Sunday 9 December 2018

Xmas Overwhelm

Regardless of how low key one attempts to treat this much over-rated holiday season, there is always something that crops up, not all necessarily related to Xmas, but these end-of-year functions that one is expected to attend. Me an introverted little soul who finds social occasions so overwhelming, especially with 3D people, meaning, those not spiritually aware. My energy is so low, and so being sapped by all around me.......

So I won't say much here, aside from what is in store for me this following week......

This is the last week of school here so this week is certain to be very busy. That in itself is a good thing, we Virgos like to be kept busy, knuckle down and get on with the job. However Wendesday is destined to be a day of stress and sensory overload. There is the mandatory morning tea at the school site of my workplace, the word "mandatory" being the key word here. We have no choice but to attend. So will be thrust into the sensory overload of 100's of people, 99% of them I don't know. At least I did enter the raffle, though with that Saturn Complex in my chart, it's likely I won't win anything. I very rarely win any competitions. Like I put in more entries in the Melbourne Cup sweep than most others but I hadn't won a thing, not even the boobie prize of coming last!!! That is the Saturn Complex in my chart.

Then that same day is the Xmas lunch with my colleagues. That will be a little easier to cope with, it will just be with my immediate colleagues, whom I work with, so at least I know them. However it will be in the midst of a noisy and very crowded restuarant, as they tend to be at this time of year. At least I've booked the rest of the day off work that day, meaning, I could go straight home after the lunch..... back home to seriously chill out, cleanse my aura and recharge my energies.......

The Monday dance session has now ended...... tomorrow night, Monday, I be at the Aura Cleansing and Sound Healing session, a much needed time of self nurture..... me just laying there on a mat with a blanket over me, among a small group of us, while the lovely lady comes around attending to us..... at the start there is some breathwork involved, so we just do some breathing exercises while laying down..... then afterwards we just relax and lay there as she chimes with all those Tibetan sound bowls......

Tuesday is Yoga..... very much hard work here, all those different stretching and poses. It's more hard work than just normal exercises with weights. But at the end we get to just lay on our mats and relax - that part of the session they call it by a name, I guess a Hindu name, but I forget what it is..... only that it is much needed after a strenuous workout!!!

No more events until next Sunday, our monthly Planetary Healers group meetup where we connect with the Arcturians, the ETs from the Acturus star system, and connecting with those cities of light. Yeah just a normal day in the life of a weirdo like me........

A quick heads up..... I will be shutting down one of my Facebook accounts. I currently have two accounts. The first account was set up while my wife was still alive, and so I opened it under one of my ET names so my wife wouldn't find it. This was where I connected with my Pagan friends after my awakening. Then after the death of my wife I opened another account under my "real" or legal name. That one I am keeping, the other one under my ET name I am shutting down...... it won't happen for a while, indeed until after my USA trip..... giving any of my friends there a chance to migrate to my other account if they want to...... Reason for shutting down one of them - time factor!! Now I am getting a life outside of social media, attending these weekly sessions and meetups, I have less time for social media. I've already shut down Twitter, and Instagram will be next to go..... I will work mainly from my soon to be remaining Facebook account, the one under my legal name.

Now some cartoons.......

That "Saturn Compex" in my chart......

Through the ages - methods of coping with Mercury's retrograde.

Meanwhile at LAX airport during my USA trip.......

Meanwhile here in Perth......

The Chiron Effect in my 2nd House......

Chocolate coated donuts are most effective at this......

Back at LAX airport......

A positive spin on The Chiron Effect in my 2nd House......

Inside the mind of puddy cats..... Siriun hybrids.

Musings on my attempt to stay fit and keeping my weight down.......

Now my favourite current comic.....

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