Sunday 26 August 2018

A Date With The Weevils

So the Maggies have won a date with the Weevils, with the Maggies finishing in 3rd spot while the Weevils managed to worm themselves into 2nd spot thus winning a home final. Amazing how far you get when paying the umpires. Hence the Maggies will have to travel all the way to the isolated western outpost to play the Weevils. All I can say is they had better beat the Weevils otherwise I will disown them!! Though unfortunately beating the Weevils will not knock them out of the Finals, they will get the 2nd chance the following week. Nevertheless the Weevils are due for a reality check. How they ever managed to make it to 2nd spot is beyond me, but as they say, the Finals are an entirely different deal, and well the opportunity lies to cut those Weevils down to size. Magpies would probably eat Weevils, being an insect, and birds likes insects.... right..... Yes some massive Weevil dinner is what the Maggies just needed. Let's hope they will grab that opportunity!!!!!

Magpie dinner.....

Meanwhile back at the ranch...... well nothing much else has been happening this past week. Yesterday I went to another of our seasonal water falls, the Lesmurdie Falls. Water falls are very energetic, even seasonal ones. So I basically scoped out the energetics of the location while going for my walks on the sometimes very steep trails around the vicinity of the falls.

I bought myself some new walking shoes since I had worn out my old pair with all of my walking. But in a rare moment of self nurture I bought myself a more expensive pair of shoes rather than the cheap and nasty ones that often gives me blisters. Hopefully the more expensive pair will fit my feet better and I won't get any blisters. In addition, I bought some new casual shoes for wearing around the place, and even a new pair of flip flops - thongs. I was seriously running out of shoes, with my current footwear starting to wear out. I usually hate spending money on myself, especially on clothes or shoes. But these days I am leaning more towards self nurture despite the Chiron Effect in my 2nd House. With my karmic clearance, I haven't experienced any more catastrophes despite the Chiron Saturn square.

My savings plan remain on track, and next month I will start making steps towards planning my trip to the USA, planned for January. I received notice that my Long Service Leave is coming up due, this be my 3rd lot of Long Service Leave, we get it every seven years. Nowadays the rule is we need to use our Long Service Leave within two years. Well can I sustain a total of three months of travel in two years? It depends if I can sustain my savings plan to pay for three months of travel. Things does seem to be improving to the point nowadays where I actually have funds remaining after  my travels. At first, my trips would exhaust my funds and max out my credit cards. However after my most recent trip, to Mexico, I actually had funds remaining both in my savings and with no maxed out credit cards, using my cards only on the air tickets and lodgings, while I used cash for everything else. I long learnt that cash is king in Mexico, so better to use cash rather than the cards. Of course it helps that everything else is very cheap compared to Perth, so for example, $20 in Mexico gives me as much food and groceries for the week as $200 does in Perth!!!!

My only concern this time is the air tickets in January during school holidays is likely to be more expensive than during the other times of the year when I usually went on my travels. However with my job changing and extra duties added, my options for taking vacation are now more limited. My intended travel is intended for middle of January, not during the Xmas break when air tickets are very expensive. But it is still school holidays so is likely to remain more expensive. However back in America, January is just part of their normal working and school period, they don't have vacation time during January, and it will be winter there, so lodgings are likely to be even cheaper than they usually are. Lodgings in the USA are already cheap compared to Perth, but should be cheaper during their winter. And I am going to the part of the USA where the winters are relatively mild, more like Melbourne winter, still very cold, but usually not much snow if at all. I am not going to the northern regions where they get blizzards.... and delayed flights!!! Down in South Carolina, they never get blizzards, indeed some years they don't get snow at all..... let's hope 2019 is one of those years, but even if they do get snow, it is only a little bit, maybe an inch or so.....

And so another week in the life of a Virgo....... now in the time of the Virgo!!!

New innovations !!!!

Virgo dilemma.....

What the Reptilians wants......

Virgo dilemma part 2

Corporations in Australia........

New ideas.....

Meanwhile at a govt dept near you......

Facebook Joke 1

Facebook joke 2

Facebook joke 3

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