Sunday 5 August 2018

Greetings From Winterfel aka Perth

Winterfel, the city of the endless winter in Games of Thrones, one of my favourite shows. And here in frigid Perth it seems more like Winterfel. This horrid freezing cold weather. July is normally our coldest month, but so far August has been colder, reaching only 13 degrees on Saturday and 14 degrees today.

These frigid conditions playing havoc with my health and my schedules, especially with my ruling planet Mercury currently in retrograde in my 6th House - Health. My schedules after work involves a 5km walk back home, which I try to take in all weather. Sometimes it would rain but usually not very much. But on Wednesday two weeks ago, just as soon as I knocked off from work and commenced my walk, down came the rains, and it poured down with rain for the whole hour of my walk. I was soaked to the skin. I normally do enjoy walking in the rain, I enjoy the feel of the rain on my skin. Problem was, it was also abnormally cold, and this would impact on my health.

The next day I woke up with a bad sinus infection, my first cold/flu-like symptom in several years. With my nose running like a tap this could not come at a worst time, with my weekend plans just two days hence - the Eclipse Activation event on Saturday night, the night of the Lunar Eclipse, followed by the Chakra Dance day session on Sunday, ironically to celebrate winter!!! This infection seriously threatens the viability of me being able to attend these events, when I had already booked and paid for them, with no refund policy. Also I was fearful that the infection could spread to my throat and down to my chest. I am very susceptible to chest infections. My regime of fresh garlic and fruit juice, which had served me well for the past several years, quite clearly failed me on this occasion.

OK I have powers, I should be able to deal with this. I have successfully self healed myself on several occasions, including a couple of days ago when I pulled  muscle in my leg during my walk reducing me to a limp, only for the injury to vanish by the next day!! But quite clearly this sinus infection had taken a hold on me.

So the next day off to the Chemist for some nasal spray. I don't like to use pharma products, preferring to just let the symptoms take its course, using only natural herbs. But on this occasion I was less than two days away from my Eclipse event, and already using all my powers to prevent this infection from spreading any further. Someone suggested I get some Vitamin C pills, which are very expensive hence I hadn't used them before, fruit juice seemed to do the job.... up until now. So I bought some nasal spray and a large bottle of Vitamin C pills which happened to be on special for half price - a fortunate turn in an otherwise potentially catastrophic episode.

The Vitamin C pills are good only as a preventative measure. Once the symptoms appears, it is a matter of letting them run their course. However to start taking those pills would be a lot better than not taking them.

By Friday night the symptoms grew worse though at least it hadn't spread any further than my nasals. However not very encouraging less than 24 hours from the Eclipse event.

However, as soon as I had gotten up on Saturday morning, as if by a miracle, the symptoms had so dramatically improved, my nose was all but totally cleared. I had not used the nasal spray at this time. This is a very good outcome!!! It meant I could attend those events without worrying about my nasals.

The Eclipse Activation event was awesome and potentially life changing. We went on a shamanic journey, where I met up with my Goddesses, who forbids me from sharing the details of the journey on social media. Usually I share about these journeys, but this time my Goddesses forbade me from sharing. I can only say that we had our karma cleared, meaning, I would no longer experience the karmic consequences from my past lifetimes as expressed in my chart - especially the Chiron Effect.

Then on Sunday the Chakra Dance day session, where once again I danced among the goddesses, well the goddesses in human form anyway. Me again being the only masculine soul at the session. The ladies, whom I call goddesses in human forms, are very nice to me, giving me warm tight hugs and one even give me a kiss..... sheeze I didn't know I still have it in me!! LOL!!

Now this past week..... back to work..... and those freezing cold nights. Last weekend I was busy at those events so I didn't get to write my blog. I was going to do it the following week, however, the weather has been so dreadfully cold that I just go into hibernation. My bed being my warmest spot. Heaters are ineffective, and too expensive, in such extreme cold. Back at work the warehouse is very cold with no heating, only my little heater in my office, which despite leaving it on all day, it is barely effective. At least at work the Department pays for the electricity. Back in my abode where I would have to pay for my own electricity, I don't bother with my little heater as it would be not very effective. So I just crawl into my bed, my body goes into hibernation mode, and I fall asleep. So it is literally coming home from work, having my dinner, then crawl into bed straight after dinner...... hence no blog writing nor anything else!!!!

This weekend was a lot more quiet with no events happening. Saturday however was our coldest day yet this winter. August is turning out to be colder than July. I hadn't been for a walk for the past three days due to the weather being too cold and wet, not wanting to risk occurrence of sinus infection or other cold/flu symptoms. But since the Sun came out on Saturday afternoon I decided to go for a walk despite the extreme cold. At least the Sun will make it a bit warmer. And for a while my walk went well, until a massive cloud came, and I was drenched again!!!!! Oh no!!!! I was worried I be in for another round of cold/flu symptoms. But most fortunately this did not occur this time around. I still remain free of such symptoms. Perhaps my Vitamin C pills are starting to work.

This Wednesday I am attending another event, the 8:8 Lion's Gate event, basically another meditation event with shamanic journey. The 8:8 refers to Wednesday being the 8th day of the 8th month, the number 8 being the number of Divinity or of the HD realms. The Lion refers to the Sun now being in Leo. This event dates back to the times of the ancient Egyptians over 5000 years ago. The whole series of events begins with the Sun conjunct with the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, happening during July which is summer in Egypt. Sirius is known as the Dog Star, being a part of the "Canis Major" constellation, "Canis" means "dog", hence we get the term "The Dog Days of Summer". It is usually the hottest time of the year in Egypt. This marks the Egyptian New Year, and is when the Nile begins to flood, starting the agricultural cycle in ancient Egypt. A few days later, Sirius becomes visible again as the Sun moves away from the star, and so we start seeing the star in the pre-dawn sky. This happens just before the Sun moves into Leo the Lion, the final event in these energetic period that heralds the start of the growing season, hence the food supplies for those ancient Egyptians. Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, was seen as the great provider for the Egyptians, indeed as a god who kept the Egyptians alive..... the star is really a 3-star system which the Egyptians knew about despite the fact that you need powerful telescopes to pick out the three stars. To the naked eye and smaller telescopes, we see only a single star. So three stars in one..... the origin of the Pagan trinity symbols, the Triple Goddess, and eventually to the Christian Trinity doctrine, three Gods being as one God.

Then next Saturday I will be at the 3rd Eclipse Activation event, to mark the Solar Eclipse happening on Saturday, the 3rd of this Eclipse trinity. Three weeks ago we had a Solar Eclipse, then last weekend a Lunar Eclipse, then next Saturday another Solar Eclipse. Normally the Eclipses comes in pairs, it is highly unusual for there to be a "trinity" of eclipses, hence the high significance of this event for us alternative spiritual types - we celebrate such events and tap into the energies of these events for our benefit.

Now to crawl into my warm bed as another freezing night descends on Winterfel aka Perth.......

As my very old age creeps up relentlessly on me.......

The Saturn Complex..... explained.

The Chiron Effect in Aries......

When your chart shows strong Saturn aspects.....

Me when trying to get some peace and quiet......

The Chiron Effect in my 2nd House...... my childhood poverty years.

My sentiments exactly !!!!!

Meanwhile when with a budget airline......

When visiting a store you normally don't visit......

Budget airlines.......

Meanwhile back at Perth Airport......

At a Perth medical centre......

When during the Chiron Saturn square the universe forces one to face up to reality......

Unfortunately very true !!!!!!!!!!!

Or when your favourite music from your teen years are now referred to as "the oldies"

Never fly with budget airlines !!!!!

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