Sunday 6 January 2019

Prep For Another Trip Of A Lifetime

The trip that will literally determine my fate, whether I will be able to move forward with my calling, or will I be sacrificing another 15 years for a woman? Unlike back in 1998, I don't think I will have another 15 years.

Within less than 24 hours from the composure of this blog I will be at the Airport for a now quite familiar pattern of procedures..... wait to catch the red-eye flight to Sydney, departing this isolated little city just after 11PM..... Then from Sydney the very long 15 hours flight across the Pacific to Los Angeles for the 3rd connecting flight elsewhere. Before it was Mexico. This time it will be to Charlotte in North Carolina, arriving at 7pm local time on Tuesday, about 4 1/2 hours flight, comparable to Perth-Sydney flight. Then pick up my hire car and make my way to the motel just out of Charlotte. Hopefully this time I won't get lost, I have my new GPS app on my tablet which I tested out several times around Perth. It will be dark when I arrive, making it doubly challenging to find my way around, so hopefully the new GPS app won't let me down. It will also be bloody cold, being mid-winter there. Temps are currently around 14 degrees Celcius which is like a cold winter's day in Perth, but it has snowed before, so I am prepared with one whole suitcase filled with just my warm winter woollies. I packed every item of my warm winter woollies that I can find!! My air ticket allows for two pieces of checked luggage which is a good thing!! One of them being packed tight with my winter woollies. Charlotte is one of those places where it can be relatively mild, like a cold winters day in Perth, then the temperature can plunge and snow can set in!! Let's hope there is no snow when I have to drive!!

My first two nights will be alone in the motel in Charlotte, giving me time to recover from the very long flight and to find my feet in the USA. When on the 3rd day I drive south to Rock Hill, that is where the "fun" will begin, or not-fun as the case may be. The lady wants to meet me immediately I arrive in Rock Hill despite arriving several hours before I can check in to my motel there. Checkout time at the Charlotte motel is mid-day, and checkin time at my Rock Hill motel is 3pm, and it's a 30 minutes drive to the town, so some hours which I thought I would spend alone. No such luck. She insists on meeting up with me at StarBucks as soon as I arrive. Then she intends staying with me at the motel for these next 11 days. It will be full on with no time for myself!! On previous trips I was on my own, and though I went on group tours and met up with people during the day on these tours, at least I had time on my own in my motel room. This will not be so this time.

The parallels with my 1998 trip are striking. Of course it was during my 1998 trip when I met my wife in the USA and I married her, brought her back to Perth with me, and began 15 years of what ended up being self sacrifice due to her failing health. The last two months of the 1998 trip was entirely with my wife, spending pretty well every moment of each day and night with her, with no time for myself. She was in a bad way economically, in poverty, and absolutely besotted by me.

Virtually the same situation is playing out, albeit in a more condensed version. Meeting up with a woman who is also in a bad way economically, in poverty, and also besotted by me. This time however, I will NOT be entering into any relationship with her.

Back in 1998 the trip was in a Christian setting, and my calling at the times was to travel to various places and "intercede" for various cities and other places, to help bring revival. Of course marrying my wife had placed that calling on hold, and it was never fulfilled.

This trip will be in a Pagan setting, the lady is a witch, and my calling is pretty similar in some ways, only this time the focus is on the vortexes and energy spots, performing my energy works to help bring balance to these energies and facilitate healing for Mother Gaia. Although this lady wants to help me with my calling, hence why I agreed to come meetup with her in the first place, I know that entering into a relationship with her, whether marriage or otherwise, will likely place my calling on hold, the pattern repeating itself all over again. This will be because my resources and funds would be directed at supporting her, since like my wife, she has no job and is on a pension.

The lessons will be repeated....... and it is up to me to change the course of history, and to do things differently. This time I intend preserving my calling. It's not going to be easy. My Tarot cards tells me that I will be compelled to committ to her, and my cards are always right. But the choice is clear.... my calling OR her.

The other parallel is financial. Just prior to my 1998 the Australian dollar plunged like a rock, cutting my budget in half, and ultimately leading to my bankruptcy. Though if I hadn't married my wife, brought her back to Perth with me, and hence supporting her, I would have ridden out the financial storm and be in a much better position. This time, just in the last few weeks, the Australian dollar has plunged yet again, again throwing my budget into chaos - though this time I had taken a number of steps to minimize the impact. My travel cards had been locked into $US funds prior to the worst of the currency collapse, and I had already booked and paid for the motels and rental car prior to the worst of the collapse. And THIS time I WILL come back single, so I will recover from any financial fallout, and be soon saving my pennies for my next trip.

Then there is Chiron's entry into Aries and my 2nd House during February. The last time Chiron entered my 2nd House back in 1968, this heralded the 8 years of childhood poverty, and the resultant consequences of abuse and other catastrophes during those years. So is another 8 years of poverty in front of me this time? The Arcturians (ET's from the Arcturus star system) tells me this will largely depend on the choices I make during my trip and beyond. This time I have more control over my life, not being at the whim of parents' choices. And there is no Chiron-Saturn aspects happening in 2019, so at least the first year of Chiron's 8-year transit of Aries should be relatively easy - depending on what choices I make that is in my control.

Meanwhile I managed to acquire more crystals for my grid, and a crystal pendant to add to my Serpent pendant. So now all set for my USA trip, with this new grid to be set up, helping with my energy works in the USA.

This time I hadn't made a website for this trip, because of the different nature of this trip. However I hope to be able to give updates via this blog, depending on how much space the lady gives me!!!!

My kind of diet, and my typical result in my old age......

When Chiron entered my 3rd House back in 1977......

I can relate......

Big Pharma...... there's a pill for everything !!!!

Planning my trips after Chiron enters my 2nd House......

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