Saturday 21 March 2015

Oh The Equinox

Well today is the Autumn Equinox down here in the Southern Hemisphere, which we celebrate as Mabon - the Pagan holiday. The day and night is of equal length, so from tomorrow onwards the night will be longer than the day. It is already dark when I get up for work, and I now leave for work just before sunrise, it is light by then. But soon it will be dark when I leave for work, fortunately I have lights front and rear on my bicycle. But yes energetically it has been a very interesting and awesome day.  Of course it never rains here. Perth is like Southern California, it never rains! LOL! Well we did have this rare phenomenon of "rain" last week, the one day of the week that I rode my bicycle in the rain, I do enjoy riding in the rain, I don't bother with rain gear, I allow myself to get wet and feel the energies of the water, there are healing energies associated with water. But of course, as typical of Perth, the rains cleared by midday, and I rode home dry. Of course I do bring a change of clothes with me, as always anyway cos I always get changed at work so to not be in sweaty clothes all day, so just this time it is just into dry clothes. But this rarely happens in Perth, it is not often that I get to ride in the rain, and even on "rainy" days I often ride to and from work or anywhere without getting wet. So it was indeed a rare treat last week to ride in the rain. And well, no more rain for the foreseeable future - the weekly extended forecast !!!

Uhhhh the Bombers had a win..... there's hope yet ;)  The Maggies play later today, ever hopeful but also realistic.......

I bought myself a wireless keyboard using the gift voucher I had gotten for Xmas, thought I should finally use it ;)..... So now I have a wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. This mean I can operate my computer from anywhere in the room without being restricted by wires. I use my 50 inch TV as the screen for my computer since I really don't watch TV. So now this weekend I am going to rearrange my living room since I no longer need to sit right in front of the screen. I will move the screen so I can see it from both the living room and kitchen, so for example I can watch my weird Star Seeds and other videos that I am subscribed to on YouTube while I am either making dinner or cooking or cleaning in kitchen. And on the rare occasion that I do watch TV, I will also move my little 20 inch TV to a similar spot. Then rearrange the tables with the goal of more efficient use of space and therefore more room.

Well nothing much else happening in the 3D realm...... two more weeks before my vacation..... um.... I think that is about it for 3D realm..... But plenty happening in the celestial realms, with a Lunar Eclipse coming up near the start of April. There was the Solar Eclipse yesterday, we couldn't see it from here but the pics online was spectacular. The Lunar Eclipse we can see from here, I think it is visible from pretty well everywhere in Australia.......

More cartoons to make up for the lack of meaningful content these days..... LOL......

Here at my workplace haha......

Now this is a good idea for new activity during the tea break.... ;)

It never rains in Perth either LOL......

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