Sunday 9 September 2018

Magpie Shame and Upcoming USA Trip

Scorpio Mars activation alert!!!..... grrrrrrrrr those bloody Weevils!! Dang those Magpies!! How could they fail so badly!!! They were bloody in front during some stages of the game!! Now we will never hear the end of it here, those cocky Weevils, they will never shut up now. And not just for one week, but TWO bloody weeks cos they got the week off next week. Going have to be media blackout for two weeks but even that won't help...... it will be bloody everywhere!!! arrrrgh!!!! Whether it be on the train, or at work, or at the mall, it be weevils weevils bloody weevils!!! It be as if they won a bloody premiership, and now they be thinking they can win the premiership now. Well I think the Maggies will play the Giants next week, let's hope for better results........

Meanwhile I finally got those air tickets in my hot little hands, or at least in my hot little email inbox, given that nowadays the e-tickets are now sent to one's email address. And I might add, very expensive air tickets too, the hazards of booking trips during summer school break. The price difference is amazing, it is almost twice the amount!! I mean, compared to my Mexico trip during the off-peak period of March, the air tickets to the USA, covering approximately the same distance and the same number of connecting flights but during January is almost twice as much, and we are talking about cheapest available four months in advance. Just imagine if I waited another month or two months!!! But it what happens when I have been given additional tasks at work, making my busy periods longer and more busy, hence restricting my options for taking vacation breaks. January was the earliest I could take vacation. At least I had the means to pay for those air tickets, my savings plan grows each time I go on a trip, and I always have funds left over after each trip which gives a handy boost towards my savings for my next trip.

So my trip details...... I once again depart this isolated little city before midnight on January 7, taking that red-eye flight to Sydney, even more red-eye for me cos I can't sleep on planes nor any other transportation - car, bus, train, ET scout crafts, inter-planetary crafts, galactic mothership...... Then after cooling my tired heels in Sydney for around four hours, I take that loooooonnnnnnggggg flight across the Pacific to my most visited airport outside of Australia, the famous LA International Airport. Then after a couple more hours, the final leg to Charlotte in North Carolina where my twin flame will be there waiting for me....... and after about two weeks in South Carolina and perhaps surrounding areas, I be leaving on January 21, arriving back in this isolated little outpost on the 23rd.

This weekend has been intense. The air tickets I booked early on Saturday morning, when my extra funds from my wages finally cleared in the particular account that I use for booking air travel. The tickets were so expensive I had to transfer extra funds. Then my soul kin from York was coming into the city and she wanted to catch up with me Saturday afternoon, well it's been a while since we caught up. So we spent the afternoon together, first in my abode and showing her all of my Goddesses, then finally out having dinner at a kebabs spot.

Then today, it was my Chakra Dance Spring day workshop up in the hills. I love this Chakra Dance group so much, so much Goddess energy abounding. The session was on a property up in the hills, with granite rock outcrops with quartz, and a very energetic water fall. Imagine having your very own water fall on your property. They chose this place cos there's a vortex there with a dragon line running through it. The quartz in the rocks adds to the energy, where there are quartz, there are often vortexes and dragon lines. So the whole day was a mixture of dancing, meditation, shamanic journeys, and mandala drawings - all the weird hippy-like stuff I am into. Most of the sessions were in the top level of the house, the whole top level being one large room. A couple of the sessions were outdoors on the rock outcrops right next to the water fall, very energetic. It was sunny and quite warm in the sun though still cold in the shade.

My mandala drawing at today's dance workshop, with my ET Light Codes at the top left corner.... yes I know.... weird.....

After such a full on weekend, I am off work tomorrow. It is Rosh HaShanah the Jewish New Year, and I always take time off work during Jewish holidays. Me and my past-life connections to Jews, being a Jew in one of my past lives.

As awesome as this weekend was..... let's hope for a more quiet weekend next weekend..... in my very old age I can only take so much awesomeness..... just let's see if those Magpies can beat those Giants......

My teen years after Chiron entered my 3rd House......

Some people have OCD, others are just Virgos......
I can relate.......

I can relate to this one too......
Meanwhile in Perth......

My true calling in life......

My childhood experiences at the dentist......

Our 3rd-world-like Australian currency.... as I plan my trip to the USA

My teen years part 2..... with Chiron in my 3rd House

My teen years part 3.... with Chiron in my 3rd House

My Saturn Complex test..... explained

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