Sunday 8 July 2018

The Three Weeks and The Chiron Effect

Heading into the "perfect storm" here. Now week one of The Three Weeks have just passed, and this cursed period of time coincides with the peak of the Chiron Saturn square with Chiron in my 2nd House, a catastrophic transit that previously coincided with the 8 years of childhood poverty. Last Sunday's catastrophic incidence of being overcharged at the grocery store by $40 due to a computer glitch marking the start of The Three Weeks serves as a symbolic start to the 8 years of poverty. With our very high taxes and the July bills all which has increased, this conspires to send my savings plan catastrophically into deficit, threatening the viability of my next trip. This really never happened before, but then we are talking about the perfect storm - The Chiron Effect, the Chiron Saturn square coinciding with The Three Weeks. This hadn't happened not even during the catastrophic year of 2017 when there were three exact Chiron Saturn squares. To make things worse I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, that means, I hate winter, I very often get depressed during winter, my suicidal attempts usually peaked during winter, and it was when I most self harmed myself. Winter is a horrid time of year, there is nothing good about winter, it is a cursed time of year. So between my Seasonal Affective Disorder, the curse of The Three Weeks, the curse of the Chiron Effect and the Chiron Saturn square, and the real possibility that I would not be going overseas afterall, this served as the perfect storm to totally and utterly shatter me with Category 6 hurricane force winds, finding myself in a very dark place........

Enter my cards..... each week on a Sunday I draw my cards for the week. So I drew my cards this morning, and it was the Ace of Pentacles. There are over 70 cards in a Tarot deck so the chance of drawing any one card is about 1 in 70. The Ace of Pentacles represents resources, and the message is I have enough resources to reach my goals. The last time I drew this card was at the end of the catastrophic year of 2017, when I was planning on my Mexico trip, and was waiting on the backpay of my wage rise and the December bonus payment. Those two manifested soon after I drew this card. This time I have been planning for my America trip but there are no financial windfall in the pipeline. My very scant tax refund check does not count as a windfall, it will do extremely little towards payments of my July expenses. We pay very high taxes in Australia and we have sweet fuck all to show for it. I know some European countries pay higher taxes but they have far better services and infrastructures. Australia however, being such a shit country it is, our taxation is more like that of the Roman Empire, that is, the taxes went to just line the pockets of the Emperor. It is basically the same in Australia, our taxes goes mostly to line the pockets of our politicians and all of their perks that us mere mortals can only dream about. So we work like slaves to pay our very high taxes and we have nothing to show for it, only a very scant refund check that barely covers a Burger Kings meal.

So the fact that I draw the Ace of Pentacles, telling me I do have the resources for my America trip and all will work out..... well there are no financial windfalls in my future, so I can only guess that somehow I will navigate my hurricane-force stormy waters and come out with enough funds for my America trip. We Virgos are very good at planning and extracting blood out of a stone. Therefore despite the overwhelming odds for catastrophes over these next few weeks, all should eventually work out. My cards has always been right. They have not let me down yet. So it is just something I will need to hold onto. I suppose just a matter of waiting to see how things will pan out.......

Despite the catastrophic effects of the Chiron Effect and the curse of The Three Weeks, I have been attending spiritual events. Last Friday I was at the 7/7 Activation ceremony for the following day being the 7th day of the 7th month, meaning, July 7. This involved a shamanic journey to our home planets, which of course for me included Taygeta, and then going back to the Source, basically pure light, which is where we all come from, we are all basically pure light right at the very beginning of our existence,  before we began all of our incarnation, before Taygeta, before any other forms of existence whatsoever.

Then next Saturday I am booked for the Cacao ceremony and ecstatic dance session. There is a solar eclipse event happening next Friday which I will probably also attend, haven't booked yet but likely to do so. Then the Chakra Dance day session on the 29th, which I am also likely to book for by next week.

What else is happening....... progress on my aquarium is on hold due to the Chiron Effect, and will remain on hold until the end of August. The Chiron Saturn square remains at its peak through July and August affecting my finances and budget, with further catastrophes a certainty.

And my car is still running....... there is two more weeks to go of The Three Weeks, and 8 more weeks of the peak of the Chiron Saturn square.

And the football..... well it looked like the Maggies had also drawn the Ace of Pentacles card after things were looking hopeless at 3rd quarter time. Meanwhile those bloody Weevils they messed up my tipping plans, we need to get those voodoo dolls re-tuned!!! It looks like I won't be getting the boobie prize, it seems I had gone up a couple of levels from the bottom!!

When I take up Yoga....... probably a good reason why I hadn't as yet !!!!!!

The Saturn Complex.... explained!!

The musings of an introvert......

Somehow this would not surprise me !!!!!

Back in the good ole days......
The perils of surfing the internet......

The power to raise people from the dead not always a good thing for the dead !!!!!!

For those familiar with the perils of travelling.....

During my teen years after Chiron entered my 3rd House.....

The perils of Chiron's transit of my 3rd House during my teen years.....

When trying to get a Virgo to change his routines......

Tips on interpreting horoscope readings when you have the Saturn Complex in your chart....

Me after my "Saturn Complex" test fail, the monthly weigh-in despite my hard work.....

Saturn lessons.......
The musings of a Virgo......

The story of my life.......

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