stores. I would have to visit a specialised camping/outdoors store such as "Mountain Designs".

So I went online, using my Virgo capabilities, we are very good at researching and we get into details, indeed we are fussy creatures as well as budget conscious, so we seek the best for the price, realising that one gets what one pays for. So I went online checking out the many varieties of hiking boots available for various purposes from a stroll in the park through to mountain climbing in the Himalayas. Some boots were as much as $500-$600, a wee bit steep when trying to save pennies for America trip. However the cheap end of the scale, $100-$200, well there are good reasons why they are so cheap, such as, not suitable for 7-8 hours hikes up snowy mountains!!! So I come to the conclusion I would need to spend $300-$400 for a pair of boots that is comfortable and suitable for mountain hikes.

Next is actually purchasing the boots, which I was going to do online but thought better of it. The size assignment is different to the sizes given on normal department stores shoes, so though I take size 11 at a department store, the sizes given for these boots are on a completely different scale. So best thing to do is to actually visit the store and try on the boots. Another advantage is that I could ask the staff for advice as to the best boots for hiking up snow-bound mountains!!!! So this is my project for next weekend, after the Lemurian DNA Activation Ceremony, there being now only three weekends remaining before I leave for America.

So it seems I am spending lots of $$$$s for various items I need for my trip from extra suitcases to hiking boots, however, once I have them, these are mine forever, well at least for the forseeable future anyway. I will have them for the Glastonbury trip, and indeed for any other overseas trips I will take. I do intend on going on overseas trips regularly, especially since these days air tickets are relatively cheap especially when you know where to go online and take advantage of specials and good deals. So yes this is just the start of my adventures, and all these items I am needing to purchase I will have them for all these other trips.

Magpies lost as expected...... more football musings tomorrow when I get my tipping results in......

Meanwhile on this 3rd week prior to my America trip........

Very good advice !!!!!!

Meanwhile in Australia...... ;)

Had a great laugh at this..... !!!!!

Exploring the "real" America.... hehehe......

Monday 11 April 2016

OMG!!!!! 9 Correct!!!!

OMG I think this is the first time ever since the AFL had expanded to 18 teams hence 9 matches, I actually gotten NINE correct picks!!!! I think occasionally I may have gotten 8 picks before but I don't think I ever gotten all 9 of them, surely I'd remember if I did before. My 9 correct picks came in with the office competition, one of just two who have gotten 9 picks. Of course the other person managed to score a lesser points variance on the first pick so I am still without prize money. Whoever picks all 9 gets prize money, and where there is more than one who gets all 9 picks, the money goes to the one with the least points variance - who predicted the smallest margin on the first match - and well it wasn't me, nevertheless, I am happy just to get all 9. So my rank leaped 13 places to 7th place.

In the other competition, the Union competition, I did get 7 correct picks which is still pretty good for me!! This given me a rank of  34984 from 492173 members nationwide, so the top 7%.

Of course I stuck to my rule - never pick the Maggies. It's not going to be our year!! Next week they play Melbourne who won the same number of games as the Maggies but higher up the ladder on percentage, so will I stick by my rule to never pick the Maggies..... maybe........ have to wait and see.....

At least the Weevils are not doing quite as well as everyone thought they would. I think we're in for Weevils reality check, they can't just rest on last year's laurels but actually have to WORK to keep up the efforts of last year!!!! haaaaaa........

Let's see how next week pans out.........

Sunday 10 April 2016

An Amazing Weekend

This was the most utterly amazing weekend, definitely in the top 10 of best things ever to happen to me in my current life on planet Earth. Being one calendar month from my America trip, the Tribal Fire Ceremony was just so utterly amazing beyond words.

My greatest adventure prior to my America trip commenced yesterday when just after midday I left home for the 1-hour drive down to Jarrahdale then up an obscure dirt road through forests to a property nestled deep in the forests of Jarrahdale. There I set up camp along with other like-minded souls, my new 3-man dome tent being put to use for the first time. I bought this tent for my America trip where I will be spending up to 4 nights at a time camping out inbetween my motel stays.

As I sat in my tent out in the middle of nowhere on that Saturday afternoon I began to seriously question my sanity, as in, what's in hell's name have I gotten into!!! This Virgo could not have been any further out of his comfort zone if he tried!! I know this is 2016 but this is getting ridiculous!! Furthermore thunderstorms were forecast for the afternoon and evening. Here in the worst place possible in a thunderstorm - in a paddock with trees all around and no shelter!!! And I could think of better ways of getting back to Taygeta than via being struck by lightning!!

