Sunday 2 September 2018

Something In The Air

All these planetary alignments happening there is something in the air, though unfortunately it does not include warmth, with these frigid conditions set to continue for the foreseeable future here in Winterfel aka Perth. The calendar may say Spring has begun but the weather says different, the weather says it is still winter. There is something to be said for adopting the Northern Hemisphere method of discerning the change in the seasons. In the Northern Hemisphere, such as, in America the change in the seasons are marked by the Solstices and Equinoxes rather than the 1st of the month. So for example, while we say Spring begins on September 1st, if we adopted the American system, we would say that Spring begins on September 21st which is the Equinox. That would more accurately reflect the actual changes in the weather, with September still often remaining very cold, and not warming up until October. Saying Spring begins on September 1st brings a false hope of warmer days ahead when in reality, we still have many weeks of very frigid winter conditions ahead for us.

I won't bore you with the details in regards to current planetary alignments, except for a couple of major ones, but suffice to say they are generating intense energies. The Sun's trek through Virgo is always very intense for me, because the Sun activates my four planets in Virgo. First Uranus and then Pluto, and then towards the end of the month, the Sun and Mercury. That is always most intense, it reminds me that I have spent far too long on this planet and that it is about time I go back to Taygeta.

Then the Chiron Effect, the Chiron Saturn square. There hasn't been any catastrophes this time. Back in 2017 when there were three instances of the Chiron Saturn squares, that year proved to be very catastrophic. This time however there hasn't been any catastrophes of note, well no catastrophes that involves money, finances, resources, community and friends. So it seems my karmic clearance from the DNA activation session last month must be working.

However it has been far from plain sailing, indeed other unrelated catastrophes, being afflicted with the curse of winter. Oh yes winter is a curse, it is a horrid time of year, a curse from the pits of Hell itself, or Dante's 9th level the eternal freeze. These very long dark night, still being dark when I arrive at work, and the very cold frigid temperatures, playing havoc with my health, both my physical and mental health. I do have Seasonal Affective Disorder, meaning, I always suffer from depression during winter, my energy being very low, and just in survival mode.

Then being afflicted with the physical curse of winter, the cold/flu symptoms, for the first time in seven years. This is despite my regime of garlic and vitamin C. I was utterly inconsolable. I hate being ill at the best of times. It messes up my plans, and it looked like my weekend down the drain. I had to take two days off work on Thursday and Friday, and my depression sank to utter depths.

Thursday was utterly diabolical, not being able to do much due to the cold/flu symptoms. My only consolation being it is unlikely to be a flu bug cos I still had energy to be up and about, but with the chest infection it seems my fate was sealed, especially in my very old age when my immune system would be shat. I thought I would be ill for a long time yet.

Friday I woke up feeling just as shat, so I called in sick again at work. However by noon Friday the symptoms had dwindled down by 90%. I was quite amazed. Then by Saturday morning, yesterday, the symptoms had virtually disappeared. I was utterly amazed. This would be my quickest recovery ever, even quicker than back in my younger and healthier days.

So yesterday I went on my expedition to Belle's Rapids as originally planned, as part of my tour of our seasonal water falls, looking for vortexes and the location of dragon lines - the lines of energy that circles the planet, criss crossing over each other, much like a net covering the planet. Such ancient civilizations such as those on Atlantis had found a way to harness the energy from these dragon lines for their energy needs rather than use electricity. Unfortunately we had lost such knowledge.

Anyway, I deduced from my past expeditions and the reports of other enlightened souls, that there is possibly a dragon line passing through Belle's Rapids. So when I got there, I went for my walks, and found veins of quartz in the granite outcrops in the area. Not all granite outcrops in all areas has quartz in them, but there were a lot of quartz at Belle's Rapids. Quartz attracts Earth's energies, and can indicate the presence of vortexes and dragon lines. Then I went on the walk trails to the top of the hills, and up there found some massive deposits of quartz. And then I found some stone altars that others have built, meaning, others before me also must have picked up on the energies and so built altars as a means of connecting with these energies.

So next weekend, indeed next Sunday, is my dance day workshop for Spring, basically a day of dancing and connecting with energies. Prior to this, I will try to nurture myself more, and avoid going out in the cold where possible. I cannot take any more of these freezing cold conditions, it is what probably set of the cold/flu symptoms. I don't want any more such symptoms. I could never tolerate the cold temperatures to begin with, and now in my old age and my heart meds, I tolerate the cold even less. I should be living in Queensland...... or Mexico!!!! Not in frigid cold Perth!!! But for better or for worse I am stuck here in Perth, so have to do my best to guard against these freezing cold......

When the law catches up with the ETs.......

ET abductions......

Does ETs believe in humans?

Me during my teen years after Chiron entered my 3rd House.......

When the Chiron Effect in my 3rd House kicks in..... my catastrophic teen years.....

The Chiron Effect in my 2nd House..... 2018 !!!!

My visit to Roswell..... back in 2016

Thoughts of a Virgo.......

A "you know you're getting old when....." moment !!!!!!

Why Virgos are known as...... Virgos!!!!!

My addiction to soda, my comfort drink, after my childhood poverty years, Chiron in my 2nd House, when soda was in very short supply.....

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