Monday 2 March 2015

Oh That Time Of Year !!!

Oh yes that time of year approached very fast! The football! Albeit just the pre-season, really not a reliable indication of form for the season, with most teams experimenting and not using all their players, etc.... but it was still good the Maggies won!!! hehehe!!! Probably the only win they'll have once the season gets underway..... well..... can't be too pessimistic... but face reality..... still a great win they had against the Hawks..... And there are just some things in football that never changes, one being that I despise the most over rated team in the comp - the Weevils! Dang! I wish they hadn't won! Uh well lets hope the main season will sort them out! haha!

As for joining the tipping comp..... well I said last year that I wouldn't be joining again this year.... and for the time being, that decision stands. Y'all know the story, the curse of Mother's death, I had always won prize money each year up until Mother's death, then won absolutely nothing since Mother's death, with my ranking getting worse each year. So its 90% chance I won go into the comp this year, but its still a month away, first match being April 2nd, anything can happen and probably will..... but a few of my colleagues also said they would not join the tipping comp this year.... Anyway my decision is mine, not influenced by anyone else, so 10% chance I will join.....

Anyway..... my car is totally out of action now. Last weekend I went to attempt to start it, and well the alarm system wouldn't respond at all. My clicker wouldn't work. It's a relatively new clicker, I had it replace about a year or so ago I think. And considering the battery in the clicker previously lasted for several years, I felt it was unlikely to be the battery in the clicker. But I really had no way to test it.

So next thing was..... to just get into the car via the key. However I was worried that it would set off the alarm, and well the alarm has a manual over-ride which is accessible under the bonnet. But to get the bonnet open, I would have to open the car so to get inside and release the bonnet, then use the manual over-ride to switch off the alarm. But being a nervous and sensitive little critter, I hate loud noises, so was terrified about the alarm going off even for a short time. So for several minutes I pondered as I braced myself..... I am going to have to open the car......

Finally I very nervously inserted the key and open the door, expecting to be deafened by the alarm!!!! I needn't have worried! The relief was palpable as the alarm failed to go off!! Then I realise this indicated another problem!! And trying the ignition confirmed the problem!! The car battery is as dead as a door nail!!! Absolutely no spark whatsoever!! The starter didn't even try to turn over!! It was utterly nothing.... zilch... zit.... nyet.... The battery could not have been more dead if it tried!!!!

Hmmmm..... OK..... considering I used the car only recently, and that the battery is beyond it's stated lifespan, this can mean only one thing.....  it needs a new battery!!! Well that can be easily fixed. Being a member of the RAC, I just call the RAC who will come out to check the battery, and will indeed probably confirmed that I do need a new battery. So the RAC would arrange for the battery to be delivered and installed on the spot!! So nothing to it...... except for one picky detail..... this 3D kind of energy exchange known as "money"!!! I didn't have enough of it!! And batteries, like everything else for Nissan Pulsars, are expensive.

Now I don't expect it will be long before I will have the moolah for the battery replacement, but meanwhile, I am utterly without a car. By now I have well adjusted to life without a car. I ride my bicycle to work. I use home delivery for groceries. I go for walks and.or bicycle rides. The only thing I really needed the car for was to go to my rented storage unit, and I was planning to start rationalising on the many items I have in storage. Much of it belonged to Sally! But it's about time I either start giving it away or just simply put out for recycling. I was going to start that last weekend, but a dead battery shot such a plan down in pieces!!

Uh well..... as they say.... the universe works together for the ultimate good..... and as I said, I don't expect it to be long before I can have a new battery installed. I just hope it is simply just the battery and not something else such as the alternator. Of course it be the alarm system that would likely drain the battery, nevertheless, it should have lasted longer than that since the last time I driven the car, and had no problem nor any indication of trouble when I did drive the car the last time. So.... um.....

Meanwhile I need to get my bicycle serviced, and I need a new tire for my bicycle as it is rather bald. Of course nowhere near as expensive as car tires, and the service is not expensive. But this will have to be done before I get the car battery replaced. I go on vacation next month for Passover/Easter, so will most likely get my bicycle serviced and tire replaced then.

So that is about it for my mundane 3D life on planet Earth. Meanwhile at Celestial Temple am currently doing an online workshop which will take me the next couple of months. Won't go into detail right now, but suffice to say, it is very interesting, and it answers a lot of questions about me that no one else could answer.... not religion.... not psychology.... no one...... So it is very enlightening.....


Given my increasingly more intense car issues..... this vid seems appropriate ;) hehe

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