For the purpose of the ceremony, the men would remain on the property while the women would spend the afternoon at a house in town.

Later that afternoon us men gathered for a practice run of the ceremony. Then a storm came through, so I headed for my car as I hear the car is the safest place to be in a storm in the absence of buildings, except that my car was parked under a tree - the worst place possible in a storm!!!! OK this is really a test of my protection. I've always said I am protected, evidenced by miraculous events in the past. But you know, each time danger comes, one does question one's faith, it is just a part of life on planet Earth!!! Well as it turned out the storm passed without incident, indeed it kinda passed around us with not much impact at our campsite.

So I thought the threat of storms were over at least for the time being.... until I checked on my phone my weather app!! It turned out I still had internet access albeit at certain locations around the property, just have to be at the right spot!! So when I checked my weather app, the radar showed a bigger and more intense storm headed straight for us!!!! OK if its my time to go back to Taygeta, well its my time, but I did kinda want to visit America first!!!!

The ceremony organizers also became aware of the storm and so decided to commence the ceremony a little earlier...... still after sunset.... OK there may be a very real possibility of me going back to Taygeta via a lightning strike but at least I will get to experience the ceremony first!!!! The ceremony is basically a celebration of the masculine and feminine, hence the different roles of the men and women in the ceremony. The fire was lit in the middle and the men formed a circle around the fire, and basically waited for the women to arrive.

The moment the women arrived were absolutely magical. They were all dressed in their various costumes, they marched around the outside of the circle then each woman stood in front of each man. The woman who stood in front of me looked like an absolute goddess with feathers in her hair. The men then chanted "Welcome women welcome all", then we bowed to the women in honor, very easy for me to do cos the woman in front of me looked like a goddess!!!!! She was totally gorgeous in her costumes and tribal markings on her body. We spent several minutes bowing to the women in front of us.

Each woman carried a candle, and each men carried a small bunch of sage leaves. Sage is used for "smudging" that is the clearing of negative energies, either in a room or over a person. The leaves are lit then are just left smoking, and the smoke from the sage is what cleanses the space. So after the bowing, we each lit our sage from the candles the women were carrying, then briefly waved the smoking sage over ourselves then spending the next few minutes waving the sage over the women in front of us.

Then the women moved to the inside of the circle, and the men just "held space" around the outside while the women began doing their thing inside. The idea behind this is that women were often not allowed to express themselves and are often judged for it. So now we "hold space" in support of them in silence while they expressed themselves, danced, chanted, etc for several minutes.

Then the women took their place again in front of the men, the goddess with the feather in her hair in front of me, this time inside the circle. Then the women bowed in front of the men but for not as long. Then the women gave a gift to the men. This was perhaps the most intense moment of the ceremony, when the goddess woman placed her gift in my hands, some herbs wrapped in fabric of several colors. Very simple gift but precious beyond words.

Then she took my hands, and commenced our "eye gazing", a means of energy exchange via looking into each other's eyes. It is often used for healing and other spiritual purposes. Anyway, goddess woman and me commenced our eye gazing for another several minutes, such a time passed by quickly!!!

The ceremony ended with prayers by the woman and man organizers of the ceremony...... then we all hugged each other, almost like the "Convergence hug" - the very long tight lingering hugs experienced at the Convergence festival in New Zealand. I never experienced such hugs anywhere else, but it came pretty close to the Convergence hugs here at the Tribal Fire Ceremony.

Then we spent the rest of the night dancing and celebrating around the fire. A few of us had various traditional tribal instruments such as Native American style drums which added to the celebrations. I love my dancing so I spent much of the time dancing around the fire. Then someone handed me a traditional instrument, known as "tapping sticks", basically two sticks about 2 inch diameter and six inches or so long, and we just tap them together to create the musical sounds. The sticks designed for specific sounds. So I spent the rest of the night playing these sticks.

As for the storm, well it turned out to be a non-event. Throughout the ceremony we were treated to a display of lightning in the sky, but basically the storm passed around us once again. We did get a little bit of rain towards the end of the ceremony but nothing much. So once again it seems we were protected.

