Sunday 6 September 2015

The Season Ends and Now Out of my Misery

Oh yes an entirely best forgotten end to the football season after a most entirely forgettable season but one which I successfully predicted for the Maggies. I knew they would not see Finals action this year and I was correct. Indeed I now predict the Maggies will not see Finals action until around about 2020. It will be a few years in the wilderness. Every team goes through such wilderness time, and that time now comes for the Maggies. As for my tipping, it was a dismal end with only five correct picks.... nuff said.

Last week was the first week of my six-weeks physio session at the hospital, each Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It turns out I am in a small group at the hospital gym, all who have suffered heart events, and all older than me. Not sure if that's a good thing or not. Me at my age who keeps fit should not have suffered such a heart event, one with virtually no forewarning prior to the event. More than likely a consequence of the Saturn Complex in my natal chart, that is why I suffer such bad luck at times and am not rewarded for my efforts, such as, I still suffer a heart attack at a young age despite my efforts to keep fit and eat a more healthy diet indeed a vegetarian diet which already cuts out one of the main causes of heart events - too much animal fat.

Anyway, the one-hour sessions typically begins with a weigh-in and pulse taken, then a warm up on the bicycle machines, followed by a 10 minutes walk around the garden courtyard. I did the most laps, indeed seven laps, equal with a couple of fit guys. Then back into the gym for weights for the rest of the session, basically doing a circuit working out on each of the several weight machines, each designed for a particular part of our 3D human bodies. It was all a breeze for me, didn't raise much of a sweat, but that is probably the idea, the gym instructress is careful not to push us too hard especially at first. We're told if we get any chest pains then to stop immediately and report to the instructress.

I was supposed to see the Heart Specialist tomorrow but it turned out he is no longer practicing at the clinic, so they moved my appointment back to the following Monday on the 14th, and it meant I would need to go through the complex process of cancelling my time off work!! Arrrgh!! It turned out that the 14th is Rosh HaShanah, and I had long ago already booked a day off work on that day, I always take time off work for Jewish holidays, so that removed the need to arrange time off work for the new appointment.

This was the easy part. Now things get sticky. Since I am now seeing a new Heart Specialist I would have to get a referral from my GP. The clinic on booking the new appointment for me had called my GP clinic for a referral only to be informed of the clinic's policy which requires for the GPs to see the patient before doing a referral!! Dang!! Why does life has to be so complicated!!!! Arrrrgh!!!!

However I was also due for a blood test, so last week on Wednesday morning I went to give my blood samples for some tests. They informed me that the results would be ready by the following Friday, which meant I could book an appointment with my GP for Monday - tomorrow. This most conveniently serves several purposes. It removes the need for me to try cancel my time off work for tomorrow, as I booked my GP appointment at the same time as my original booking with the original Heart Specialist. And it also means I will fulfill the requirement to see my GP for to get the referral to the new Heart Specialist. This in addition to learning of the results of my blood tests. The big test will be whether my cholesterol level had actually decreased, or whether as more usually the Saturn Complex kicked in, and despite my efforts with altering my diet and faithfully taking my pills my cholesterol level remains stubbornly high. Such things often happens with me due to the Saturn Complex in my natal chart, I am not rewarded for my efforts in whatever goal I aim for. Uh well it remains to be seen what happens with my blood results.

So the agenda for this coming week - appointment with my GP tomorrow which will be D-Day for my blood test results, then the 2nd week of my Physio program on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Last weekend just gone, my own fitness regime. I rode my bicycle 5 kms to the train station so to use the bicycle shelter which I am registered with via my Smart Rider card. With the bicycle shelter its a case of use it or lose it, and if I don't use it for three months I lose access to it, and will have to go through the bother of re-applying. And well it was getting close to three months since I last used it. So I figured, I rode 3.5 kms the previous week, so it would not be such a stretch to ride 5 kms this time, and I did it easily.

Then I took the train into the city, checked my PO box, and went for a 7 km walk along the river to a train station, caught the train back, and rode my bicycle back home. So two bicycle rides and a 7 km walk, did it all without any problems. I just had to take a nap after I gotten back home.

Now impatiently waiting for Spring to kick in..... me and cold weather does not get on well together!!! And its still bloody cold!!! It was never this cold on Taygeta!! ;)

Caught out !!

Valid question ;)

The truth hurts.....

Regarding reincarnation ;)

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