Sunday 12 August 2018

Post Card From Winterfel

Post Card From Winterfel

OK.... maybe it's not quite THAT cold.... but the important thing is.... to me it FEELS that cold!!! Me who utterly despises winter. I am so bloody over it!!! I cannot take any more of these freezing conditions.. It's been colder in August than July, not a very good sign for September which suppose to be Spring but I fear it will still be more like winter. It was like this last year. Our winters are getting longer, and it is a most depressing thought. Winter is a totally horrid time of year, it is indeed a curse straight from Dante's 9th Level. If I ever lose my job for some reason I am packing up and moving to Queensland, anywhere but this frozen Antarctic hell hole!!!!

Despite the freezing cold, I did manage to venture out of my igloo a couple of times for a couple of events......

Last Wednesday, being the 8th day of the 8th month, August, was known as the 8:8 Lion's Gate. The concept of a Lion's Gate dates back to ancient Egyptian times with the famous Sphinx. This begins with the rise of Sirius in July which marks the flooding of the Nile, very beneficial for the agricultural cycle. Without the flooding of the Nile, there be no crops, so no food for the Egyptians. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and since Sirius is associated with the flooding of the Nile, the star was given the status of a deity, one who provides for the Egyptian food supplies. Sirius is visible as a single star but it really contains three stars. You need powerful telescopes to discern the three stars, yet the Egyptians who did not have telescopes knew about the three stars of Sirius. So we have a diety, God, visible as one yet there are three of them - hence the origin of the Pagan triple Goddesses, and the Christian Trinity doctrine. It turned out the Egyptians were visited by ET's from Sirius, the Cat People, who revealed details of the three stars. The domestic cat is a Siriun hybrid dating back to the times of the Siriuns, hence why Egyptians worshipped the cat. To kill a cat was punishable by death.

Back in July, we have the Sirius and Sun conjunction, which means Sirius was not visible due to being in the glare of the Sun. This marked the start of the Siriun cycle. A few days later, the Sun moves far enough from Sirius for the star to be visible just before dawn. This is the rising of Sirius, and happens near the time when the Nile is flooded, so the Egyptians believed the Sirius God brought the flooding of the Nile, so was honoured and celebrated. Soon after that the Sun enters the sign of Leo the Lion, so anciently this was the Lion's Gate. Nowadays with the advent of the Roman calendar, and August being the 8th month of the year, we more specifically celebrate the 8:8 Lion's Gate on the 8th day of August. 8 is the number of Divinity or the Higher Dimensions, hence the significance of the day.

Last Wednesday night, being August 8th, I braved the cold, venturing out of my igloo, and went to the Lion's Gate meditation event. When we are talking "meditation" with this particular group, we are talking visitations by ETs, shamanic journeys, and DNA Activations - referring to our lost strands of DNA, which scientists regards as "junk DNA" due to no apparent purpose of them, but it turns out it relates to our ET origins and just needs to be "activated" for us to connect to ETs and HD realms. It was a most profound experience.

Then I was back in hibernation until last night when I was at another meditation event, this time for the Solar Eclipse, the 3rd of the eclipse trinity, a highly unusual phenomenon. Eclipses usually happens in pairs, a Solar and Lunar eclipse happening two weeks apart. Solar Eclipses happens on New Moon with the Moon passing in front of the Sun. Lunar Eclipses happens on Full Moon, when the Moon passes into the Earth's shadow, giving the Moon its "blood red" appearance. This time however we experienced a trinity of Eclipses, firstly a Solar Eclipse last month, followed by a Lunar Eclipse two weeks later, about two weeks ago, then yesterday another Solar Eclipse. I was at the meditation event with ETs and shamanic journey for all three of the eclipses, the last of it last night, another most profound experience.

Now to go back into hibernation in my igloo for another month...... until September, and the Chakra Dance Spring day session...... whether the weather will match Spring expectations remains to be seen......


The truth......

When the Saturn influence in your chart really kicks in......

Virgo experiences......

A timely message with the Sun currently in Leo......

Meanwhile back in Perth.......

When Mother wouldn't leave any lights on for me.....

The Saturn Complex..... explained.

Preparing for introvert's nightmare.....

Being frustrated at the Saturn influence in one's chart......

When Saturn has a sense of humour......

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