Sunday 1 July 2018

The Three Weeks - The Catastrophes Begins Already!!!!

Today.... Sunday..... Day 1 of "The Three Weeks", commemorating the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temples, when catastrophes befalls the Jews..... and those of us with past lifetime  as a Jewish priest..... this and together with the Chiron Effect in my 2nd House (Finances, Possessions), the Chiron Saturn square..... the catastrophes began early this day when I went to the markets. On paying for the items at the checkout, I thought the total was a wee bit high even for Perth. True enough Perth is one of the most expensive cities on the planet for groceries, and I did get a couple of extra items, but still thought the total was a wee bit high. After I gotten out of the markets, I checked my docket, and indeed I was overcharged due it seems to a computer error, and not just by a little bit. I was overcharged by $40 which pretty well wiped out the increase in my grocery budget as part of my savings plan. After spending all Sunday slaving away cooking my meals for my lunches and my meals, I decided to purchase only the fresh pre-made meals rather when make them and cook them myself. These being more expensive I needed to increase my grocery budget. This week was the first week of the budget increase. This overcharge incidence all but wiped out the budget increase, and I ended up being over budget for the rest of my grocery shopping expeditions. But of course being a meek mild Virgo I failed to stand up for myself, it seems too much trouble to go back into the store and create a scene making complaint about this overcharging. We Virgos are such virtuous creatures, we may complain about others and are very fussy creatures, but when it comes to standing up for ourselves, this is where we fall down, preferring to just take the shit and just move on in spite of sacrificial personal costs. There should be compensation for being a Virgo, we should get a special tax break, a Virgo tax offset. And so another day in the very difficult life of a Virgo......

Even my weekly cards draw reflects the catastrophic energies of the week. I just happen to draw the "Tower" card. Anyone who knows about Tarot cards will know that the "Tower" card is NOT the card that you want. It is the card of catastrophes, the card that foretells catastrophes, thus keeping with the theme of "The Three Weeks". Well at least it wasn't drawn upside down. Tarot cards that are drawn upside down foretells the dark side of whatever messages the card is telling us. For the Tower card, the fact that it wasn't upside down when I drew it means, although there will be catastrophes, there will be a silver lining, the chaos leading to new beginnings.

The draw from the Oracle deck, well that one is telling me to push ahead with my spiritual development, to continue attending spiritual events, my creative pursuits, and self nurturing. This is at odds with my tendency to avoid doing anything new during "The Three Weeks" and Chiron's hard aspects with the outer planets, especially Saturn, the square with Saturn. But my cards are always right...... and reflects the more favourable planetary alignments. The Uranus in my 3rd House (Communication, Mind) activating my Scorpio Mars in my chart, compelling me to take action for my spiritual development. Also, Chiron is activating my Libra Venus in my chart. When Chiron activates the outer planets it usually brings catastrophes, but when he activates Goddess Venus, she is like the Mother who soothes over the harsh energies of the male figure, in this  instance, the Wounded Healer. Goddess Venus brings nurturing love into the situation, and soothes over any catastrophes that may happen. Furthermore, Goddess Venus enters Virgo this month, thus she will bring me love this month, and activating my Virgo Uranus in my chart. All these alignments works to encourage me to continue with my creative/spiritual developments.

Last Monday was our final night at the Chakra Dance series, being a most enjoyable time for me. Being the only guy in the class may have had something to do with this. Me dancing among all these beautiful goddesses!!! Like a dream come true!! haha!! But seriously, this was perhaps my best experiences yet among a spiritual group, not only for the hugs I receive from these goddesses, even a kiss! *GRIN*. Sheeze I didn't know I still got it!!! hehe!!! I don't think they get many of the masculine creatures at these particular dance classes. This is the more gentle form of dancing, which also includes times of meditation, being in a sharing circle, and mandala drawing when we spend some time with paper and some pastel colours making a drawing, what we call "mandala drawing". These tends to be the domain of the feminine creatures, but it is something that I also enjoy. In contrast the more energetic form of ecstatic dancing as held by other groups, which is mostly just dancing till we drop, there tend to be a more 50/50 mix of males and females. I like both forms of dancing, but I DO actually prefer this gentler form such as the Chakra Dance..... and not only because they're usually turn out to be female only classes even though interested males - such as ME - are not excluded from attending!!!!

Being the last night of this 9-week class, there was the supper afterwards. Me being an introverted little creature I normally don't stay for any supper or other social get togethers. I normally just slip out or make excuses..... "Uhhh I need to get up early for work". And I wasn't planning on staying for this supper, indeed I had this excuse lined up...... but I found myself following one of the goddesses to the urn, using her charms..... uhhhh OK I suppose I am staying afterall..... and it turned out to be a wonderful time with me actually participating in the conversations, that is very unusual for such an introverted creature like me..... but I guess those goddesses worked their magic on me..... And when the time came for us to go on our ways..... oh all those hugs from all those goddesses..... mmmmmm..... very nice hehe..... one particular goddess, she held onto me after the initial hug, and she said to me..... "We must be kindred souls"!! This pretty well sums up the vibes of this group, we all seem to flow together so well, and despite being the only guy, I never once felt awkward nor out of place, I was just one of them..... though I think they liked the idea of me being the only guy!!

