Monday 14 January 2019

Rock Hill Update

Here in Rock Hill...... spent the first two days just getting to know each other, that Goddess of a woman and me..... and she is still absolutely besotted by me. It took less than two days for the New Zealand woman to dump me. Now day 3 in Rock Hill, and she is still besotted by me.

It has been bloody cold here, with "highs" of just 4 to 6 degrees Celscius.... yes these are HIGHS, meaning, it got no higher than those. These are comparable to winter nights in Perth!!! So what were our VERY lows...... well as freezing cold as 5 degrees below freezing. Well it what happens when coming during their winter, it was the only time off work I could get for several months. And also been raining, more rain than we get in Perth, but am surprised it is not snowing!! The first day was sunny but very cold, the rains then came the next day, and today it was sunny again.

Today we went to one of the huge department stores of the USA to buy up on winter clothing. This department store contains a full size supermarket with groceries and everything, then on the same huge floor space there were clothing, appliances, and pretty well everything else you find in a department store like Big W or K-Mart in Perth. And this huge department store was in an even larger mall complex comparable to the size of a large mall in Perth..... except Rock Hill is a relatively small town, probably no bigger than a mid-size town in Australia.

Of course the main reason for clothes shopping is.... it is much cheaper in the USA. I bought literally a whole trolley load of clothing which in price-gouge capital of the world, that is Perth, it be at least $500 and that's from a so-called "discount" department store. Here in the USA my load cost me only $165. Yes you don't realize how expensive Perth is until you travel overseas. We are being price gouged and ripped off in Perth.

Hopefully over the next few days we will get to some of the other vortex spots around this place.... the state parks and the waterfalls..... and in this weather there's not likely to be much of a crowd at any of these places!!!

Virgos in relationships

Why Virgos are no good at relationships

Back in my childhood poverty years when Chiron was in my 2nd House...

Meanwhile here in Rock Hill.....

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