Sunday 19 August 2018

Beware! The Time Of The Virgo Is At Hand!!

Beware!! This week the Sun moves into Virgo. This momentous event takes place this Thursday. The time for Virgos to shine. Totally legendary for being so fussy and hard to please, our obsession for details and keeping to set routines, our insistence for being prepared for all possible scenarios and making contingency plans to deal with them, our obsession with being organised and arriving at events and appointments early without being too early, our self sacrifice and tendency to want to help people often at our own expense, being people pleasers. We shun conflicts where possible, even to the point of self sacrifice and taking the fall just to avoid arguing and standing up for our rights. We may love justice but we often willing to bear injustice on ourselves in order to avoid conflict. True enough we are judgemental creatures, being very analytical creatures and taking scientific approaches to issues, however, we are our own worst critics, we judge ourselves more harshly than we judge others. This often means our self esteem is through the floor, with any ideas of self love being total anathema to many Virgos, especially those of us with no aspects in Leo. We are the best financial managers, our budgeting skills second to none, seemingly able to create miracles almost out of nothing as we work to save literally every last penny that comes our way. We are fiercely independent creatures, often shunning any help offered to us, preferring to perform tasks on our own, for no one can match the extreme heights of perfection that a Virgo expects. We rarely ask for handouts but we do secretly appreciate it when on the rare occasion we do receive handouts. The saying, "Ask and you shall receive", was NOT invented by a Virgo, we utterly despise asking for any assistance, financial or otherwise. And of course what we are most famous for, our insistence of cleanliness. The saying, Cleanliness is next to Godliness, I am certain was invented by a Virgo. Our abodes and work spaces are often spotless, with every blemish mercilessly dealt with and removed, often categorising our belongings, keeping them neatly organised. Our obsession with analytics and the scientific approach often means we are utterly hopeless at relationships, being very hard to live with, even with other Virgos. Oh the perils of being married to a Virgo, a peril that many spend their lives to avoid at all costs. Indeed the four words that can ruin a date is "My Sun Sign Virgo".

Oh the foibles of Virgos are indeed many. We shun the spotlight, preferring to be working in the background with little or no recognition. Nevertheless, a part of us do relish the time each year, when on August 23 the Sun enters our sign, shining the light on us for those four weeks each year, until just after the Equinox in September. Though we often shun the public celebration of our Solar Return, when the Sun reaches the degree of Virgo where it was located when we came to this planet, we do enjoy in secret the recognition of such a day by those dearest to us. For me such a day was when the Sun reached 26 degrees of Virgo, the day prior to the Spring Equinox, the Pagan Ostara celebration, when coming in from 8D Taygeta over five decades ago, the cry I uttered when I came out of my Mother's womb would be interpreted as "What in Hell's name was I thinking when I volunteered for mission on planet Earth!!!!????"

Me with my birth chart showing four planets in Virgo, I am more typically Virgo than even other Virgos. Don't say I didn't warn ya !!!!!!

This past week has been relatively quiet with no events happening, coming out of the flurry events over the past few weeks. I relish such quiet times on my own, especially being an introverted little soul. I do enjoy my times with like minded spiritual souls, especially those as weird as I am at DNA Activation events where together we undertake shamanic journeys and meet up with our ET kins, and afterwards swapping stories of our encounters with ETs and other entities, and comparing our stellar origins, whether it be Sirius, or Arcturus, Vega, Lyra, Zeta Reticuli, Andromeda..... or Taygeta. However I do look forward to my down time and my times alone to recharge my introverted batteries prior to the next event. In this instance, it seems the next event, what I have booked for, is on Sunday September 9, the Chakra Dance Spring day session up in the hills, the venue yet to be revealed. That is about three weeks away.

Yesterday I did go up into the hills as part of my walking regime, visiting our seasonal water falls. August being the best time to see those water falls as the last of the winter rains falls. Those same falls becomes as dry as a bone once summer takes hold. And this past winter has been wetter than usual, therefore the water falls were expected to be more spectacular. And visiting two of them yesterday, I was not disappointed. Of course my visits to the water falls were more than just aesthetics. Water falls are very energetic, even seasonal falls, and I was there to track more of the "dragon lines" otherwise known as "serpent lines" or "leys", the energy lines that criss crosses over the surface of planet Earth and often in the vicinity of water falls. Working with these dragon lines is part of my calling for energy works on this planet.

Hovea Falls

The imaginatively named National Park Falls

When the establishment often dismisses UFO sightings as just weather balloons.....

Oh yes indeed.........

VERY intelligent life !!!!!!

The Saturn Complex comes back to haunt us......

Now that's my kind of Uber !!!! I wonder how much it cost to go back to Taygeta?

When the Chiron Effect in my 2nd House kicks in.......
A valid question? hehe....

The Virgo approach......

Proof of reincarnation? hehe.....

Endangered species....

Oh yes indeed.... hehe......


ETs and their support groups......

Trying to get on with life during challenging Chiron transits.

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