I do intend signing up for the next 9-week course that they are holding, this begins in October. Meanwhile they are holding a couple of day sessions, the first on July 29. At least one of the goddesses made it clear to me that she wants me to attend these next sessions as she is intending to attend as well. So yeah I may attend those as well, not totally made up my mind, but I think I will attend.

Meanwhile I received invites to a couple of other unrelated events. The first being the 7/7 Activation Ceremony this Friday night. "7/7" refers to the 7th day of the 7th month of the year, that is, July 7. This being this Saturday. They're holding the Activation Ceremony on the Friday night prior to the day. As mentioned previously, these Activation Ceremonies relates to the additional strands of DNA that we all have, which the scientists knows about but they don't know what their purpose are, so they are often referred to as "junk DNA". However as we all should know, there is no such creature as "junk" DNA, everything that we are created with are created for a purpose. Every part of us has specific purposes, none of it are "junk" nor "obsolete". These so-called "junk" DNA actually relates to our connection with ETs and the Higher Dimensions. But since we are 3D creatures, these extra DNA are "asleep" so they need to be activate. And these energetic gateways, such as "7/7" are when parts of these DNA are activated. So we connect with the ETs, including my kins from Taygeta, and well..... they activate parts of the DNA leading to our increased spiritual growth. So anyway, despite my reluctance to do anything new during "The Three Weeks" and Chiron Saturn squares, I felt compelled to sign up for the event, so I booked and paid for it. Now I am committed to attending.

Then I received an invite to another ecstatic dance session, the more energetic form of dancing with another group. Most interestingly, the dance will be preceded by the Cacao Ceremony. This involves the Cacao..... very addictive substance..... it is otherwise known as CHOCOLATE!!!!!! This goes back to the time of the Mayans, the inventors of this delightful substance, said to be the nectar of the gods. When I was in Mexico I went to a traditional Mayan chocolate "factory", the traditional way that they made chocolate. I watched them perform a ceremony that they do before making the chocolate, and then I got to taste their chocolate. The chocolates we have here have nothing on them!!!! Indeed I brought back some chocolate from the Mayans, all which has long since been eaten. So at this special ecstatic dance session, set for the following week, July 14, we will actually be participating in the sacred Cacao ceremony. This pure form of chocolate, as opposed to the commercially available chocolate that we normally get, is very energetic and said to purify and energise the soul, and during the ceremony we take it as a drink. So most likely I will be attending this session, though I haven't booked it yet, and its not just because of the chocolate!!!!! Me who doesn't do anything new during "The Three Weeks" and the Chiron Saturn square.

The football..... well the Maggies won and the Weevils lost, that is all that matters to me, so I'm happy!! hehe!! The Maggies in 2nd spot!!!! Sheeze!!!! Must be a parallel universe..... well as long as they're above the Weevils, that is all that matters to me......

So this week could be a mixed bag..... catastrophes and good things happening...... Either way, it is the first week of the mid-semester school break, so will be quiet at work, and I am taking two days off work on Thursday and Friday. This Friday is also the Siriun Gateway, when the star Sirius conjuncts with the Sun. This being a sacred time to the ancient Egyptians, this marked the start of the ancient Egyptian new year, the start of the agricultural cycle with the flooding of the Nile. Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, is sacred to the ancient Egyptians and other cultures. Sirius is actually a 3-star system although one can see only one star. You need very powerful telescopes and computer analysis to pick out the 2nd and 3rd star of the Siriun system. Yet the ancient Egyptians 5000 years ago knew about the three stars of Sirius, and they obviously didn't have telescopes nor computers. So how did they know? The Siriun ETs who came to visit Egypt back in ancient times. The Siriuns were regarded as gods by the Egyptians due to their superior technology and coming from the sky...... and to cut a long story short, the 3-star Sirius system is the basis of the Pagan trinity beliefs such as the Triple Goddess..... and the Christian Trinity doctrine - three Gods being one God, just as three stars of Sirius being one star to the naked eye. Anyway also on Friday I will be participating in a ceremony and shamanic journey to herald the Siriun Gateway, the Siriun new year.

My very hard walking, exercise and dietary regime is finally paying off..... this month's weigh-in, my "Saturn Complex" test because due to the Saturn influence in my chart, I always have to work very hard for my goals, it never comes easy for me.... well this time results!!! Finally!!!! My tummy shrunk by an inch, and I lost about 2 kgs. I bought myself a digital scale which gives more accurate readings than my old analogue scales. Sometimes it's difficult to tell how much weight I gained or lost on the old scale. The new scale gives more accurate readings in increments of 100 grams, that is, tenths of a kilogram. So even if I managed to lose only a little weight, it will easily show up.

Meanwhile...... more of my quirky sense of humour.........

The life of an introvert Virgo.......
When my doc said I needed to lose weight......
Life with my sister back in my childhood.......

The life of a Virgo.......

When invited to family and other social events......
Meanwhile back at work......
My exercise routines......

My dilemma......

My Saturn Complex test.... the monthly weigh-in.....

Chiron's last transit of my 2nd House back in 1968.....

During my energy crashes in winter......

When I decide to take up Yoga.....

During Chiron's transit of Aries......
Dealing with insurance in Australia......
Meanwhile during "The Three Weeks" and the Chiron Saturn square......

The Virgo life during Chiron's transit of Aries.....

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