Sunday 23 December 2018

Stress Eve

Here coming up to the most over rated part of the Roman calendar..... Xmas. Originally stemming from the ancient festivals of Yule, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, this mixture between Paganism and Christianity is truly a toxic mix. Like oil and water, they are just not meant to be mixed, indeed can't be mixed, the resultant fluid being toxic and entire useless for any meaningful purpose. The water has many wonderful purposes and can be used in a variety of ways. The oil also, wonderful on its own and with many uses. But together the mixture is toxic and cannot be used for anything. And so it is with Xmas. Paganism and Christianity are just not meant for each other.

All of the rites, traditions, and lores associated with Xmas stems from Paganism and ancient Egyptian mythology. Ironically many in the Christian community are complaining about Xmas becoming too commercialised and Paganized, and are making efforts to bring the "Christ" back into Xmas!! No.... we have just come full circle. The universe operates in cycles, and as in any cycle, we eventually return back to the same spot. Christ does not belong to Xmas. The reason for the season is Paganism, that is the real reason for the season.

The commercialism and shopping frenzy associated from Xmas actually stems from a related Roman festival, the Saturnalia, where as the wealth of the Roman Empire grew, the extravagance associated with Saturnalia grew with it, the trading of elaborate and yet basically useless merchandise and the rank materialism so prevalent..... and which eventually led to the fall of the Roman Empire.

Much of the original Yule celebrations did not involve such extravagent trading of merchandise aimed towards gift giving. Sure in some cultures Yule did involve gift giving but the gifts were usually very simple, perhaps made from local crafts, or indeed from nature, and largely symbollic. Yule was, and still is today, a wonderful festival, a time for our kins to connect. The welcoming back of the Sun from the darkness of the winter Solstice, the promise of light to come from the current darkness. The celebration of Yule primarily revolves around the Sun, being one of the 8 Pagan holidays of the year, each in honor of the particular points in the cycle of the Sun.

Of course down here in the southern hemisphere, it is the summer solstice, and so we celebrate Litha, the mid-sommer festival. A time of joy celebrating the light and the warmth, being in full gratitude of the Sun. Oh those glorious days of summer!!!

The Solstice falls around the 21st/22nd. So why does Xmas fall on the 25th when the holiday originally stemmed from the Yule festival? Well back in the 18th century the Catholics officially canonised the celebration of the Mass of Christ, came to be known as Christ's Mass. The day was set for December 25th because during the 18th century, the Solstice fell on the 25th. But over the years, due to the procession of the Earth's axis, the Solstice moves back slightly each year, and it turns out the Solstice moves back a full day every approximately 70 years. Hence the current difference between the Solstice and Xmas Day. In 70 years from now, the Solstice will fall on the 20th. It is for the same reason for those of us of old age, our birthday does not coincide with the original position of the Sun in our chart. For example, back in 1963 I came to this planet when the Sun was at 26 degrees of Virgo. In 1963 the day fell on September 20th. However nowadays, with my every increasing old age, the Sun reaches 26 degrees of Virgo on the 19th, and so by September 20 the Sun moves to 27 degrees of Virgo. So technically my birthday should now be a day earlier, I should get my presents a day earlier - what I wished for during my childhood!! Though during my childhood, it was still September 20 when the Sun reached 26 degrees of Virgo!!!

So what is going on in my own life? I am now on vacation from work. Our Department is shut down from the 24th through to New Years Day. On the days of the shutdown outside of Public Holidays, such as the 24th, and from the 27th-31st excluding the intervening weekend, we are required to use our vacation credits and/or our time credits, or take them as unpaid leave. Either way, we have an extended Xmas break, which I am taking full advantage of.

My sessions are all now finished. The Dance sessions ended at the start of December. The Meditation session also finished at the start of December. The Breathwork and Sound Healing session finished this past week. My Yoga sessions also finished this past week. The Breathwork and Sound Healing starts up again on the first Monday of 2019, when I leave for the USA so I won't be back at those sessions until February. The Dance session is due to start up with the new school year in February, the day it seems may be shifted from Monday to Thursday, which will avoid the clash with the Breathwork sessions. It is not known when Yoga will start up, as the Yoga instructor will be working for a new organisation, which indeed will be closer to home. The actual days of the Yoga classes has not yet been established.

However in the current intervening vacation period I won't be totally devoid of spiritual events. I am due to attend the Lightbody and Merkabah Activation Session on January 1st, to bring in the New Year of 2019, which is a "3" year, when the digits of 2019 adds to 12, which further reduces to 3 when adding the 1 and 2 of 12. Therefore this is the year of the Trinity. Of course as we all know, the Trinity concept is a Pagan concept, and originally stems from the Egyptian "mythology" of the 3-star Sirius system. You can't discern the 3 stars of Sirius unless you have very powerful telescopes. In the sky the star appears as just one very bright star. But the Egyptians somehow knew about the 3 stars of Sirius yet they didn't have telescopes back then. The question of how the Egyptians knew about the 3 stars.... well I have covered it before. Suffice to say for now, this is the origin of the Trinity concept of Paganism...... which Christians later adopted.

