Sunday 22 July 2018

The Three Weeks - Final Catastrophe Count

The Three Weeks is finally over!!! Sigh of relief.......

Number of catastrophes that happened during The Three Weeks?..... Just one!! That must be a record low count of catastrophes for any The Three Weeks period. The catastrophe in question being on the first day of The Three Weeks when I was overcharged by $40 at the grocery story, with my self sabotage tendency kicking in, destroying the docket before I had the chance to take it back to the store for the refund.

My car had been running perfectly for the past few weeks until last Thursday when I needed to run errands after work. My car started to play up, and so I thought, here we go with Tisha B'Av falling on the weekend, the day the two Temples were destroyed, this would be when my car will give up the ghost and I would begin life without a car. With the repair bill for the cracked heads being 10 times what the car is worth, it would be just a matter of time before the issue becomes unsustainable and I would be giving my car a send-off to the wreckers. I was convinced this would occur during Tisha B'Av weekend when the worst of the catastrophes often manifests.

Friday I take my car into work as a self nurturing gesture on this day of the Goddess. Friday is Goddess day, named after the Goddess Freya. For the first four days, unless I have errands to run, I take the train into work then do my 5 kms walk from work back to home each afternoon, then do my Saturn Complex exercises in my bid to lose weight. However Friday, Goddess Day, is my day off. I drive into work, and I give myself a break from the exercises. And on Friday the car behaved itself perfectly!!!!!

Saturday was Tisha B'Av day, so if there was going to be any catastrophes, Saturday would be the day it will happen. I did my afternoon walk as per my Saturday schedule. This involved driving my car to one of my walking spots then going for my walk. This time, my walk included a walk from the train station to the Chakra Dance venue, to check with my GPS the distance of this walk and how long it would take me to get to the Chakra Dance venue from the train station in case my car dies and I would need to catch the train. There are busses that goes that way but are less frequent on the weekend, in fact only just four bus services to the vicinity on Sundays. So it be either Uber or a walk to the venue from the train station. Well according to my GPS the distance is about 3.5 kms, and it took me just on 30 minutes to walk this distance. So now I know should this become necessary. I am booked for the Chakra Dance day session next Sunday. However it turned out my car continued to behave itself perfectly also on Saturday as I went to and from my walking trail.

Now Sunday - today - when the Jews defers the observance of Tisha B'Av to the day due to Saturday being the Sabbath, and the Jews traditionally does not observe such depressing days on the Sabbath. So the energies of Tisha B'Av would still be evident on Sunday. I had a number of errands to run this day, driving to the Post Office to retrieve my mail, going to get fuel for my car, and going to the shops. My car being made to work harder, more stop and starting, and etc. Once again my car continued to behave itself perfectly!!!!

So now The Three Weeks is over I still have my car.

However I am far from being out of the woods, with more intense planetary alignments ahead, in particular the Chiron Effect in my 2nd House, the Chiron Saturn square.

A list of intense planetary alignments for this week......

Tomorrow morning, Monday, the Sun moves into Leo, so we enter into the times of the Leo. Those with the Sun in Leo or have heavy Leo influences in their chart are usually proud and confident people, they turn self love into a fine art form, and are often very sure of themselves. They like to rule the roost and expect people to appreciate them, indeed are often offended if people does not appreciate them nor acknowledge their achievements. Leos are often high achievers and they love for people to know of their achievements. They thrive on fame and fortune. The dark side is they can be narcissist, indeed my relationship from Hell, the lady I was involved in prior to meeting my wife, was a Leo and a total narcissist. In contrast there are absolutely no Leo influence whatsoever in my chart, I have no planets nor aspects in Leo. This together with my four planets in Virgo conspires to form the self criticism or self hatred perfect storm. Virgos are their own worst critics to begin with but for many are often balanced with aspects in Leo. However I have no aspects in Leo, so my self hatred is particularly intense, I very rarely take selfies, I can count on one hand the number of photos of myself that I have on FaceBook and even those photos are set at a privacy level that only those on my FaceBook friends list can see them. I am hopeless at selling myself, and I do not like to draw attention to myself. I am not very good at taking compliments, indeed it often embarrasses me, I believe that I don't deserve them. I am a very self sacrificial creature, I like to do good for others but I shun any acknowledgement of them.

Then on Tuesday the Chiron Saturn square moves to one degree of exact. This will be as close to exact as it will be this year, and it will remain this way until well into August. The catastrophic year of 2017 was catastrophic because of there being three instances of the exact Chiron Saturn square. Chiron was in my 1st House, my Ascendant sign, so the catastrophes revolved around pain and heartache of myself, when I was rejected, hurt, or had my character called into question. Now Chiron is in my 2nd House. The last transit of Chiron in my 2nd House from 1968 to 1976 coincided with my poverty years. So now any catastrophes involving the Chiron Effect is more likely to revolve around money and possessions, hence my car. So far my car has escaped catastrophes, there had been no catastrophes involving my car during The Three Weeks. However the Chiron Saturn square poses a new threat, and will be most intense for a few weeks from this Tuesday, being at a single degree from exact.

Thursday is when Mercury turns retrograde. Me with a retrograding Mercury conjunct with my Sun in my chart, catastrophes often happens during Mercury's retrogrades. This time Mercury is in Leo, my 6th House, so the retrograde will be in Leo. My 6th House deals with health issues, hence my fitness regimes, my walks, and my efforts to lose weight. I did manage to lose weight last month, but I fear this month's weigh-in especially given that Mercury will be in retrograde during my next weigh-in. Issues regarding my exercise and walking regime may also crop up, as also my dietary regime.

Then this Saturday we have the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius and just inside my 11th House which is Cosmic Overview, Community and Friends, hence my involvement with the spiritual groups. Eclipses often brings up shadows and compels us to make changes. Exactly how this will play out remains to be seen. Lunar Eclipses occurs on Full Moon, therefore the Sun being in the opposite sign, in this instance, Leo, and just inside my 5th House. My 6th House begins at 5 degrees of Leo, and the Sun will be at 4 degrees of Leo during the eclipse, therefore still in my 5th House which is Self Love. So perhaps chaotic changes with my spiritual groups involving self love, or self nurturing. Perhaps being kinder to myself.

Now my plans for this week......... Tomorrow night, Monday, I will be dancing again. Our Chakra Dance group has been invited to a kind of reunion on Monday, an informal session which will involve about an hour of dancing. My experiences with this group has been so wonderful, being among all these goddesses, I definitely intend going back there tomorrow night.

Then on Saturday night is the 2nd of the Eclipses Activation ceremonies coinciding with the three eclipses. This Saturday will be the 2nd of the Eclipses. The 3rd Eclipse happens two weeks later.

Sunday is the day session, the Winter Workshop with the Chakra Dance group, so be quite a bit of dancing on Sunday.

So how this week will pan out? Time will tell...... at least the Maggies won!!!! And despite picking them and also the Bombers, the Chiron Effect is likely to manifest once again in my Football Tipping results!!!

The results of my "Saturn Complex" test during Mercury's retrograde in my 6th House...........

The Chiron Effect in 2nd House meets Throat Chakra activation !!!!

The truth explained.......
Egg choices these days..... choose carefully !!!!!!

Dealing with budget airlines......

The wonders of chocolates......

Meanwhile in Perth.......
During government cutbacks in the public sector.....
Very effective bait !!!!

When Virgos gets married......

More on life in Perth.......
More on the results of my "Saturn Complex" test during Mercury's retrograde in my 6th House.....

My "Saturn Complex" exercise regime.....

For me it be chocolate !!!!!!

A Virgo with no Leo aspects in his chart......

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