Sunday 29 March 2015

Four More Days

Now just four more very long days to my very short three weeks vacation from work..... This weekend a lunar eclipse which is visible from Australia, hopefully be able to see it. This marks the start of Passover. My life often changes near this time of year. Of course just two years ago has been one of the most drastic changes in my life - it was now two years ago when my wife passed away. I still remember that fateful day like it was yesterday, March 27 to be exact. The biggest thing was the shock of it all, I really didn't expect her to die at all. At least with mother we KNEW she was going to die. She was diagnosed with a terminal incurable illness so it was just a matter of time before mother finally died. But with my wife, none of her health problems in themselves were life threatening, and they were all either curable or manageable. I really thought she would eventually beat her health problems, she was tough, a Texan, and Texans does not give up easily. But the docs did warn us for a while that the Staph infections could go into her blood if not careful, and that would be life threatening. I never thought that would ever happen.... but that is exactly what happened..... and it all happened quickly..... she fell asleep and never woke up..... was basically in a coma since the infection went into her brain..... and her fate was sealed.  She passed away just three days later.

Well no football this weekend...... the season proper begins Thursday, my last day at work before vacation. Am still undecided whether I be joining the tipping comp at work, I have four days to decide LOL The first round is always hardest to pick, you can't really go on last years form, and the pre-season is no real indication cos that is when teams experiments and try different strategies. Saturday will be my moment of truth when the Maggies play them Lions, probably akin to the Christians being fed to the lions in the Roman Colosseum!!! But I will feel better when them Bulldogs have Weevils for dinner, and to see the Weevils make the same excuse as they did in the pre-season - injuries! Oh poor ole Weevils got injuries! I feel sorry for them...... NOT!!!!!! Guess what!!! You not the only team in the comp with injuries!! Haaaaaa...... Oh those Bombers looks like they killed one too many China man in their past lives with their court trial happening just days before their match, the fall-out so uncertain that even the bookies are not yet announcing odds on the Sydney/Bombers match. Hmmmmm.....

Last weekend I finished rearranging my living room. The wireless keyboard and mouse are working wonders, allowing me for more flexible in the setup of my computer system, and hence more efficient use of space. So in fact I have a lot more room to move and things not so cluttered. Probably some minor adjustments needed which I will do during vacation, but for the most part, the new arrangement is working well. The main feature being that both the TV and computer screens are placed so that they can be seen from both the living room and kitchen, hence can still watch my weird Star Seeds videos on YouTube even when cooking or making my meals. I can even operate my computer from the kitchen thanks to the wireless keyboard/mouse, I can pick them up anywhere and use them anywhere within the 8-meter range of the signal. This compliment the wireless internet system which enables me to use my phone and tablet from anywhere in the house as well as place my computer anywhere I like without being restricted by wires.

And I am so happy cos I am now back on my walks. They finally fixed the bicycle shelter at the train station. They fixed it in four months, they built extensions on the bicycle shelter making it twice the size so I no longer have to squeeze inbetween bicycles to find what often turned out to be the last spot available for my bicycle, and they've improved the electronic lock system on the shelter making it much simpler to operate with my smart rider card - not bad for a govt entity!! LOL!! Me and my cynicism for govt entities, this an extremely rare pat on the back for them. So I can just make the short bicycle ride to the station then catch the train to most of my walking spots. I prefer walking to bicycle riding, walking allows me to be more connected with nature and the environment, and many walk trails are closed to bicycles so more places for me to walk.

Anyway...... just getting ready for four more days of work and hanging out for much needed vacation time......

Now for my most decidedly quirky sense of humor.....

What happens to me..... out of the 100s of trolleys I always seem to pick the one with the wobbly wheels, they must have homing devices which unconsciously attract me to them......

The IT department at my work place.....

With Google nothing would surprise me!!!!!!!!

Now computers have come a long way since those dim dark days of the 1980 when they were huge machines with no wireless technology and indeed not even an internet !!!!!!!! Remember those old computer games of the 1980s???..... hehe.....

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