Sunday 25 November 2018

Scattered Brain

I am getting so scattered brained lately...... is it Ascension symptoms, the effects of Mercury's retrograde, or just my very old age catching up?

Ascension symptoms?..... those DNA Activation sessions I had been attending would certain raise my vibrations. Plus those Yoga sessions, and the Sound Healing, Chakra Balancing..... and of course my Chakra Dance sessions..... all works to raise my vibration, hence Ascension.....

Mercury's retrograde? Mercury is my ruling planet being a Virgo, and my chart shows a retrograde Mercury in exact conjunction with the Sun. Mercury is currently in retrograde and has been in retrograde since last week. Mercury's retrograde always affects me.

Just my very old age?..... Yeah I spent way too long on this planet!! What more can I say.......

My latest scattered brained episode....... Soon after I gotten home from work last Friday I discovered my phone was missing!! After initial Virgo panic I went downstairs to check in my car, I may have just left it in my car. Alas!! It was not in my car, and I knew it hadn't been stolen from my car, I would have heard the alarm from my apartment!!!!

More Virgo panic..... I either left it at work, or had dropped it somewhere inbetween work and home. I know I last used it at work. If I had dropped it somewhere then that would be the end for my phone, I would not see it. The only saving grace was that my phone access is locked, one would have to enter a PIN number to access my phone, so at least all my stuff and affairs on the phone would be safe.

Trick is, to find out whether I had left it at work or have dropped it somewhere. Enter the GPS tracking feature. I knew it was possible to track one's phone using the GPS feature, and I knew my phone was still on, I always leave it on, and was fully charged. Trick was to figure out how to use the GPS feature. So I went on Google, and was led up several rabbit trails..... plenty of apps that can be used to track down one's phone, but all wanted $$$'s in order to reveal the location of my phone. They use the tactic of allowing you to track down the phone, and then announce that my phone had been found..... but before I could go any further, I would have to either pay $$$$'s or complete a short "survey" which is nothing more than giving a go ahead for them to SPAM me!!!!!

Then finally I came across the Google method of searching for my phone. You'd think that be the first method to come up considering I used Google to search for GPS tracking methods, but I guess these apps companies pays Google to get themselves listed first.

The Google method is completely free and doesn't compel you to complete any "surveys". It does depend on having my Gmail account open and active on the phone. Not a problem, I always leave my Gmail open on my phone. So you just type into Google "where is my phone", and it will come up with a map and a list of devices linked to my Gmail account - my tablets, laptop.... and my phone!!! So I clicked on my phone...... and indeed it was confirmed, my phone is indeed in my office at my workplace!!!! Somewhat of a relief, at least it hadn't been dropped anywhere, and my workplace is secured.

This just means that I had to go for the whole weekend without my phone!!!! I don't use my phone a lot, I also have my tablets...... but I soon found out just how dependent I am on my phone, when the time came for me to go for my walks. I track my walks on the GPS on my phone via an app, which tells me how far I have walked, how quickly, and how much energy I used. Also useful for searching for more routes, and figuring out where a particular walk path goes. These were not available to me, so I just had to follow my nose...... and my walks were not recorded!!!! And I also lost track of time..... I use the clock on my phone to figure out the time, I don't have a watch or a clock. I did have my laptop and tablets at home, but when it comes to going out, I had no way to tell the time......

Last weekend another Mercury's retrograde moment, this one far more catastrophic. Last Saturday morning a week ago I went to switch on my laptop after I gotten up only to find it would not connect to my wi fi. My wi fi router was quickly ruled out as the culprit when both my phone and tablets were able to connect online via the router. So I went to switch back on the wi fi feature in Windows, obviously Windows had updated itself. Windows ALWAYS update itself during a Mercury's retrograde, it never fails to time such an update for this period. I am certain there is someone at Microsoft who keeps track of the transit of Mercury and set the update for during Mercury's retrograde. Problems with phones, computers and other electronic devices are more likely to occur during Mercury's retrograde.

This time however the issue proved to be more catastrophic. The wi fi option in Windows had somehow vanished!! It was as if the update had removed the ability for my laptop to connect to the wi fi.

OK first thing I did was to do a Windows restore from a restore point prior to the update, which in theory would restore Windows to the configuration prior to the update. However the system crashed after using the restore point option.

So I thought I would need to re-install Windows. However after searching high and low in my apartment I could not find my original Windows disk.