Xmas Eve marks just two weeks before I fly out for yet another adventure..... my trip to the USA, or more specifically, the Carolinas region of the USA, as yet unexplored by me!! I depart this isolated little city on the 7th next month, yet another very long trip. The day kinda crept up on my unawares. It was only this past week that I finally gotten around to booking my car hire, and my lodgings. I arrive in Charlotte on the 8th, and will spend my first two nights in Charlotte. Then I head down to the town of Rock Hill about a 30 minutes drive to the south, where I will spend the rest of my time, booked into another motel. I am in the USA until the 21st.

In Rock Hill is where I will meet up with my lady friend, and I emphasise the word FRIEND albeit a very good friend, though she wants something more..... romance!! She is utterly besotted by me!! I don't know what she sees in me!! But being burned and charred by the New Zealand experience, I am far more circumspect these days. I have never met her before though we known each other for 12 years, so that in itself will be an eye opener. You never really know someone until you meet them in person. My intention is for us to figure out how she can help me with my calling, my energy works for Mother Gaia (planet Earth). She expressed her desires to help me in this work, hence why I am coming to visit her. There are a few vortexes around Rock Hill which we will be scoping out for energy works. This is the primary purpose of my trip. However she seems determined for romance, and wants to be in a relationship with me despite never having met me up until this point. At least with the New Zealand woman she did say we would see if "things work out" for us, which of course it did NOT work out, it all turned pear shaped. There are no such words from my current friend, she is adamant she wants to spend the rest of her life with me. Echoes of 1998 when I met my wife in America, we got married, and well the rest is history. However, I am a lot older and wiser these days, and history will NOT be repeating itself!!!!

Meanwhile...... family obligations on Xmas Day. Our main family gathering was last Sunday but this clashed with my Planetary Healers group meetup, and well I went there instead, being with my Arcturian family, that is ETs from the Arcturus star system. Yeah I know, me and my ET kins whom I have contact with. The Pleiadeans from the Pleiades, where Taygeta is located, my current home star system. Then the Siriuns, the ETs from the Sirius star system. And then the Arcturians, the ETs from the Arcturus star system, these are said to be guardians of planet Earth, and it was the Arcturians who had given me my calling for Mother Gaia, and are involved with my trip to the USA. During our Planetary Healers group, we connect with the Arcturians during our meditation sessions. So I went there instead of the Xmas family gathering.

So that Scorpio sister of mine said for me to attend the lunch with them on Xmas Day, populated mainly by the family of her partner, none whom I ever met before!!! Scorpios can be very vengeful creatures at times, even if they're sometimes nice about it. They do have that sting in their tails which often strikes unexpectedly!! But her Scorpio Sun on my Scorpio Mars was destined to make for intense fiery relationships throughout my childhood years where I often came off 2nd best. Things are slightly more mellow these days, but she is still a Scorpio, and I am still her "little brother", the meek and mild Virgo. Nuff said!!!

Prior to the lunch..... the invite to my Aunty and Uncle's in the morning, who were also at last Sunday's gathering. I do get on well with them, but being devout Christians, I won't really be able to tell them why I wasn't at last Sunday's gathering. They do engage me in discussions, but just can't talk about my particular form of spirituality, my sessions, etc. I can't talk about them with my sister either albeit for different reasons, she and her side of the family are utterly clueless about these things and thinks it is all weird. Much is said about "just being honest" about one's self...... like those victims of the Spanish Inquisition, they were also "just being honest" about their spiritual beliefs!!! Nuff said!!!

Planetary alignments for Xmas Day...... The now waning Moon is in Leo, the most self centered of the signs in regards to its shadow aspect. There will be plenty of that on Xmas Day, like, focusing on what gifts one receives and comparing it to what others have received. "Oh she must love him more, cos he gotten a more expensive gift from her"..... Of course the Sun is in Capricorn as it is every Xmas Day. But this year, Pluto and Saturn are also in Capricorn, the death and destruction, and the imposition of boundaries - likely to come with January's credit card statements!!! Neptune in Pisces squares with Mercury and Jupiter in Sagittarius while trine with Goddess Venus in Scorpio - the over emphasis on the spiritual aspects which turns out to be somewhat suspect, not all as it seems. As we know, Xmas is a Pagan holiday though many likes to believe it is a Christian holiday. Goddess Venus to send some much needed tough love into the situation, time to reflect..... Mars conjunct with Chiron, that can only be catastrophic, much conflict opening old wounds that never heals. This pair trines with the North Node, such conflicts has implications for the future of the relationships involved, the consequences evident long after Xmas. At the same time Uranus squares with the North Node. Many will be driven to rethink about Xmas and bring some revolutionary changes to the celebration of it next year or in the future, or at least alter the schedules - such as what my family had already done this year!!!

Time to lighten up with my warped sense of humour........

I can relate!!!!

Xmas spirit......

Meanwhile in Australia.....


Virgo love experiences....

When that Chiron aspect is activated......

Virgo self analysis.....
The perils of Xmas.....

My research.......

Valid conclusions.....

Must be why its rare for Virgos to have good friends......

Last but not least......... one of my favourites of the comics...... that Pluto influence in my chart

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