Sunday 8 March 2015

Indeed it was so

Well today was B-Day, the day I get the car battery checked to see if I needed a new one. So I called the RAC and of course they asked me if I'd left the lights on or something. I said no way. My car sounds an alarm when the lights are on after switching off the ignition. I call my car "twit proof" cos not only it sounds an alarm when I leave the lights on after switching off the ignition, it also sounds an alarm when I open the door while the keys are still in the ignition. Indeed the system makes it impossible to lock keys in side, cos to lock the doors you need either to use the electronic "clicker" or to manually use the key, you can't just lock it without the key like you can with older cars hence locking keys inside. Prior to this with my previous cars I was forever locking keys inside and leaving lights switched on. But thanks to the "twit proof" system, stemming from calling myself a "twit" for leaving keys locked inside, this has never happened with this current car!!

Anyway, after describing the situation, they decided to send the battery guy straight away rather than the patrol man first. Especially when they looked on the database and saw that I did indeed had the battery installed back in the dim dark past of 2011 !! This must have been before Sally got sick and her medical expenses made me poor. So within about a very quick 10 mins the battery guy did arrive, and it didn't take long for him to figure out with all the fancy testing instruments that the battery was indeed given up the ghost and I needed a new battery. So installed the new battery, and the car is up and going again.

Yesterday was feeling rather dreadful, aches and pains. So either I'm getting old or its ascension symptoms. Well ascension symptoms sounds better, not only that, but it lines up with the experiences of others on FaceBook and astrological reports. To put it simply, its when the soul vibrations raises and the physical body doesn't quite catch up. Well I figured it couldn't be from my bicycle ride cos I rode only 70kms this time, while last weekend I rode 97kms and I felt fine. But I wasn't feeling 100% before I went on my bicycle ride but the stubborn Virgo like me decided to go anyway. I am still on bicycle rides rather than walks cos they still haven't fixed the bicycle shelter at the train station and I loathe to leave my bicycle worth several hundreds of dollars outside. So instead of walks I just go bicycle riding. And well it's been only two months or so, therefore four months to go before they finally get around to fixing the issue, this being a govt entity. When it comes to government, we go by government standard times, which is six months when it comes to fixing problems and issues with their infrastructure. So four more months of bicycle riding without walking.

Anyway back to the ascension symptoms.... well after the bicycle ride I felt worse, so they say to drink plenty of water cos it helps with the vibrations, and well I felt a lot better after drinking plenty of water. And today I feel fine.

Now in my job, the govt now made it law to sack govt workers who are surplus to the requirements, so I made contingency plans in case I get the sack. It's part of the reason why I wanted to rationalise the items in my storage unit, either giving them away or recycling them, hence needing the car. Basically if I get the sack, I'd use the payout to pack up and move to the east coast where it is cheaper to live, cos the dole/pension remains the same but doesn't go as far in Perth cos we the most expensive city in Australia. That is a statistical fact, it is more expensive than even Sydney, well Sydney is 2nd most expensive for housing so its unlikely I'd go to Sydney. I think either Melbourne or Adelaide are 3rd, though I don't consider Adelaide cos its not really on the east coast and in some ways Adelaide is just like Perth, so Adelaide not an option anyway. This leaves Brisbane and Hobart, I think Hobart is slightly cheaper but the weather is too cold and it is where Barbara is, she will never leave me alone if she finds I am in Hobart! So Brisbane, close 2nd cheapest, would be the city of choice, and it has better weather anyway.

So move to the east coast where it is cheaper, and well being 50+ and being in one job for too long, I'll never get another job, no one employs 50+ people even if technically they're not suppose to discriminate on age but we all know reality, companies can easily get around such discrimination laws, they are masters at it.

Another reason for living on the east coast is there are more spiritual people and groups on the east coast. On my FaceBook profile all of my spiritual friends bar one are either overseas or on the east coast. I have only one in the vicinity of Western Australia, this being Karen, but she is dealing with issues with her on/off relationship with her son, she is currently back with her son but just a matter of time before she moves out again. So far more spiritual people and groups on the east coast, and it is where Celestial Temple is located, indeed I think somewhere in Queensland. So if I lose my job, or win lotto, I be moving to the east coast.

