Sunday 2 December 2018

Chanukah Begins

Chanukah, the Jewish 8-day Festival of Light, begins this night, the night of Sunday December 2nd. The holiday begins on the 25th day of Kislev, and because the Jewish calendar runs on the Lunar system, the phases of the Moon, the festival falls at a different time on the Roman Sun calendar each year. This year it falls early in December, about as early as the holiday falls. The holiday can fall as late as the last week of December and into the New Year.

Chanukah is a special festival for me, one of my past lifetime has been as a Jew during the Maccabean revolution, indeed I was part of this revolution. It was the Maccabean reclaiming the Jewish Temple from the Greek rulers in the 2nd century BCE, the time of the Greek Empire, that sparked the celebration of Chanukah - the Hebrew word for Rededication, referring to the rededication of the Temple. After the Maccabeans managed to win back control of the Temple, they were planning to rededicate the Temple which involved activating the lights of the Menorah, oil was used to keep the Menorah alight. Once the Menorah is lit, it needed to remain lit up 24/7. However they could find only a day's supply of oil for these lamps, and it took 8 days to properly prepare a new batch of oil. Despite this predicament, the Maccabeans decided to go ahead with the rededication anyway. The Menorah remain lit for 8 days on just one day's supply of oil. Chanukah is in celebration of this miracle...... Well it was the ET's that told me the Menorah would remain lit for the 8 days despite there being only a day's supply of oil, which was why I recommended for the rededication of the Temple, an ET vortex and contact portal spot.

So today I set up my Chanukah menorah on my altar, and went bought some donuts and hash browns. Jews traditionally eat food cooked in oil during Chanukah, such as donuts and various fried foods. And well just the excuse I needed to get a dozen donuts from Krispy Kremes - the best donut place on this planet!!!!


My sessions are beginning to wind up for the year. The Sound Healing and Chakra Balancing has already finished for the year, and last week was the last session for the Heart Meditation. Experiences during these sessions are most profound, often involving shamanic astral journeys with ETs to other planets and into other dimensions. Who needs drugs for these experiences?.... just do these meditations instead. Well it does help that I have a very vivid imagination!!

However there are three more Yoga sessions until that finishes up for the year. Yoga is hard work, it is more of a workout for me than the traditional exercises even with the weights.

Tomorrow night is my last Dance session for the year, and to celebrate the occasion we are having pizza for our supper. Yummy!!

Meanwhile the holiday from Hell otherwise known as Xmas. This year the family decided to change up things, and instead of cramming everything in on Xmas day, decided to have our gathering on Sunday the 16th. However this is the day of my Planetary Healers group, so I declined the invite. In response, my sister said I could then visit her abode for lunch on Xmas day. It was only when I accepted the invite that she informed me there be family of her partner and loads of other people I don't know or haven't met before!! I would have been better off going to the gathering on the 16th. I must remember that my sister is a Scorpio, and Scorpios can be very spiteful creatures at times, as I found out on numerous occasions throughout my childhood often very much to my eternal suffering. Her Sun in her chart is at the same spot as my Scorpio Mars in my chart, which explains the often volatile relationship between us especially through my childhood and teen years..... and well, she will always be a Scorpio. Still spiteful but in nicer ways.

Things at work are now very busy and chaotic at this time, being close to the end of the school year. Have been getting loads of orders, but with many things still not ready, this messes up my Virgo plans. We Virgos likes to be organised and have things in place so I can get my system going for fulfilling the orders. But of course not everyone is a Virgo. Delays in getting stock, and teachers not yet finalizing some courses. Indeed many teachers seem to have a lot of Gemini influence, they often leave things to the last minute - just like my Gemini wife who often would leave things to the last minute, finding it very hard to make up her mind and often changing her mind, very much to my annoyance. Now I am certain the teachers are channeling my wife!!! Many of them will leave it to thee last day of the school year - and even beyond - before finally deciding on course contents, hence what items I need to send out to the students!!!!

And so another week of the very difficult life of a Virgo.........

In Perth it feels like only a penny !!!!!

My teen years experiencing Virgo reality checks when Chiron entered my 3rd House.......

When eating my donuts for Chanukah.....

Easier said than done !!!!!

Very good advice !!!!

Yes indeed it does......

When dealing with those of the Leo star sign.....

Virgo reality check when Chiron was in my 3rd House....

When my ADHD kicks in.......

The perils of travelling with budget airlines....

21st Century dating protocols.....

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