Sunday 15 March 2015

Interesting Week Ahead.....

Oh what interesting times we live in with the Equinox coming up next weekend. One of the lessons we learn in our evolutionary walk is if we have a need then we need to put it out there and the universe will provide, often through another soul. As the saying goes, Ask not want not. Well at this time I have no need except for a Star Seeded female soul with no family issues and who lives within 100km of me!.... well the universe will REALLY have to provide for that on its own!! The consensus among Astrology is that conditions are favorable in the next few weeks for Virgos to find a partner, but then, conventional Astrology does not allow for the fact I live in the most isolated city on Earth with very sparsely populated by suitably spiritual people.

This reminds me of an old joke......

A young single Rabbi was dating a young woman, he fell in love and wanted to marry her, but first he needed to ask her father's permission. So the Rabbi arranged a meeting with the father.

Just as the Rabbi walked into the meeting, the father went straight to the point..... "Well you know son, I love my daughter more than life itself, she's my only daughter, I accept nothing less than the best for her. For example the wedding ring, I accept for her nothing less than 24 carat pink diamond set in a solid gold band"

Rabbi "Uhhh no worries, I know God will provide the funds for that"

Father "Hmmmm ok..... then the wedding, no expenses spared, I suggest holding the reception at the top private function room in the Crown Casino complex, and book a top Crown Presidential suite for your first wedding night together"

Rabbi "Not a problem, I know God will certainly provide for that also"

Father "Ohhhh ok.... the honeymoon, she dreamed from her childhood of spending vacation in the Bahamas, I insist on two weeks minimum at a top 5-Star resort in the Bahamas, that will top it off perfectly for her"

Rabbi "Certainly so.... I know God will provide for this also"

Soon after the meeting was over, the mother asked the father, "Oh how was the meeting with the Rabbi?"

Father "Hmmmm not sure about him but one thing for certain is he really likes me a lot, in fact I'd say he is downright besotted by me"

Mother "Ohhh? How do you figure that out??"

Father "The Rabbi thinks I am God!"

Anyway speaking of God and religion..... well they say Magpie fans are downright religious in their adoration and devotion to the Maggies!! Ummmm I wouldn't quite put it that way personally for me, but well the Maggies are playing right now, ever hopeful for a win...... but I must remember, this is just pre-season! hehehe!! Poor ole Bombers, they must have really killed those China men in their past lives! LOL!

So very interesting happenings in the celestial realms this week. This weekend Saturn turns retrograde. That means, planet Earth moves to the same side of the Sun as planet Saturn, and since Earth is closer to the Sun, it moves faster, so Saturn seems to move "backwards", the same way as when one overtakes a slower vehicle on the highway, the vehicle seems to move "backwards". Like back in the days when Mother drove down the Freeway in my childhood, and I'd watch as she passes many of the slower cars, and well they seemed to be moving backwards. This was when Mother would take me to what should have been called "The Centre for Star Seeded Souls" but in reality was called "The LC Centre for Autistic Children". Most children diagnosed with Autism are Star Seeds or some other higher soul group with high callings. They operate at a higher vibration which makes it hard for them to cope with life on planet Earth, hence the symptoms. This also applies for ADHD children. This was one of the first things that made me realise that I am a Star Seed, that I was diagnosed with Autism.

Astrologically speaking Saturn retrograde means austerity measures, either financially or some other aspect, and can also mean a review and change in our spiritual beliefs and assumptions that we make in life.

Then on Tuesday is the 7th of the series of Uranus Pluto "squares" that happened since 2012, and well the last time this happened was in the 1930's when Hitler rose to power prior to the 2nd world war. Nowadays it is Putin of Russia.... hmmmmm...... I say no more... draw your own conclusions!!!!

Then on Saturday is the Equinox which is amazingly also the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, and also the start of the Astrological year. There's a reason why Aries is listed first in the horoscopes. It is linked to the start of the Jewish calendar, the month of Nissan, with Passover happening, this year on April 4. The Passover lamb and Aries the Ram, no coincidences there, Judaism and Astrology are actually closely tied together. All of the Jewish holidays ties in with the Astrological signs.

The eclipse we can't see it from this side of the world, it is visible from much of Europe, but its energies can still affect us. New Moons speaks of new beginnings often in the midst of chaos, the energies that much more powerful when there is also a Solar Eclipse. Of course all Solar Eclipses happens on New Moons, since it is when the Moon is on the Sun side of the Earth, but it is rare for it to happen also on the Equinox.

And the Equinox, when the Sun crosses the Equator and the days and night are of equal length, it is the Pagan holiday of Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere which is where the Christian had gotten their Easter holidays from. Here in the Southern Hemisphere it is Mabon, we celebrate our holidays at opposite times of the year cos of the opposite seasons. Ostara is a Spring festival, Mabon is the Autumn festival so we celebrate Mabon here.

So next weekend will be energetically very interesting with all these events happening at the same time. This is a rare event, this does not happen often at all - Equinox with New Moon and Solar Eclipse.

Now for the more mundane terrestrial aspects of life.... the Maggies...... 7 lousy points.... well as I said, it is just a pre-season match..... doesn't really matter..... uhhhhh....... OF COURSE IT DOES!!!!!! haaaaaaa!!!!!!! *sigh*...... I think the AFL season proper begins in about two weeks..... the truth shall be revealed and I don't think I'm going to like it..... I have bad premonitions..... hmmmmm.......

Well nothing much else happening on a terrestrial level.... another week at work. I have Tuesday off work, which I'm looking forward to. I go on leave in three very long weeks from now, from the start of Easter which is also Passover.

Here's a couple of cartoons from my collection ;)

They should have this at my workplace ;)

Now this is very true at work.....

Anyway speaking of the Maggies on the eve of the AFL season...... LOL....

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