However it is unlikely that I will lose my job for some times yet. Indeed it seems things are working to my favor. The boss has now been having me to diversify my skills and take turns working in different areas. Also one of my colleagues is close to retirement age, I think only a couple of years off, another colleague is looking for another job cos she wants to leave the dept, and there's a couple of others who are doing less than I am. The rumor is that one job from my area has to be abolished this year, but for the various reasons, my job appears to be safe, well relatively safe. One area I have been sent to work in is the science kit areas. The school is working on making all of their courses online, indeed in the past two years I have lost 50% of the courses in which dispatches are required cos they are all online. However there are some things that cannot just go onto computers, this being the practical science kits for experiments. The school still recognise that they need hand on experiences in science, its not all just online. Indeed that area is booming, and I've been sent there cos the guy running the area can't cope with the increasing workload - it being the only area in which the workload is increasing!!! A couple of other guys whose jobs are also decreasing have also been sent to the science kits area but they hate it there and they don't do a good job. Me however I enjoy it there, and being a Virgo, I am perfectionist so I do a better job. There are good points to being a Virgo! LOL! The guy who runs the place is also a Virgo! So it looks like the universe is being kind to me, and my job will be safe for the foreseeable future. But us Virgos do like to be prepared for the unexpected, hence my contingency plans should I lose my job for some reason, if not this year, but somewhere down the track. I still have at least another 10 years of working life remaining!!

How so ironic.... I need my job but it is the only thing that is keeping me in Perth. I regard living in Perth as being "karmic". We say things are "karmic" when we don't like it or it causes us discomfort in some ways, cos it refers to doing something bad in a past life so we have to atone for the bad thing in this lifetime. And I don't like it in Perth, there are no spiritual people, well not many anyway and none on my FaceBook profile, and its a Luddite city, the shops doesn't open until 11am on Sundays, the public transport system sucks, traffic management is 19th century, the crime rate is the highest in Australia, our state govt are total dimwits, well all govt in Australia are dimwits but Western Australian govt are the most of dimwits, and there are no 24 hours stores except for MacDonalds! It never rains in Perth, and everything is more expensive - food, housing, petrol, indeed most of the necessary things in life are most expensive in Perth. It is a very 3D city. It's lonely for me in Perth. So very karmic, and it is only my job that is keeping me here. Uh well have to serve my karma I suppose......

Uhhh the football, the Maggies wasn't playing this weekend, so firstly I rooted for the Bombers who are going through a rough trot and had only their "seconds" team on the ground...... uh well just remember it is only pre-season..... So my next target was the Weevils. Just like Sally who used to root for the teams who were playing the Maggies, I root for the teams who are playing the Weevils! In this instance it is Port Power. And it looks like I will get my wish, cos as of the 3rd quarter the little worm on my AFL app on my phone is being kind to me, moving in the right direction into the Port side, so looks like the Weevils will get beaten. I don't care if it is only pre-season!! Weevils for dinner is what I like even if I'm a vegetarian! LOL! Then I wait to see what excuses they come up with!! haha!! Hilarious!!

Uhh it's 3rd quarter.... so I wait until the end before confirming a Weevil dinner ;)

Oh the Weevils got beaten by 40 points. Suffer Weevils suffer, there's nothing I enjoy more than suffering Weevils and having them for dinner! haha!! Now we'll wait for the excuses either on tonight's news or in the paper tomorrow.....

Speaking of working and jobs..... well for me it's actually from 7 to 3:30 rather than 9 to 5 but the principle are the same. It is said that working in paid employment is just another form of slavery. Well back in the days of slavery, the slaves were typically given housing as in somewhere to live, food, clothes, etc, nowadays they just give us money so we can pay for housing, food, clothes, etc..... anyway.....

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