I was down to the final option..... aside from taking my laptop to a computer shop!! My final option was to use the Windows Reset option. This would effectively remove all of my apps and software, leaving me with only the bare Windows system. I would have to reinstall all of my apps!!! My data would be safe, though I always back up my data anyway.

Most fortunately, the Windows Reset did work...... I had gotten my wi fi connection back!!!! However it meant I would have to spend the rest of the day reinstalling all of my apps and software, and getting my system back to normal. Fortunately my data synch did make life somewhat easier, having my bookmarks, passwords, etc, synched between my laptop and my phone and tablets. But it still left me with the task of finding my apps, downloading them, and reinstalling them!!!

Next task was to take steps to avoid a repeat of the catastrophe. First turn off automatic updates and make sure to not allow any updates during Mercury's retrograde periods. Then to do an image backup, basically backing up Windows and my apps to an external drive so the next time an update created such catastrophic issues, I could simply restore the whole system. So I connected up one of my slightly older hard drive units to the laptop and attempted the backup..... only to find that my hard drive unit did not have enough space!! In fact none of my slightly older hard drive units had enough space.

So needed a NEW hard drive unit..... and these days, hard drive units starts at 1 Terrabyte, that is 1000 Gigabytes. My largest of my slightly older hard drive units was about 250 Gigabytes, considered very large just a few short years ago. My laptop has 1 Terrabyte disk space. And these days, hard drive units comes with USB connection so to just plug into my laptop. My older hard drive units needed special adaptors which I had. Amazing how things progresses in the computer world in just a few short years.

Now I gotten a new backup hard drive unit..... and my Windows, apps and data all safely backed up.

After spending all of Saturday restoring my system...... last Sunday was my monthly meetup with the Planetary Healers group. This was only my 2nd meetup with them but I do enjoy this group so much,  they're almost as weird as I am...... during the meetup we meditate and connect with the Arcturians - the ETs from the Arcturus star system. Yeah, almost as weird as I am!!! They have crystals buried around certain areas of Perth marking the boundaries of the Arcturian Cities of Light - the cities in 5D established all over this planet with a couple of them in Perth. Yes I know.... weird!!! And we often hold the meditations outdoors, often by the river at any of the locations of those crystals. So anyone nearby would think how weird we are as we do our ET chants and invoke the ETs to come connect with us - just what I like to do!!! Oh yes.... my hobby during my spare time - connecting with ETs!! Well I mean, normal people may collect stamps for a hobby, or build model aircrafts, or do art and crafts...... weird me, I connect with ETs. The idea of the Planetary Healers meetups is, in connection with similar groups worldwide, we help to bring healing to Planet Earth. This being a part of my calling, energy works for Mother Gaia - that is Planet Earth.

This weekend was an increasingly rare "quiet" weekend, that is, with no events. Next weekend I will be attending yet another weird event - the Rose Light Activation ceremony, this to awake the Divine Feminin in us. Oh yes, we all have both a divine feminin and divine masculine regardless of our physical gender - represented by Venus and Mars respectively. I tend to have more of a divine feminin than most other guys, which is why I like to spend more time with girls..... much to the horror of parents and shrinks back in the 1970, when I was sent to a shrink to try get me spend more time with the boys. But it just didn't work...... and nowadays I have my connection with the Goddesses, with at least five Goddess guides..... probably more. So next week's ceremony will suit me down to a T.

Meanwhile my soon to be changing weekly schedules........

Tomorrow night (Monday) is my Chakra Dance session, the 2nd last session before they finish up for the year. Then Tuesday is my Yoga session, that will soon end in a week or so, and shifting to a new venue and new time slot next year, so whether I will be able to continue will depend on my other schedules...... Then Thursday is my Heart meditation session, that will continue for the foreseeable future. The Chakra Balancing session is now discontinued, they have a session elsewhere on Mondays but that is when I have my Dance session, but perhaps next year things may be different. So will see how things pans out.......

And so another day, another week, in the life of a weird Taygeta soul on planet Earth.......

In my very old age........

 The life of a fiercely independent Virgo...... more a VIRGO thing than a man thing!!!!

Taking a positive spin on things......

A new suggestion for my next appointment at the Heart Specialist next year!!!
I love Medusa...... ;)

Just in time for Xmas......

Me in my very old age.......

When Mercury is in retrograde.....

Why I always make sure to participate in our office Lotto pool, even when I am on vacation......

The Chiron Effect in my 2nd House......

Me.... wishing I had that ability to pull such a face during our Xmas gatherings.......

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