Sunday 2 August 2015

Definitely All Over Red Rover

Well if it wasn't all over before with the Maggies it is surely all over now being soundly beaten by Melbourne. My feelings are always right. It will be a Maggie-less finals series this year. I still did get another seven correct picks in my tipping. The highlight of the round was a Weevil reality check at the hands of the Suns..... well it was a draw which in some ways is worse than a loss... haha.....

Now back at work and my public transport and walk regime working out well, catching the bus straight into work in the morning, then after work a 20 mins walk to the train station fulfilling my walk regime as part of my rehab, then catching train/bus back home.

At times grappling with the side effects of the meds. I have hemorrhoids and it bleeds occasionally, only for a few minutes, and there are times when it doesn't bleed at all. It's all been tested, back in the days of Sally I had a colonoscopy which found a growth which turned out to be benign, and a hemorrhoid which for some reason they left alone!! The reason for the colonoscopy was cos I discovered bleeding where one shouldn't bleed. Well the  hemorrhoid  was the culprit and well they didn't touch it, they seemed interested only in the growth. So at times I'd experience bleeding but only for a short time, and up until the heart event I had no bleeding for several months.

But now with the meds, some of them designed to make my blood thinner so it wouldn't clot around the stents, the side effect is I would bleed more easily, more bruising, and longer for clots to form to stop the bleeding. And so last week my hemorrhoid started to bleed again but at first only for a short time, though it seemed a little longer each day. However on Thursday it would not stop bleeding, it bled most of the day first while I was at work, then when I came home. By then I started to worry a bit, and the advice was to contact my GP when these side effects happens. I knew it was to do with the meds, but I wanted to see my GP to make sure there was nothing else happening that I should be worried about. So I made my appt with the GP which I could do online meaning I don't have to wait until the office was open, I could book it online any time of day or night, and by then it was late at night and it still didn't stop bleeding. It finally stopped bleeding when I went to bed, and it didn't bleed the next day.

Fortunately I could get an appt the next day being Friday, so I took the day off work and went to the doc, and was assured that it was just simply to do with the meds and there was nothing sinister going on. I was so relieved about that!! It's just something I may have to live with, but the doc said if it gets too bad or too much I be referred to a specialist. Being officially a heart patient they like to avoid any kind of surgery unless absolutely necessary. And well I hadn't had any bleeding since then, so hopefully last Thursday's episode would be relatively rare.

Also last week the hospital got in contact with me regarding the rehab program. Well they did say they would do that. So now I have been referred to the rehab program, and just a matter of time before I get notice of an initial appointment to assess my fitness then to design exercises and activities for me. My first question would be - When will I be able to get back to my 20 kms walks and 80 kms bicycle rides!!?? Probably not for a while. My walks are now up to 2 kms on weekends which takes me about 30 minutes at my slower but steady pace. I used to walk faster before, about 10 mins per km. Now its closer to 15 mins per km. I probably walk about 1.5 kms per day in total in using public transport for work, including a 1.3 km walk to the train station on the homeward leg. When it gets light enough in the morning I will also take the train in the morning thus do the 1.3 km walk to work as well as from work. Currently it is too dark in the mornings and I don't like walking in the dark, but should be light enough by September.

Now for my 2nd week back at work.........

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