Thursday 10 January 2019

My Journey To The USA

When in the isolated city on Earth, any trip overseas is going to be an adventure, especially to the other side of this planet. In the grand scheme of things, Earth is not a large planet. In fact Taygeta is about five times larger. But when travelling overseas, planet Earth seems as huge as Antares, one of the largest known stars. It is said a jet plane would take 11000 years to fly around Antares once. Believe me, when on that very long flight across the Pacific, some 13 hours, it seems like 11000 years!!!!

I took the Uber to Perth Airport on Monday evening..... and checked in for my flights. The appropriately named red-eye flight overnight to Sydney was relatively uneventful, even if I was wide awake for the whole flight.

When I got the Sydney the fun began...... there was about a four hour layover in Sydney, but I finally mastered the art of getting around Sydney Airport without getting lost. So in through security without any drama, and into the Departure lounges...... The gates for US-bound aircrafts are enclosed and manned by additional security from the US. And just like the last time I flew to the US, I was "selected" for "additional screening". Must be the energies of my crystals which always sets off alarms, or my contacts with ETs...... so anyway, was taken into a separate room for the additional screening..... but it went off relatively without any drama.

That long flight across the Pacific..... one can only prepare so much for it. I don't cope well with sitting on an aircraft for that long. I always select an aisle seat so during the flight I can always get up and stretch my legs. I didn't sleep much, each time I drift off to sleep, the turbulence would always wake me up. It doesn't take much to wake me up. There are always turbulence across the Pacific, it is just the nature of the beasties. The turbulence is most intense when flying across the Equator. We're talking about the convergence of two air masses - the south and the north - this time one being summer, and the other being winter. However one must realise that statistically it is safer to fly in a jet plane than to drive on the roads - especially on the roads in Perth!!! And with 100's of flights across the Pacific each week, they all make it in one piece. I just don't like much to be over large areas of ocean, whether flying or in a ship, it stems from my past life on Atlantis when I drowned during the fall of Atlantis into the ocean.

Then we finally landed in LA, and due to the tail wind, we got there a little earlier than expected..... about 30 minutes before US Customs were open. I would have thought that at a large airport like LA, customs would always be open. But apparently they shut down for the night and doesn't open again until 6AM. We landed at 5:30AM, so we were stuck on the plane for half an hour until they let us off the plane and into the terminal.

Going through customs and quarantine was surprisingly uneventful. Usually my crystals sets off alarms, and always taken aside to explain my load of crystals. Not this time..... however, the dramas only just began......

When it came to collecting my luggage, one of them was missing..... the one containing my crystals!!! I was starting to worry a bit..... so I approached the airline staff..... and as I was informing them of the lost piece of luggage, it appeared almost magically nearby. Someone had accidentally taken it off the carousel thinking it belonged to them. Fortunately I always padlock my luggage!!!

So now through customs..... it was to navigating the labarynth that is LA International Airport where each airline has separate terminals. I always get lost at LA International Airport...... but always managed to eventually find my way around..... and to the correct terminal!!!!

Now it was to get through the TSA security check prior to entering the departure lounge. This was when the fun began...... I was once again flagged and taken aside for the additional screening. Just what the bloody hell is about me!! My ET DNA? My experiences with ETs? My crystals? But I learned then that my boarding passes had a "flag" for the additional screening, and since I gotten the boarding passes back in Perth when checking in, it means I had already been "selected" for the additional screening, just like the last time I went to the USA earlier this year on my way to Mexico. This time since I was remaining in the USA rather than in transit to Mexico, I knew I would be placed under greater scrutiny...... and I was right......

I was held by TSA, practically the same as coppers, for over an hour..... being checked over, frisked several times, and being interrogated. There was something about me that they didn't like..... must be my ET DNA. Those security scanner machines never works on me, it always messes them up..... so it has to be my energies, or to do with my contacts with ETs. It was only when I agreed to a strip search and enduring such a search that they finally let me go......

And so I was on my way to Charlotte, another four-hour flight, about the same as from Perth to Sydney. It was on a smaller aircraft, and because it was a full flight with limited space for carry-ons, we had to check-in our larger carry-ons, which included mine!!! At least I still had my laptop with me on the flight. It was dark when we arrived at Charlotte..... I collected my luggage, fortunately this time without any dramas of missing luggage!!!!

Then I made my way to the car rental pickup spots...... that went off without any drama, and it turned out cheaper than I expected. Of course I take all of the insurance options, many of them are compulsory for international travellers anyway..... but being a Virgo I always like to keep myself as fully covered as possible, so taking everything..... the breakdown assistance, and the fuel option. Normally you have to return the vehicle on a full tank of petrol, but for a small fee, I could take the vehicle back without having to worry about finding a petrol station to try fill it up!!!

Now to find my way to my lodgings in Charlotte....... now my new GPS app on my tablet was to be put to the test. When I collected my car, I got a bit worried cos my GPS wouldn't work for some reason!!! But I figure it was because we were in the midst of a concrete parking tower where the rental cars are also located, so was blocking the signal. So I had to just drive out..... and keep on going until I can find a spot to pull over so to activate my GPS..... and it wasn't long before I found a parking lot for a convenience store..... and was able to active my GPS.

My GPS turned out to be my life saver. I would not have found my lodgings without it!!!! It was dark, and my lodgings was out of town and by a lake, the roads were not well lit, or by the time we reached the lodgings, the roads were not lit at all. The road signs once off the main highways were very hard to read, often in the dark. I don't know what I would have done without my GPS!!!!

So I spent the last two nights in my cosy little cabin by the lake...... and it is bloody cold. Yesterday the high was just 11 degrees Celscius, and today it will only be just 6 degrees Celcius. Winter nights in Perth are often warmer. The nights here are below freezing!!! But so far it has been sunny, indeed bright sunshine, but no heat whatsoever!!!!!

Now just about to check out and head on down to Rock Hill where I will spend the rest of my stay..... and meetup with the lady...... that is going to be interesting.........

Watch this space for more.......

Just some pixs of where I stayed.......

My home for the past two nights....

The forests.... of course being winter there are no leaves on the trees....

Bright sunshine but no warmth.....

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