Near midnight I settled in for a night in my tent. There were no more storms though there were storms all around us, but the wind really picked up to gale force after midnight. I slept for only about two hours. I was wondering if my tent would hold up against the wind as I saw if flexing massively in the wind, very interesting from INSIDE the tent!!!! But I guess these tents are designed to flex in the wind, and it did survive the night!!!! All those pegs I hammered into the ground stood up very well indeed.

And now back in my comfy warm bed!!!! This was a test for my America trip. Of course it was only one night in the tent. During my America trip I will spend up to FOUR nights at a time in this same tent!!!!

Now a calendar month before I leave for America..... the adventures are not over yet!!!! Two weeks from now I attend the Lemurian DNA Activation ceremony. Thankfully this takes place within the comfortable confines of a building within the metropolitan area and with no overnight stays involved, nevertheless, still very much an adventure. Meanwhile my weekly Ecstatic Dancing sessions on Thursdays..........

The football tipping...... my results normally doesn't come in on my email until the day after the end of the matches, which means, usually Mondays when I get the results. So from now on I will report on the catastrophes in a separate blog usually on a Monday........

Challenging the universe........

UFO watching in my childhood.....

Inside the mind of a Virgo......

This I can relate to......

Friday 8 April 2016

The Curse of Chiron Strikes Again

I finally found a way around the problem of not being able to load my blog, cos Google does not believe in the saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it", they saw fit to make changes to the blogger site which meant I could no longer access my blogs. However I finally found a "back door" way to my blogs, so I can now access them again albeit in a more convoluted manner!!!!


One of the principles of Astrology holds that for the most part, the further out from the Sun a planet is located, the more powerful its energies are, or greater is the influence of that planet. A reason that is given for this phenomenon is that the planet moves more slowly through the Zodiac so spends longer in each star sign, so gives more energy in each sign. Chiron is further out from the Sun than Jupiter, so while Jupiter spends only a year in each star sign, Chiron spends several years. In fact while Jupiter entered Virgo back in August 2015 and remains in Virgo only until August 2016, Chiron first entered Pisces in 2010 the year of Mother's death, and is destined to remain in Pisces my Ascendant sign until 2019.

Why I am saying this? Because my football tipping last week went utterly pear shaped!!!! I had only 5 correct picks in the Union competition, and only a pitiful 3 picks in our office competition. In the Union comp we don't win prize money unless we pick all 9 with the closest points margin for the first match, and well that will never happen with me. The top four wins prize money in the office comp, but with a pitiful 3 picks last week, this will now never happen. And so the curse of Chiron prevails despite the presence of Jupiter. It is also why 2016 is set to be a year of heartbreak, so while I am embarking on great adventures in 2016, it will also be marked by heartbreak with Chiron moving ever so slowly through my Ascendant sign.

So now to see if I do any better this week in the Chiron-inspired catastrophic disaster area that is the football tipping competitions.......

Tonight I am getting ready for the campout down in the remote forests of Jarrahdale. I am participating in the Tribal Fire Ceremony, which basically celebrates the unity between the feminine and the masculine. We basically dance around the fire, the men doing some roles, and the women different roles, and then coming together as one. And this ceremony takes place this weekend as with the Aries New Moon last night this marks the start of the new Astrological year. There is a reason why the Astrological columns in the newspaper begins with Aries, it is the start of the Astrological year. So we participate in this ceremony. More info in the link below......


So I am basically on my way to Jarrahdale by noon tomorrow, the ceremony takes place after sunset, and then camping for the night, me trying out my new tent for the first time, and back home in civilization on Sunday. The ceremony and camping is on a remote farm among the forests a few miles up some dirt roads from Jarrahdale. There will probably be no cell phone signals out in this remote location, so won't know of my football tipping fate until I move back into range and civilisation sometimes on Sunday.

And this is just one more calendar month before I leave for America. I fly out the evening of May 10. More on this later.

Much more happening meanwhile, including more Ecstatic Dancing, will share more next time..... but busy times in this final month prior to my America trip......

Just some more of my weird sense of humor........

When I am at work wondering why time moves slower at work than when at home.......

Where I want to be buried.... hehe......

My football tipping luck.... or lack thereof...... !!!!

Now something deep to think about..... believe it or not I DO actually think about this......  hmmmmm........