Monday 31 August 2015

Those Maggies.... hmmmmmmm.......

Hmmmm OK.... those Maggies decided to put in a decent game.... now that there is no way they will make the finals!!! A case of shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted!! Very unexpected win!! As for those bloody Weevils, its the last time I be picking them!! I hate them even more now! LOL! I did get seven correct picks and am now in the top half of the rankings, well 16th from 35..... be ye thankful for small mercies.

Well things are happening this week...... Last week I went to my appointment with the Physio, and put me through a walk test, and am happy to say that my fitness is on track. They say it was my fitness that saved me during the heart event. Now I am booked on a six weeks Physio training starting tomorrow - Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings each week for six weeks - with the aim of getting my fitness levels back up. If all goes well I should soon be riding my bicycle to work. Last weekend I got back on my bicycle..... and you know the saying, "it's like riding a bicycle...." as an expression that there are certain things that you never forget how to do. Well it did feel a bit funny at first but I soon was well on my way...... for my 3.5 kms ride around the lake! Well have to start from somewhere!! As part of my Physio sessions in the hospital gym I be on one of those bike thingies that they have in gyms, my heart monitor attached, so to gauge my heart rate and to see how far I can safely go on my bicycle at present.

Also I am due for my blood tests this week, so I be going to the clinic Wednesday morning inbetween the Physio days to have my blood sample taken, and after taking those pills and changing my diet a bit as they told me, my cholesterol has better be down!! If not down I will want to know why! High cholesterol does run in the family. My mother had high cholesterol in spite of her very healthy lifestyle, it was about the same level as me, though it never killed her, she never suffered any heart problems. Uh well will see how it pans out.

Then next week I have the appointment with the Heart Specialist..... will talk more about that next time......

Now entering one of my most karmic months of the year - September. It is very karmic, being the time I entered this very dense 3D planet with all the trials and tribulations that goes with it. Nine months previously I was basking in the 8D paradise of Taygeta in the Pleiades star system, it was akin to Heaven..... everyone lived in harmony, no crime, no wars, no pollution, there were crystal cities, our economy simply run on the principle of giving with no concept of "money" so there were no poverty, dolphins playing in crystal-clear waters, purple skies lit by the many stars of he Pleiades at night so it wasn't dark at night.... then the Galactic Council called for volunteers for a mission on a very dense 3D planet some 400 Light Years away - Planet Earth - and I foolishly accepted the call! I went into a deep sleep..... and nine months later I was rudely awakened and experiencing the trauma of entering into the harsh environment of this 3D planet...... and was probably thinking, What the hell was I thinking!!!???? And just to think..... people on this planet actually celebrates such a day..... I think they call it "birthdays" !! LOL!!!!

Anyway....... hehe......

This is about how it was back then..... even if the genders were reversed LOL

This I can unfortunately relate to......

How society works......

How society works #2 ;)

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