Monday 6 April 2015

Ishtar Weekend

Well I'm likely going to regret it but I did at the last minute decided to join the tipping competition. So we shall see if the curse of Mother's death continues. I did manage a reasonable start, managed to get 5 correct tips, would have been 6 if I had put faith in the Maggies!! Sheeze..... hmmmm..... maybe it won't be so bad for the Maggies afterall..... well its early days yet...... and am pretty pleased for my 5 correct picks cos the first round is always most difficult to tip. This year there is only 35 people in the competition, mostly a consequence of govt cutbacks with many losing their jobs or otherwise leaving the Dept. In previous years there's been about 50 or so. With one person managing to jag 7 correct, my first up rank is a so-so 23rd. With it being less people, I think probably one has to get into the top 3 or so to get any prize money, so if nothing else, it be the virtue of there being less opportunity for prize money that the curse of Mother's death will continue........

The Maggies won, unexpected by me but very happy even if I didn't pick them!! And almost equally as happy that the Weevils lost!! And it seems they now have a 2nd player out for the season with injuries! excuses! excuses! excuses! (sarcasm - what Mother said when I try to make excuses for doing something I should not have done)... Poor ole Weevils, I feel for them.... NOT!!!!!!! Suffer Weevils suffer!!!!! haaaaaaaaaa!!!!! And those Bombers, them China man they killed in their past lives really coming back to haunt them, they had the match virtually won... then what happened????, sheeze..... hmmmm...... grim..... very grim......

It's been an eventful Ishtar weekend..... I mean, Easter weekend...... the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar is where we get Easter from, hence is why I call it Ishtar ;)...... I didn't get to see the eclipse, bloody cloud cover!!!! And what made it worse, it didn't even rain!!!! If it had at least rained then it would have made up for the disappointment of not seeing the eclipse, cos rain in Perth is almost as rare as eclipses! LOL! Uh well...... those I didn't see the eclipse, I still felt its energies, but that is another matter altogether, the weirdness that only Star Seeds would understand.

Then on Ishtar Sunday the family gathering at Kings Park for picnic lunch, and well thought I had better show up. The previous family invite I made excuses for not going, well I wasn't feeling well anyway, I had hay fever. And well this time no physical sickness but just effects of lunar eclipse LOL...... so anyway I turned up..... and it all turned out fine..... sunny as usual, no rain as usual, and indeed a bit warm..... and well half of Perth also had the same idea of having picnic in Kings Park. By the time I gotten there all the parking lots were full and the rangers were opening up alternative parking along the streets, and well I managed to find a parking spot about halfway to Subiaco from the War Memorial area where the family set up camp..... so did my walk for the day! LOL!!

Now on vacation for the next three weeks, basically until the ANZAC day holiday weekend, and after recovery from the Ishtar weekend, I'll be back on my walks and bicycle rides, and catching up on things that I don't get the chance to do during working weeks..

Here some more of my quirky sense of humor.......

What I need for my office as my pens mysteriously goes walkabout on a regular basis ;)

Um..... no comment needed..... ;)

It is said that cartoons very often reflect the truth....... more than we think.... hehehe......

This vid.... these musicians I only just discovered on FaceBook and I just LOVE them sooooooo much...... their very unique style in doing covers for metal and other rock classics..... This one is one of my favorite metal songs originally by Iron Maiden....... enjoy ;)

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